Infernal (Fire Force Supplement)

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Infernals, are those that are converted from humans into flames. Infernals spread chaos and flames in their wake causing them to be pursued by the fire soldiers of the fire force.

Physical Description[edit]

A bunch of Infernals together, [1]

Infernals are almost always the same size and shape of humans as they used to be humans now n=made of fire. Sometimes they will retain their sense of self if their will was strong before they became an infernal


Why spontaneous human combustion happens is unknown only that it has occurred since the Great Cataclysm 250 years ago. Their existence has poured fear into the hearts of every member of the Empire.

Attitudes and Beliefs[edit]

Infernals will usually act predictively as they all try to cause destruction and chaos remaining forever until they are put to rest.

Infernal Traits[edit]

Fire creatures formed from Adolla.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2 and your Constitution score increases by 2 as well.
Age. Since the day of your creation, you are suffering in endless burning till you are put to rest.
Alignment. Infernals rarely maintain any level of intelligence, but when they do their alignment turns towards being more Chaotic or Evil.
Size. Infernals are almost always medium sized as they spawn from humans rarely becoming one of large size but have been known to somehow occur.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 35 feet.
Burning soul. You don’t need to eat, drink, or breathe. You don’t need to sleep. Your creature type is undead, specifically Infernal.
Flame Production. By using 2 FC you can shoot a blast of fire in a 15ft cone making any creature in it make a dex save against your Flame DC making them take your martial die of damage on a fail and half upon a success
Charred Body. You gain a natural armour of 10 + con + proficiency bonus.
Languages. You can speak and understand common and can write it if you find the means to.

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