Illusion (The Elder Scrolls Supplement)
Illusion magic is the ability to influence the minds of others in various ways. It is very powerful in social situations, stealth missions as well as control the minds of enemies in battle. It is a passive skill.
Illusion spells utilize Charisma for their casting ability
When you reach certain thresholds in this Skill Tree you gain a passive related to the tree.
Level 25 Illusion: Illusion Spells get +1 added to their save DCs and Attack Rolls
Level 50 Illusion: Illusion Spells get +2 added to their save DCs and Attack Rolls
Level 75 Illusion: Illusion Spells get +3 added to their save DCs and Attack Rolls
Level 100 Illusion: Illusion Spells get +4 added to their save DCs and Attack Rolls
Central Branch[edit]
Novice Illusion[edit]
Prerequisites None: Novice-level Illusion spells cost half as much Magicka to cast.
Illusion Dual Casting[edit]
Prerequisites Illusion lv 20, Novice Illusion: Dual casting a non-Aoe Illusion spell (Spending 2x the Magicka) gives a bonus to the spell making it affect targets 1 CR higher and making it last for 2 more rounds beyond normal
Apprentice Illusion[edit]
Prerequisites Illusion lv 25, Novice Illusion: Apprentice-level Illusion spells cost half as much Magicka to cast.
Magical Retention[edit]
Prerequisites Illusion lv 40: If a creature passes a wis save from one of your spells, roll a d2. If you get a 2, you get half of the Magicka used to cast the spell back.
Forced Will[edit]
Prerequisites Illusion lv 45: When using a spell or ability that requires the target to make a wis saving throw, the target will have disadvantage if their wisdom score is lower than your intelligence score.
Adept Illusion[edit]
Prerequisites Illusion lv 50, Apprentice Illusion: Adept-level Illusion spells cost half as much Magicka to cast.
Expert Illusion[edit]
Prerequisites Illusion lv 75, Adept Illusion: Expert-level Illusion spells cost half as much Magicka to cast.
Master Illusion[edit]
Prerequisites Illusion lv 100, Expert Illusion: Master-level Illusion spells cost half as much Magicka to cast.
Mind Branch[edit]
Prerequisites Illusion lv 20, Novice Illusion: You get +1 to your spell attack or spell save when you target animals, beasts, or monstrosities with an Illusion Spell
Kindred Mage[edit]
Prerequisites Illusion lv 40, Animage: You get +1 to your spell attack or spell save when you target humanoids or giants with an Illusion Spell
Mind Warp[edit]
Rank 1) Prerequisites Illusion lv 65, Kindred Mage: If you are within 100 feet of two humanoids you have touched within the last hour, you can decrease their intelligence by 2 to increase your intelligence by 2. The effects last until one of the humanoids moves farther than 100 feet from you, you are incapacitated, or if an hour passes from the time the ability is used. You can only use this once every 2d6 hours.
Rank 2) Prerequisites Illusion lv 90, Mind Warp Rank 1: You can now choose 2 more humanoids that you have touched within the last hour to be affected by Mind Warp, decreasing their intelligence by 2 to increase your intelligence by another 2 points. You can now only use this every 3d6 hours.
Rank 3) Prerequisites Illusion lv 100, Mind Warp Rank 2: The amount of intelligence lost by humanoids is now only 1 point and you also gain advantage with intelligence saving throws while Mind Warp is active.
Aura of Charisma[edit]
Prerequisites Illusion lv 70, Mind Warp Rank 1: You can surround yourself with an illusion aura that makes you look more strong and trustworthy. While active, you gain proficiency in deception, persuasion, and intimidation If you were already proficient with one or more of the skills you will get double proficiency with it while the aura is active instead. The aura lasts 15 minutes and after you use the aura, you won't be able to use it again for 2d8 days.
Crowd Control[edit]
Prerequisites Illusion lv 75, Aura of Charisma: When casting an illusion spell that affects multiple targets, the spell's effects last 1 round longer for every creature successfully affected by the spell.
Master of the Mind[edit]
Prerequsites Illusion lv 90, Crowd Control: Illusion Spells work on Daedra, Undead and Constructs
Brain dead[edit]
Prerequisites Illusion lv 100, Mind Warp Rank 3: Touch a target. The target must make a wisdom save equal to your Illusion spell save dc. If it fails, its wisdom and intelligence scores will become 1 for 1d6 (rounds in combat or minutes outside of combat). This ability can only be used once every long rest.
Shadows & Dreams Branch[edit]
Dream Thief[edit]
Prerequisites Illusion lv 30, Novice Illusion: When you encounter a sleeping humanoid, you can choose to steal their dreams to boost your illusion skills. The humanoid rolls a wis save, if they fail for the next 1d4 hours your illusion spells cost 3 Magicka points less and have a +2 higher spell DC if the spell requires a saving throw. (Effects do not stack)
Shadowy Magic[edit]
Prerequisites Illusion lv 40, Novice Illusion: When you are affected by a beneficial shadow illusion spell, you get advantage with your stealth rolls.
Quiet Casting[edit]
Rank 1) Prerequisites Illusion lv 50, Shadowy Magic: All creatures of your choice within a 60-foot radius of you can not hear any verbal components you use while casting any type of spell. (You still need verbal components to cast, but people around you won't hear them).
Rank 2) Prerequisites Illusion lv 70, Quiet Casting Rank 1: The quiet casting ability will also affect the spell casting of a (int modifier) number of your allies within 60 feet of you.
Dream Manipulation[edit]
Prerequisites Illusion lv 70, Dream Thief: When you encounter a sleeping humanoid, you can choose to project yourself into their dreams, causing them to fear or like you more. The humanoid must roll a wis save, if they fail, you can choose to increase or decrease their disposition towards you.
Prerequisites Illusion lv 80, Shadowy Magic: When you are affected by a beneficial shadow illusion spell, you can instantly teleport to a target within line of sight as long as they are affected by one of your illusion spells however doing so cancels the Illusion spell's effects on both you and your target
Dream Killer[edit]
Prerequisites Illusion lv 90, Dream Manipulation: When projecting yourself into a sleeping target's dreams you can attempt to assault their mind dealing 1d8 psychic damage per round spent inside their mind however the target may make a wis save to expel you from their dreamscape each round you remain inside their mind, should they succeed you cannot enter their mind again for up to a week and they wake up instantly
Emotions Branch[edit]
Hypnotic Gaze[edit]
Prerequisites Illusion lv 30, Novice Illusion: You get +1 to your spell attack or spell save when you cast a Calming type Illusion Spell
Intense calm[edit]
Prerequisites Illusion lv 45, Hypnotic Gaze: When a creature is affected by a spell with the calming effect, their senses will begin to weaken, causing their wisdom score to be decreased by 4 while the spell is active.
Aspect of Terror[edit]
Prerequisites Illusion lv 50, Hypnotic Gaze: You get +1 to your spell attack or spell save when you cast a Fear type Illusion Spell
Prerequisites Illusion lv 50, Hypnotic Gaze: You get +1 to your spell attack or spell save when you cast a Rage type Illusion Spell
Greater Fear[edit]
Prerequisites Illusion lv 50, Aspect of terror: When a humanoid is affected by a spell with the fear effect, you can have them roll a wis save equal to half your spell save DC. If they fail, they will now also be rendered prone as they cower until the spell ends.
Blinding Rage[edit]
Prerequisites Illusion lv 50, Rage: When a creature is affected by a spell with the frenzy effect, their rage will cloud their thoughts, causing their intelligence and wisdom scores to decrease by 2, but increasing their strength score by 2 while the spell is active.
Mental Fortitude[edit]
Prerequisites Illusion lv 50, Hypnotic Gaze: Choose a spell type between calming, frenzy, and fear spells. You are now immune to those kinds of spells.
Master Calmer[edit]
Prerequisites Illusion lv 80, Intense Calm: Choose a type of creature. If you calm across a creature of that type that is immune to the charmed condition, your spells will bypass that immunity.
Universal fear[edit]
Prerequisites Illusion lv 80, Greater fear: Choose 3 types of creatures. If you cast an illusion spell with the fear effect on a creature of one of these types, that is immune to the frightened condition, they are affected by the frightened condition (However they get advantage on the saving throw against spells that inflict the frightened condition)
Once you have reached 100 Illusion you may choose to legendary the skill reducing it back to 20 and refunding all spent perk points (You cannot get new perk points for leveling up this tree again) doing this also unlocks one legendary perk [You can do this process more than once each time unlocking a new Legendary perk, however. Also, you must still meet all prerequisites for the legendary perk and spend a perk point to unlock it]
Prerequisites Illusion lv 100, , Legendary perk:
Prerequisites Illusion lv 100, , Legendary perk:
Prerequisites Illusion lv 100, Dream Killer, Legendary perk: When you step into someone's dream you can choose to move to an adjacent dream taking 1 minute and a DC 12 int save to do so, This can be done repeatedly and when you exit the dreams your physical body is teleported to the side of the person who's dream you just left (Allowing you to move through dreams to get places)
Prerequisites Illusion lv 100, , Legendary perk:
Prerequisites Illusion lv 100, , Legendary perk:
- "Illusion". Elder Scrolls Fandom.
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