Huntress' Hide (5e Equipment)

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Armor (Hide), Rare (Requires Attunement)

The Huntress' Hide is a sacred artifact created by Druids and Rangers for their duties and daily lives. They are created from the pelts and hide of a willing animal companion to assist them. Though most are released to the afterlife when their creator passes away, some are willing to assist generations of heroes.

Magic Hide. While attuned to this armor, your AC is equal to 13 + your Wisdom or Dexterity modifier (Whichever's higher).
Hunter's Senses. While wearing this armor, you have advantage on Perception checks that rely on hearing and smell, as well as Investigation checks to track creatures.
Be My Eyes. While wearing this armor, you cannot be surprised. In addition, you can make a Perception check as a bonus action.
Sentience. Each Huntress' Hide is sentient, created from the hide of a willing animal. The armor's Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma scores are equal to 15 + the source animal's ability score modifiers. If the animal's ability score modifiers are negative, they are subtracted instead.
Personality. Each Huntress' Hide's personality is unique, and their stories are never the same. The armor remembers its time as an animal, and the time it spent with its creator. It is capable of communicating with those attuned to it, and it can speak and understand the same languages as its wearer. It also knows one language appropriate to its creation.

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