Incarnation of Angels (5e Utterance)

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Incarnation of Angels[edit]

Lexicon Evolving Mind 3
Speak Action
Range 60 feet
Duration Equal to your Charisma modifier in rounds

When Spoken Normally
Target becomes a celestial creature:
Smite Evil: Once per day after you make a normal melee attack, deal extra damage equal to your remaining HD against an evil foe.
Darkvision out to 60 feet.
1d4 Damage Reduction vs acid, cold, and electricity
Natural weapons are treated as magic weapons
Alignment is now Good

Your words reach the realms of heaven and imbue your target with some of their silver grace and golden might.

When Spoken In Reverse
Target becomes a fiendish creature:
Smite Good: Once per day after you make a normal melee attack, deal extra damage equal to your remaining HD against a good foe.
Darkvision out to 60 feet.
1d4 Damage Reduction vs cold and fire
Natural weapons are treated as magic weapons
Alignment is now Evil

Your utterance delves into the depths of hell to grant your target the cunning and strength of fiends.

Saving Throw

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