Helldiver Weapons (5e Variant Rule)

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Expanded Weapon Actions[edit]

These extra options to use in tandem with the weapons presented


  • Light'em up: You can make an additional attack as a bonus action.
  • Overwatch: You can make an additional attack as a bonus action.
  • Quickload: You can make an additional attack as a bonus action.
  • Suppression: You can make an additional attack as a bonus action.

Penetration type[edit]

Additional Properties[edit]

  • Long Reload-: Reloading this weapon requires an action. If your weapon has the Heavy property, it requires an action and bonus action or reaction to reload.
  • Automatic: You can make an additional attack as a bonus action.
  • Scope: As a bonus action you can negate the disadvantage on all long-range attacks you make with this weapon this turn
  • Plasma: whenever a target takes damage from this weapon with this property
  • Freezing: whenever a target takes damage from this weapon with this property
  • Burning: whenever a target takes damage from this weapon with this property
  • Acid: whenever a target takes damage from this weapon with this property
  • Gas: this weapon leaves behind a cloud of noxious and acidic fumes
  • Blast (x): Every creature within the blast radius in X feet is affected by the attack roll.
  • Spray (x): this weapon fires a cone equal to 5 times (x) creatures caught in the cone must make a DC (
  • Silenced: Attacking with this ranged weapon does not reveal one’s position.
  • Burst (x): Each attack with this weapon uses x amount of ammunition.
  • Mine: Can be placed as an action. If a creature comes within 5 feet of it after 6 seconds (the creature who placed it’s next turn) everyone in the blast radius must make a DC 20 Dex save, and the mine is destroyed.
  • Bolt: After attacking, you must manually re-cock the weapon’s bolt as an action or bonus action to use it again.
  • Battery: after a turn of not being fired the weapon
  • Round Reload: this weapon only loads one piece of ammo per use of the reload action.
  • Holdout: Weapons with the holdout property have advantage on checks to conceal them.
  • Weapons with the Heavy property use Strength instead of Dexterity and halve the user’s movement speed while in use.
  • Shotguns add their proficiency bonus to damage rolls instead of attack rolls.
  • Attacks made against creatures unaware of the attacker deal twice as much damage.
  • Thrown and Melee Weapons can use Strength or Dexterity for attack rolls, but you cannot add any modifiers to thrown damage rolls.
  • If an Explosive weapon does not hit, it still deals half damage.

Side Arms[edit]


  • Note: All pistols have the Light property.
Name Damage Type Damage Range Weight Armor Pen Mag Properties Pen Type
Ballistic Pistols
.22 Pistol (Silenced) 25 1d6 40/80 3 lb. .22 Caliber 16 Silenced, Holdout
.32 Revolver 30 1d8 30/120 1.5 lb. .32 Magnum 5 Holdout
.357 Revolver 40 1d10 50/150 2.5 lb. .357 Magnum 6 p
.44 Revolver 65 2d6 60/120 3 lb. .44 Magnum 6 p
Single Action Revolver 70 2d10 80/120 3 lb. .45 6 Long reload
.50 Revolver 150 6d6 80/140 6 lb. .50 MG 6 P
.44 Pistol (Desert Eagle) 60 2d8 30/120 4 lb. .44 Magnum 8 p
.45 Auto Pistol (Colt) 70 2d6 90/180 2.5 lb. .45 7 p
9mm Pistol 40 1d6 50/100 2 lb. 9mm 13 p
9mm Mauser (Chinese Pistol) 25 1d6 30/160 2 lb. 9mm 9 p
10mm Pistol 50 2d4 50/150 3 lb. 10mm 12 p
5.56mm Pistol (.223 Pistol) 60 2d6 50/200 5 lb. 5.56mm 5 p
12.7mm Pistol (12mm Pistol) 90 2d8 90/120 3.5 lb. 12.7mm 6 p
Black Powder Pistol 110 2d12 90/120 3 lb. .50 Ball 1 Long Reload
Gauss Pistol 100 3d6 90/180 5 lb. 2mm EC 12 p
Hunting Revolver 80 2d10 50/200 4 lb. .45-70 Gov't 5 Scope
Pipe .38 Pistol 20 1d4 20/80 2.5 lb. .38 Caliber 13 p
Pipe .45 Revolver 30 1d6 30/90 4 lb. .45 6 p
Pipe .308 Bolt-Action Pistol 30 1d8 40/120 3.5 lb. .308 Caliber 6 p
Police Pistol 75 1d12 90/120 3 lb. .357 Magnum 6 Holdout
Ranger Sequoia 90 3d10 50/200 4 lb. .45-70 Gov't 5 p
Zip Gun 45 1d6 60/120 1 lb. 10mm 1 Holdout
Needler Pistol 60 3d6 50/150 4 lb. Hypo Cartridge 10 p
Energy Pistols
Laser Pistol 65 2d4 100/150 3 lb. Small Energy Cell 30 p
Microwave Emitter 85 2d12 50/80 8 lb. MicroFusion Cell 5 Poison
Plasma Defender 50 2d6 30/180 2 lb. Small Energy Cell 16 p
Plasma Pistol 45 1d12 30/180 3 lb. Plasma Cartridge 16 p
Recharger Pistol 70 2d4 100/150 7 lb. MicroFusion Breeder 20 p
Stun Gun 15 1d4 20/40 1.5 lb. Small Energy Cell 5 On a hit, target is grappled until the end of your next turn. Holdout
Gamma Gun 60 3d8 30/120 3 lb. Small Energy Cell 8 Deals rads instead of damage
Acid Soaker 85 3d4 10/40 3.5 lb Acid Canister 15
Explosive Pistols
Grenade Pistol 45 2d6 20/60 3 lb. 40mm Grenade 1 Blast (5)
Flamer Pistol 35 1d12 10/20 8 lb. Fuel Canister 3 Burning
Flare Gun 20 1d4 30/240 2 lb. 26.5mm Flare 1 Burning
Melee Pistol
Dart Gun 40 1d6 30/60 2 lb. Darts 1 Long reload, Poison (w/ poison darts), Silenced, Holdout


  • Unless stated otherwise, all rifles are 2-handed.
Name Damage Type Damage Range Weight Ammo Mag Properties Appearances
Ballistic Rifles
7.62mm Rifle (FN FAL) 83 4d4 65/700 9 lb. 7.62mm 20 p Tactics
Assault Carbine 45 1d12 30/300 10 lb. 5mm 24 Burst (4), Automatic NV
Assault Rifle (R91) 65 2d6 60/300 7.5 lb. 5.56mm 30 Burst (3), Automatic 3
Battle Rifle (M1 Garand) 85 3d4 90/360 9.5 lb. .308 Caliber 8 p NV
BB Gun 30 1 50/200 2 lb. BB 100 p 1, 2, Tactics, 3, NV
Black Powder Rifle 105 5d6 30/120 6 lb. .50 Ball 1 p 76
Brush Gun 125 6d4 100/300 7 lb. .45-70 Gov’t 6 Bolt NV
Caseless Assault Rifle (H&K G11) 100 3d8 60/180 8.5 lb. 4.7mm 50 Automatic 2
Chinese Assault Rifle (Type 93) 75 2d8 60/300 8 lb. 5.56mm or 7.62mm 24 Automatic, Burst (3) 3
Combat Rifle 80 2d8 100/200 9 lb. .45 20 p 4, 76
Cowboy Repeater 78 3d4 75/150 5.5 lb. .357 Magnum 7 p NV
Gauss Rifle (Charge Variant) 220 8d8 100/600 15 lb. 2mm EC 7 Scope, Bolt 3, NV, 4, 76
Gauss Rifle (Automatic Variant) 205 6d6 100/600 15 lb. 2mm EC 7 Scope, Automatic 3, NV, 4, 76
Hunting Rifle 85 4d6 30/700 7.5 lb. .308 Caliber 5 Bolt 3, 4, 76
Lever-Action Rifle 85 3d4 90/600 7 lb. .45-70 Gov't 5 p 3, 4, 76
Marksman Carbine 33 2d4 15/200 8 lb. 5.56mm 20 Burst (5), Automatic, Scope NV
Pipe 10mm Rifle 10 1d4 20/60 4 lb. 10mm 1 Bolt 2
Pipe .38 Rifle 25 1d4 30/200 4 lb. .38 Caliber 20 p 4, 76
Pipe .45 Revolver Rifle 35 1d6 40/300 6.5 lb. .45 6 p 4, 76
Pipe .308 Bolt-Action Rifle 45 1d8 50/400 6 lb. .308 Caliber 6 p 4, 76
Radium Rifle 73 2d6 75/140 11 lb. .45 20 Burst (3), Deals 1d4 rads as well as damage 4, 76
Service Rifle 85 2d6 100/300 8.5 lb. 5.56mm 20 p NV
Sniper Rifle 170 4d6 15/800 12.5 lb. .308 Caliber 5 Scope 1, 2, Tactics, 3, NV, 4, 76
Trail Carbine 103 3d8 75/750 7.5 lb. .44 Magnum 8 Bolt NV
Varmint Rifle 55 2d4 60/180 5 lb. 5.56mm 5 p NV
XL70E3 75 2d8 60/240 10 lb. 5mm 20 Burst (2), Scope 2
Energy Rifles
LAER 145 2d8 200/250 4.5 lb. MicroFusion Cell 20 p NV
Laser Musket 125 3d12 150/200 12 lb. MicroFusion Cell 5 Burst (5) 4, 76
Laser Rifle 120 2d8 150/200 7.5 lb. MicroFusion Cell 24 p 1, 2, Tactics, 3, NV, 4, 76
Plasma Rifle 78 3d6 45/200 8 lb. Plasma Cartridge 12 p 1, 2, Tactics, 3, NV, 4, 76
Pulse Rifle 145 1d12 30/300 9 lb. MicroFusion Cell 1 Pulse 2, Tactics, NV
Recharger Rifle 113 3d4 150/200 14 lb. MicroFusion Breeder 7 p NV
Tesla Rifle 108 3d12 15/60 10 lb. MicroFusion Cell 15 Pulse 4, 76
Holorifle 180 3d6 50/150 8 lb. MicroFusion Cell 4 Blast (10), long reload, targets take 5 damage on their turn for 3 rounds NV
Explosive Rifles
Grenade Rifle (M79) 78 3d6 45/135 8 lb. 40mm Grenade 1 Blast (10) Tactics, NV, 76
Grenade Launcher 80 3d6 50/150 8 lb. 40mm Grenade 4 Blast (10), long reload NV
Melee Rifles
Bow 35 1d10 20/60 5 lb. Arrow 1 Silenced, Bolt 76
Compound Bow 55 2d8 20/60 5 lb. Arrow 1 Silenced, Bolt 76
Crossbow 60 2d6 30/90 8 lb. Arrow 1 Silenced, Bolt 76
Net Gun 30 0 20/60 10 lb. Net 1 On a hit, restrains target. Must succeed DC 15 Strength save as an action to escape. N/A
Railway Rifle 60 2d8 30/120 14 lb. Railway Spikes 10 p 3, 4, 76
Syringer 65 0 100/200 7 lb. Syringe 1 Scope, Poison 4, 76
Tranquilizer Rifle 75 0 100/200 4 lb. Tranquilizer Dart 1 Scope, Poison N/A


  • Unless otherwise stated, all shotguns have the 2-handed property.
Name Damage Type Damage Range Weight Ammo Mag Properties Appearances
Ballistic Shotguns
Automatic Shotgun (H&W CAWS) 83 3d6 15/30 9 lb. 12-Gauge 10 Automatic 2, Tactics
Gauss Shotgun 320 8d6 40/80 20 lb. 2mm EC 8 P 76
Black Powder Blunderbuss 90 2d12 10/20 5 lb. .50 Ball 1 p 76
Bullpup Automatic Shotgun (Pancor Jackhammer) 73 2d8 15/60 14 lb. 12-Gauge 10 p 2, Tactics
Combat Shotgun 60 2d10 10/30 8 lb. 12-Gauge 8 p 1, 2, 3, 4, 76
Double-Barrel (SxS) Shotgun 98 3d8 15/30 6.5 lb. 12-Gauge 2 Burst (2) 1, 2, Tactics, 3, NV, 4, 76
Double-Barrel (O/U) Shotgun (Caravan Shotgun) 65 4d4 10/40 6.5 lb. 20-Gauge 2 p NV
Hunting Shotgun (Pump-Action) 80 2d8 30/40 7 lb. 12-Gauge 5 Bolt NV, 76
Lever-Action Shotgun 93 5d4 15/30 8 lb. 20-Gauge 5 Light NV
Pipe Shotgun 55 1d12 10/20 5 lb. 12-Gauge 1 p 4(Mod)
Pump-Action Combat Shotgun (NeoStead 2000) 65 2d6 20/40 8.5 lb. 12-Gauge 10 Bolt Tactics
Riot Shotgun 80 2d12 10/30 9.5 lb. 12-Gauge 12 p NV
Single Shotgun 60 1d12 20/40 6 lb. 20-Gauge 1 p NV
Energy Shotguns
Laser Scattergun 85 3d6 20/40 8 lb. MicroFusion Cell 20 p 4, 76
Plasma Scattergun 93 2d12 15/45 8.5 lb. MicroFusion Cell 10 p 4, 76

Submachine Guns[edit]

  • All submachine guns have the automatic property.
Name Damage Type Damage Range Weight Ammo Mag Properties Appearances
Ballistic SMGs
.22 SMG (Silenced) 40 3d4 30/180 8 lb. .22 Caliber 180 Silenced, Burst (18), 2-handed NV
9mm Helix SMG (Calico Liberty) 40 1d10 40/120 6.5 lb. 9mm 50 2-handed, Burst (10) Tactics
9mm Machine Pistol (Scorpio) 25 1d8 20/80 3.5 lb. 9mm 32 Light, Burst (6) Tactics
9mm SMG (MP5, M3 Grease Gun) 50 3d4 50/150 6 lb. 9mm 30 2-handed, Burst (5) Tactics, NV
10mm SMG 40 2d6 30/120 6.5 lb. 10mm 30 2-handed, Burst (3) 1, 2, Tactics, 3, NV, 76
12.7mm SMG 55 2d8 40/160 7 lb. 12.7mm 21 2-handed, Burst (3) NV
Chinese 9mm SMG (MP38) 50 1d12 40/120 9 lb. 9mm 30 2-handed, Burst (6), Silenced Tactics
Grease Gun (M3A1) 25 1d8 20/140 7 lb. .45 30 Versatile (2d6), Burst (5) 2
Police SMG (P90) 50 3d4 20/120 6.5 lb. 9mm 40 Burst (5), 2-handed Tactics
Sten Gun 65 2d6 60/100 7 lb. 9mm 50 Burst (3), 2-handed Tactics
Tommy Gun 65 3d6 40/160 11 lb. .45 30 Burst (5), 2-handed 1, 2, Tactics, 3, NV, 4, 76
Uzi 50 3d4 20/80 7.5 lb. 9mm 25 Light, Burst (5) Tactics
Energy SMGs
Laser RCW 85 2d8 80/120 10 lb. Electron Charge Pack 60 Burst (3), 2-handed NV

Big Guns[edit]

  • Unless otherwise stated, all heavy weapons have the Heavy and 2-Handed properties.
Name Damage Type Damage Range Weight Ammo Mag Properties Appearances
Ballistic Heavy Weapons
50 Cal Machine Gun (M2) 115 3d12 30/120 45 lb. .50 MG 250 Burst (10), Automatic Tactics, 76
Anti-Material Rifle 515 8d6 15/1,500 25 lb. .50 MG 8 Scope, Bolt NV
Bozar 340 5d6 30/1,000 15 lb. 5.56mm 30 Automatic, Scope, Burst (5) 2, NV
Gatling Gun (Civil War) 70 3d6 30/120 55 lb. 5mm 250 Burst (10), Automatic 76
Gauss Minigun 135 6d6 60/270 45 lb. 2mm EC 80 Burst (4), Automatic, Long Reload Tactics, 76
Light Machine Gun (M60/SAW/MG 42) 130 3d12 60/180 23 lb. 5.56mm 90 Burst (5), Automatic 2, Tactics, 76
Light Support Weapon (L86A1) 85 2d8 80/240 14.5 lb. 5.56mm 30 Burst (5), Automatic, Not Heavy 2
Browning Auto Rifle (BAR) 98 2d12 75/255 16 lb. 7.62mm 20 Burst (5), Automatic, Not Heavy Tactics, NV
Minigun 60 2d8 30/300 50 lb. 5mm 500 Burst (20), Automatic, Long Reload 1, 2, Tactics, 3, NV, 4, 76
Shoulder-Mounted Machine Gun 110 3d8 80/480 30 lb. 10mm 120 Burst (10), Automatic NV
Rail Cannon 565 6d12 100/220 45 lb. 15mm EC 10 Burst (2) Van Buren
K9000 100 2d10 80/480 27 lb. .357 magnum rounds 50 Burst (5), Automatic, Scope NV
Energy Heavy Weapons
Arc Welder 98 4d8 15/30 19 lb. Electron Charge Pack 30 Burst (3), Automatic NV
Cryolator 158 4d4 15/60 18 lb. Cryo Cell 25 DC 15 Constitution saving throw on hit or petrified for 1 minute, target may retry at the end of each turn 3(Cut), 4, 76
Drone Cannon 20,000 5d8 80/600 20 lb. Alien Power Module 1 Blast (10) 3
Gatling Laser 195 3d8 250/350 40 lb. Fusion Core 50 Long Reload 1, 2, 3, NV, 4, 76
Gatling Plasma 125 3d10 80/240 40 lb. Fusion Core 50 Long Reload 76
Plasma Caster 150 3d12 100/300 22 lb. Fusion Core 10 Long Reload 1, 2, Tactics, NV
Tesla Cannon 280 4d12 300/350 15 lb. Electron Charge Pack 4 p 3, NV
Explosive Heavy Weapons
Auto Grenade Launcher 120 5d6 30/80 50 lb. 40mm Grenade 18 Burst (3), Blast (20), Automatic 76
Fat Man 490 12d10 15/400 31 lb. Mini-Nuke 1 Blast (80), Long Reload 3, NV, 4, 76
Grenade Machine Gun 100 4d6 60/100 47 lb. 25mm Grenade 30 Burst (3), Blast (15), Automatic NV
Prototype Rocket Launcher 140 4d8 100/350 25 lb. Rocket 13 Blast (10), Automatic, Long Reload NV
Missile Launcher 185 6d8 100/600 21 lb. Missile 1 Blast (20) 3, NV, 4, 76
Flamer 73 3d8 10/20 40 lb. Flamer Fuel 50 Burst (5), Blast (5), Automatic, Burning 1, 2, Tactics, 3, NV, 4, 76
Heavy Incinerator 100 3d8 60/120 38 lb. Flamer Fuel 25 Burst (5), Blast (10), Burning 3, NV
Incinerator 85 3d6 60/120 32 lb. Flamer Fuel 25 Burst (5), Blast (10), Burning 3, NV
Melee Heavy Weapons
Broadsider 110 4d8 80/240 42 lb. Cannonball 1 Long Reload 4, 76
Harpoon Gun 140 2d12 120/150 37 lb. Harpoon 1 Bolt, Long Reload 4, 76
Junk Jet 70 2d10 30/120 48 lb. Anything 3 Long Reload 3, 4, 76
Air Cannon 85 0 15/30 15 lb. Electron Charge Pack 5 Knocks target prone and moves 15 ft. away from user on hit N/A


Name Damage Type Damage Range Weight Properties Appearances
Ballistic Thrown
Bottlecap Mine 69 6d8 5/15 0.5 lb. Mine, Blast (5) 3, NV, 4, 76
Energy Thrown
Cryo Grenade 38 3d6 30/60 0.5 lb. DC 15 Constitution saving throw on hit or petrified for 1 minute, target may retry at the end of each turn Blast (5) 3, 4, 76
Cryo Mine 45 5d6 5/15 0.5 lb. DC 15 Constitution saving throw on hit or petrified for 1 minute, target may retry at the end of each turn Mine, Blast (15) 3, 4, 76
Plasma Grenade 65 5d8 30/60 0.5 lb. Blast (5) 3, NV, 4, 76
Plasma Mine 78 7d8 5/15 0.5 lb. Mine, Blast (15) 3, NV, 4, 76
Pulse Grenade 45 1d12 30/60 0.5 lb. Blast (5), Pulse 3, NV, 4, 76
Pulse Mine 30 1d12 5/15 0.5 lb. Mine, Blast (15), Pulse 3, NV, 4, 76
Microfusion Grenade 20 1d10 30/60 0.5 lb. Blast (5) NV
Microfusion Cluster 78 5d10 5/15 0.5 lb. Mine, Blast (30) NV
Explosive Thrown
Dynamite 30 2d6 30/60 0.5 lb. Blast (5) NV, 76
Pipe Bomb 15 1d6 15/30 0.5 lb. Blast (5) Van Buren
Flash Bang 15 0 30/60 0.5 lb. Light, DC 15 Constitution saving throw on hit or stunned until end of your next turn, Blast (5) NV
Fragmentation Grenade 53 5d6 30/60 0.5 lb. Blast (5) 1, 2, 3, NV, 4, 76
Boombug 20 2d6 15/40 0.5 lb. Blast (5) Tactics
Fragmentation Mine 70 7d8 5/15 0.5 lb. Mine, Blast (15) 3, NV, 4, 76
Molotov Cocktail 20 2d4 30/60 0.5 lb. Blast (5), Burning NV, 4, 76
Fat Mine 165 12d10 5/15 0.5 lb. Mine, Blast (80) NV
Incendiary Grenade 28 3d4 30/60 0.5 lb. Blast (5), Burning NV
Melee Thrown
Net 10 0 15/30 0.5 lb. On a hit, restrains target. Must succeed DC 15 Strength save as an action to escape. N/A
Throwing Knife 20 2d4 30/60 0.5 lb. Holdout NV, 76
Throwing Spear 25 2d6 30/60 0.5 lb. p NV
Throwing Darts 10 1d4 20/40 0.25 lb. Holdout Tactics
Tomahawk 20 1d10 30/60 0.5 lb. p NV, 76


Name Damage Type Damage Range Weight Properties Appearance
Melee Melee
Rock 1 2 1 lb. Light, holdout 1, 2, Tactics
Gold Nugget 5 5 2 lb. Light, holdout 2
Assaultron Blade 70 2d6 4 lb. Light 4, 76
Crowbar 20 1d6 4 lb. Light, +2 bonus to Strength checks where the crowbar's leverage can be applied 1, 2, Tactics
Shovel 40 1d8 4 lb. 2-handed, +2 bonus to Strength checks where the shovel's leverage can be applied NV, 76
Auto Axe 50 2d6 8 lb. 2-handed, Automatic, Heavy 3, 76
Baseball Bat 40 2d4 3 lb. Versatile (2d6) 3, NV, 4, 76
Brass Knuckles 20 1d4 1 lb. Light, Holdout 1, 2, Tactics, 3, NV, 4, 76
Bumper Sword 90 2d8 10 feet 8 lb. 2-handed, Heavy NV
Road Sign Sword 60 2d6 10 feet 6 lb. 2-handed, Heavy N/A
Switch Blade 15 1d4 0.5 lb. Light, Holdout 2, Tactics, 3, NV, 4, 76
Pool Cue 30 1d6 3 lb. 2-handed 3, NV, 4, 76
Chinese Officer Sword 70 2d6 3 lb. Light 3, NV, 4, 76
Cleaver 60 1d6 2 lb. Light 3, NV, 76
Club 80 1d6 2 lb. Light 1, 2
Rolling Pin 25 1d4 1 lb. Light 3, NV, 4, 76
Combat Knife 40 1d8 1 lb. Light 1, 2, Tactics, 3, NV, 4, 76
Chainsaw 90 2d8 8 lb. 2-handed, Automatic, Heavy NV, 76
Deathclaw Gauntlet 50 1d10 4 lb. Light 3, NV, 4, 76
Dog Tag Fist 20 1d4 1 lb. Light, Holdout NV
Fire Axe 90 2d8 10 feet 5 lb. 2-handed NV, 76
Industrial Hand 60 1d12 4 lb. Automatic NV
Katana 60 1d8 3 lb. Versatile (1d12,10ft) 3, NV
Knife 20 1d4 1 lb. Light 1, 2, Tactics, 3, NV, 4, 76
Toy Knife 5 1d4-2 1 lb. Light, Holdout 3
Nail Board 30 1d6 1 lb. 3, NV
Machete 40 1d8 3 lb. Light Tactics, NV, 4, 76
Mantis Gauntlet 50 1d10 2 lb. Light NV
Mr. Handy Buzz Blade 50 1d10 10 feet 8 lb. 2-handed, Automatic, Heavy 76
Pipe 40 1d4 2 lb. Versatile (1d8) 3, NV, 4, 76
Police Baton 50 2d4 1 lb. Light, Holdout 3, NV, 4, 76
Power Fist 110 2d10 5 lb. 1, 2, Tactics, 3, NV, 4, 76
Rebar Club 40 1d10 10 feet 10 lb. 2-handed, Heavy NV
Ripper 50 1d12 1 lb. Light, Automatic 1, 2, Tactics, 3, NV, 4, 76
Sledge Hammer 40 1d8 10 feet 10 lb. 2-handed, Heavy 1, 2, Tactics, 3, NV, 4, 76
Spear 40 1d8 10 feet 3 lb. 2-handed 1, 2, Tactics, 76
Diamond Spear 100 2d8 10 feet 3 lb. 2-handed Tactics
Barbed Spear 60 1d6 10 feet 3 lb. 2-handed, When you hit an opponent, they must make a 12 DC strength save or be grappled Tactics
Festering Spear 100 1d8 10 feet 3 lb. 2-handed, Poison Tactics
Super Sledge 110 2d10 10 feet 10 lb. 2-handed, Heavy 1, 2, Tactics, 3, NV, 4, 76
Tire Iron 50 2d4 1 lb. Light 3, NV, 4, 76
War Glaive 110 2d10 10 feet 6 lb. 2-handed 76
Yao Guai Gauntlet 40 1d8 3 lb. Light NV
Axe 60 1d10+1 10 feet 6 lb. 2-handed, Heavy 3, NV, 4, 76
Energy Melee
Proton Axe 90 2d8 10 feet 6 lb. 2-handed NV
Cattle Prod 20 1d4 1 lb. Light 1, 2, Tactics, NV, 76
Displacer Glove 90 2d8 5 lb. Light NV
Shock Baton 40 1d8 1 lb. Light, Holdout 3, 4, 76
Stun Baton 50 1d6 1 lb. Light, On hit target’s movement speed is halved for 1 minute, Holdout 4, 76
Thermic Lance 130 2d12 10 feet 8 lb. 2-handed, Heavy NV
Plasma Cutter 110 2d10 6 lb. Versatile (2d12) 76
Zap Glove 50 1d10 5 lb. Pulse, Light NV
Saturnite Fist 150 2d10 5 lb. Light NV
Super Heated Saturnite Fist 250 3d10 5 lb. Light, Burning NV
Cosmic Knife 50 2d4 1 lb. Light, Holdout NV
Cosmic Knife Heated 100 3d4 1 lb. Light, Burning, Holdout NV
Ballistic Melee
Ballistic Fist 90 2d8 3 lb. Light NV
Punch Gun 50 2d4 2 lb. Light Tactics
Piston Spear 150 2d12 8 lb. 2-handed, Heavy, Automatic Tactics
Explosive Melee
Mini-Nuke 250 12d10 0.5 lb. Blast (80) 3, NV, 4, 76
Dynamite Spear 125 2d10 10 feet 4 lb. Blast (5) Tactics
Missile/Rocket 15/25 5d8 0.5 lb. Blast (15) 1, 2, Tactics, 3, NV, 4, 76
Shishkebab 110 2d10 8 lb. Burning, Light 3, NV, 4, 76

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