Haunting Revelry (5e Feat)

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Haunting Revelry

Prerequisites: Inflicted with madness

Your character has learned to express what the madness within them has become. You character may choose to use any audible way of passing along these thoughts and emotions, from screams, whispers, instruments, as long as an audible noise is being made, your revelry can begin.

As an action, you may start a revelry, during which any creatures within 10 feet of you must make a DC (8 + Prof. Mod + Spell Mod) Wisdom Saving Throw or be inflicted with Madness, you may choose to either share the specific madness you are inflicted with for 1 minute or, instead, a random Short-term madness effect lasting 30 seconds at most. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency mod rounded down, charges recharge on a long rest. Recharge 4.

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