Junk (5e Fallout Supplement)

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Junk describes items that lack both the general use of equipment and the fixed conversion rate of currency. Its cost is typically low, but there are certain people willing to buy such items 2-10 times the price if they have a specific use for them.

Name Cost (Caps) Weight (lbs.) Description
160lb Dumbells 30 160 Weights previously used for training physically
80lb Barbell 15 80
80lb Curlbar 15 80
40lb Barbell 8 40
25lb Weight 4 25
20lb Dumbbell 4 20
10lb Dumbbell 2 10
Abraxo Cleaner 2 1 A box of name-brand laundry detergent.
Industrial Grade Abraxo Cleaner 15 1 A box of name-brand laundry detergent.
Acoustic Guitar 15 3 A wooden instrument.
Alarm Clock 10 1 For when you need to wake
Aluminum Can 1 0.1 Pick it up
Aluminum Canister 12 3 For storing any type of lquid
Aluminum Oil Canister 12 3 For storing Lubricants
Adjustable Wrench 1 1 for all situations
Ash Tray 1 1 A ceramic disk used for holding cigarette ashes.
Robot Circuit Board 100 1 A still functioning robot do-hicky
Automatic Surgery Unit 65 1 A box full of circuits with various saws and other medical supplies.
Bark Scorpion Poison Gland 12 1 The barb of a Bark scorpion.
Baby Bottle 1 0.5 A small bottle with residue of a long gone substance at the bottom
Baby Rattle 2 0.5 A noise maker which could be used to attract predators
Bag of Cement 15 8 A bag of old cement
Baseball Glove 2 1 A piece of wrapped leather.
Baseball 3 1 A fist-sized ball used in the most popular pre-War game ever.
Basketball 1 1 A large, inflatable ball.
Tin Can 0.5 1 A crafty wastelander’s best friend.
Big Spoon 0.25 1 It’s all in the name.
Bowling Ball 5 8 An old world ball made for an old world sport
Champion Bowling Ball 21 8 A fancy old world ball made for an old world sport
Biometric Scanner 30 1 A piece of machinery used for analyzing living creatures.
Bobby Pin 1 0 A hair accessory necessary to pick locks.
Bonesaw 5 3 A medical serrated blade.
Brahmin Skull 0.5 2 One of 2 skulls from a mutated cow.
BoS Holotag 2.5 0 The Brotherhood of Steel’s primary form of identification.
Camera 5 3 A pre-war device used to take pictures. It’s probably broken.
Caravan Deck 5 1 A complete deck of the wastelander’s favorite game.
Carton of Cigarettes 35 2 A box of preserved cigarettes.
Cazador Poison Gland 45 1 The poison glad of the wasteland’s deadliest creature.
Centaur Blood 11 0 The blood of an abominable mutated human.
Ceramic Dinner Plate 0.25 1 Are you really going to read this description?
Cherry Bomb 2 0 A miniature explosive once used in juvenile pranks.
Chessboard 5 1 The board of one of the least popular pre-War games ever.
Cigarette 3 0 A small, smokable bundle of heavily preserved “tobacco”.
Clipboard 0.25 1 A slab of wood with a small spring.
Coffee Cup 1 1 An easily breakable ceramic cup.
Coffee Pot 4 1 A heat-conducting pot used to boil water.
Conductor 15 5 A vital piece of electrical equipment.
Coyote Hide 4 0 The skin of a Coyote.
Crutch 3 2 A long piece of wood used to alleviate use of a leg.
Damaged Garden Gnome 1 4 The least important item in the wasteland.
Deathclaw Hand 75 1 The fabled claw of the wasteland’s scariest creature.
Dinky the T-Rex Souvenir 1.5 0.1 A small, green dinosaur model.
Disassembled Weapon Shipment 200 35 Bits and pieces of dozens of disassembled weapons.
Dog Bowl 0.5 1 A dog probably used this a few hundred years ago.
Dog Hide 1 0 The dried skin of a wild dog.
Doggie Treat 1.25 1 A brown, bone shaped treat for a dog.
Empty Bottle 2 1 A glass or plastic bottle manufactured before the war.
Empty Syringe/Inhaler 4 .005 An empty, and probably used, medical container.
Fission Battery 35 6 The wasteland’s most popular power source, still working after all these years.
Gecko Hide 7 1 The tough, leathery skin of a giant lizard.
Gecko Hide, Fire 9 1 The skin of a giant, fire breathing lizard.
Gecko Hide, Golden 11 1 The skin of a shiny, irradiated lizard.
Geiger Counter 50 1 A device capable of detecting harmful radiation. Tick-tick-tickitty means GET THE HELL OUT.
Harmonica 13 1 One of the sturdiest instruments to survive the bombs.
Hot Plate 20 2 A small heat source.
Holodisk 25 0.01 A compact magnetic tape. Audio can be directly recorded and played from it using the buttons on the body of the cartridge itself, but recordings using text or programming requires a terminal or Pip-Boy.
Leaf Blower 13 2 A reverse vacuum.
Lunchbox 3 1 A metal box that can hold small items.
Carapace Chunk 1.25 .1 The light, hard body of a bug.
Medical Brace 3.25 2 A medical device used to hold broken limbs in place.
Mutilated Body 0.25 2 A piece of something that was probably human.
NCR Dogtag 1.5 0 The New California Republic Army’s identification.
Nuka-cola Bottle 2 1
Optholmoscope 4 1 A device used to shine a small light for medical uses.
Pack of Cigarettes 20 .5 Less than a carton, more than a single.
Pencil 0.25 0 It’s a pencil.
Pilot Light 15 1 A small fire-starter, just add electricity.
Pip-Boy 300 1 A wrist-mounted computer equipped with its own fusion battery capable of over 120 years of continuous use. Contains a radio, journal, biometric scanner, vitals display, wireless terminal connector, wired Vault door connector, local map, and Geiger counter. Crafting requires 1 radio, 6 scrap electronics, 4 scrap metal, 1 biometric scanner, 1 Geiger counter, 1 specific Pip-Boy piece, and 90 hours of work.
Pool Ball 1 1 A small ceramic ball.
Pressure Cooker 15 5 An electrical device that cooks with pressure.
Pre-War Book 1 1 Probably holds some useful information, if you can read it.
Pre-War Money 5 0 Cash dollars. Probably only useful for making a mattress or fire.
Radio 150 2.5 A typical dial radio. Requires power. Crafting requires 3 scrap electronic, 1 scrap metal, 1 specific radio piece, and 15 hours of work.
Radscorpion Poison Gland 25 1 A giant gland from a radscorpion’s stinger.
Rocket Souvenir 1.25 0 A small toy of a red rocket. Surely there’s no innuendo here.
Scrap Electronics 3 1 Small lengths of wiring and other
Scrap Metal 2 1 Pieces of metal ranging from gears to clothes irons.
Sensor Module 35 2 The eyes and ears of a machine.
Sheet Music 17 1 Music is invaluable on the long treks across the wasteland.
Specific Piece 100 3 A piece of machinery that can only be found on a specific machine.
Terminal 350 5 A pre-war computer. Requires power to function. Crafting requires 5 scrap electronics, 4 scrap metals, 1 specific terminal piece, and 30 hours of work.
Canteen 1 0 A moderate container for liquids. Standard issue for Vaults.
Gold Bar 1,000 35 Even after the apocalypse, gold holds its value.

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