Equipment (5e Fallout Supplement)

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On Distribution[edit]

In the post-apocalypse, working equipment is few and far between. Any weapons should generally be found or sold at degraded quality at best, armor one piece at a time, medical supplies 3 at a time, and ammunition 10 at a time. Vendors should have limited supplies, and while prices are given, actual prices depend on how much currency and stock the vendor has at the time. In short, fixed prices are a big no-no.

Equipment Sub-Pages[edit]

Power Armor
Medical supplies
Weapon and Armor mods
Unique Equipment


Bottlecap Clean Water Brotherhood Script Denarius Aureus $5 NCR $20 NCR $100 NCR Gp (vanilla D&D)
Cap(s) 1 1/20 1/10 1/4 1/100 1/2 1/8 1/40 1
Clean Water 20 1 1/2 5 1/5 4 2.5 1/2 20
Brotherhood Script 10 2 1 2.5 1/10 5 1.25 1/4 10
Denarius 4 1/5 2.5 1 1/25 2 1/2 1/20 4
Aureus 100 5 10 25 1 50 12.5 2.5 100
5$ NCR 2 1/10 1/2 1/2 1/50 1 1/4 1/20 2
20$ NCR 8 2/5 4/5 100 2 4 1 1/5 8
100$ NCR 40 2 4 10 2/5 20 5 1 40
Gp (vanilla D&D) 1 1/20 1/10 1/4 1/100 1/2 1/8 1/40 1

If you are converting an item’s cost to one of these and it is a decimal, always round up.

Note: The clean water mentioned here is a single 10 oz can of water. If you do not drink three such cans in a day, you gain 1 level of dehydration, which is identical to 1 level of exhaustion, except a long rest can't remove it. 1 level of dehydration can be removed by drinking 6 cans in 1 day. Dehydration and regular exhaustion stack up on each other.

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