HxH Supplement (5e Campaign Setting)

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Rating: Not-Rated / 5
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Hunter X Hunter is a world filled with adventure and terror in equal parts. Men and women alike traverse this world in search of that which fulfills them we call these people Hunters.

Campaign Setting Information[edit]

Players Guide

Character Creation
In the HxH world, hunters can be all types of people, from combatants to explorers. The possibilities are endless! They all hunt for what interests them!
There are many interesting and unique abilities Hunters can get to stand out from the rest.
Mounts and Animals
Vehicles and other modes of transportation you may end up using
Downtime Activities
Activities for players to do while not adventuring
(Your personalized ability activated through aura)
Basic Nen Rules
How nen functions and the basic uses for it

World of HxH

The World & Locales
(The variety of dangerous locales that make up this world)
non human threats you might have to face
Special individuals who practice the Hunter trade and other important individuals

Dungeon Master's Guide

Special items imbued with the creators nen
Variant Rules
Optional rules for DMs to implement while playing a campaign in HxH
Some easy pre made sessions for new dm’s

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