Heavenly Pillar (5e Feat)

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Heavenly Pillar

Prerequisites: Strength 20 or higher. Con 15 or higher.
Once per long rest as a bonus action or reaction using this ability allows one to "bear the weight of the Heavens." Player must make a strength save dc 20. On a successful save player's strength doubles including modifier and hold an immense amount of weight for starting at 1 min. After 1 min the player can choice to move or stay. If the player moves make a dex save dc and damage will be up to the DM. On a successful save take half damage. If the player chooses to stay make dc 15 con save to endure the weight. On successful save time will extend till the end of their next turn (1 round). Each round dc increases by 5. On a failed save player is crushed under the weight taking amount of damage to be determined by DM and is knocked prone. If the object is not a door or creature the player is considered restrained and buried. If player is of a biological they will begin to suffocate.

Specification- Cannot be used to grapple or restain. Can ONLY be used to hold up heavy objects or hole closed doors. Can be used against creatures only if they are 2 sizes larger than player and only against a stomping attack. While in use player cannot make any attack or cast any constraintion spells. Player speed is 0. After using this ability player takes 1 level of exhaustion.

(3 votes)

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