Horizon (5e Variant Rule)

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This is an in-progress DnD overhaul to fit the games Horizon: Zero Dawn, Horizon: Forbidden West, and Horizon fan content. Note: The creator of this page in no way claims to own any part of the Horizon franchise, simply to use its plot, setting, and aspects for this variant.

Character Creation[edit]




Ability Scores[edit]

Wis - Wisdom
Int - Intelligence
Dex - Dexterity
Cha - Charisma
Con - Constitution
Str - Strength
Har - Harvesting



Overriding - Override machines
Insight - Use insight
Medicine - Determine and heal injury
Perception - Perceive surroundings
Survival - Survive
Navigation - Navigate surroundings


Machinery - Memory of the functions and components of machines
History - Memory of the old and new worlds’ histories
Investigation - Investigate
Nature - Memory of animals, plants, and natural cycles
Religion - Knowledge of religion, especially Carja and Nora practices


Acrobatics - Perform acrobatics
Sleight of Hand - Dextrous hand movements
Stealth - Hide or move undetected
Technology - Metalwork, technology, and computation
Piloting - Machine riding


Deception - Deceive
Performance - Perform
Intimidation - Intimidate
Persuasion - Persuade


Resist - Resist effects


Athletics - Perform feats of strength and athletic actions


Scavenging - Find materials in dead animals or machines
Analysis - Harvest rare parts from machines, plants, or animals

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