Halo Reach: Armor

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Halo : Reach Armor[edit]

Different types of armor, upgrades and load-outs.

Human Armors[edit]

AC - Traditional Armor Bonus

Max Dex - Traditional Max Dex, In Cases as the Mk.II and up the is no Max dex due to the ideology behind these armors, Due to the fact that the armor is moved not through physical determination, but through mental commands.

Check penalty - Traditional Check Penalties, Same as above.

Spell Failure - Traditional Spell Failures, Same as Max Dex.

Type - All Spartan Armors are powered and require Armor Proficiency (Powered).

Shielding - Energy Shielding Applies to forms of energy. Noted as Total Amount of Shielding/Points Recharged per round no damage taken.
Grenadier - Basic Shielding Applies to all forms of energy. I.E. Fire, Energy Weapons, Lightning.
Mjolnir - Advanced Shielding Applies to all forms of damage excluding Crushing.

Special - Most power armors have special benefit, Some granting higher strength, you must have proficiency to gain these effect.

Weight - Traditional Weight.

Table: Spartan Armor
Armor AC Max Dex Check Penalty Spell Failure Type Shielding Special Weight
All Spartan Armors are considered Power Armor and Require the Appropriate Feats.
Spartan Battle Armor Mk.I +4 +4 -5 25% Power 0 None 40 lb.
Spartan Battle Armor Mk.II +8 0 0% Power 2/.5 +2 Str +2 Dex 400 lb.
Spartan Battle Armor Mk.III +10 0 0% Power 11/3 +4 Str +4 Dex 1100 lb.
Spartan Battle Armor Mk.III (MJOLNIR) A.K.A.
Spartan Battle Armor Mk.IV +10 0 0% Power 22/11* +4 Str +4 Dex 1200 lb.
Spartan Battle Armor Mk.IV (MJOLNIR) A.K.A.
Spartan Battle Armor Mk.V +12 0 0% Power 28/20* +6 Str +6 Dex 1500 lb.


Duration - A Load-out can be used for any number of rounds up to the max, Defined by A A/B B applies to how many rounds of non use the loadout must undergo before it recharges, upon which is fully recharged. Also the term R=Rounds M=Minutes H=Hours D=Days.
Activation - The type of action it take to use a load-out. F-Free, P-Partial, M-Movement, Fu-Full.

Table: Load-outs
Load-out Effect Duration Activation
Spartan Armors can hold as many loadouts as their Mk.#-2 I.E Mk.III means 1 Slot.
Active Camo Once activated the user gains a +10 on hide checks and the hide in plain sight ability, If moving less than 5 feet per round the user gains the effect of Invisibility of a 10th lvl caster. 10/30R M
Active Camo V.2 Once activated the user gains Full Invisibility, If moving less than 5ft. per round the user gains the effects of Greater Invisibility cast as if a 20th lvl caster. 10/30M M
Armor Lock Once Activated the User is Unable to move, and is treated as if in Total Defense, While in this state the User becomes Immune to all forms of Damage, All damage lingering once deactivated is not Void. 5/10R Fu
Armor Lock V.2 Once Activated the User is Unable to move, and is treated as if in Total Defense, While in this state the User becomes Immune to all forms of Damage, All damage lingering once deactivated is not Void. 2/3M Fu
Armor Lock V.3 Once Activated the User is Unable to move, and is treated as if in Total Defense, While in this state the User becomes Immune to all forms of Damage, All damage lingering once deactivated is not Void. 4/5H Fu
Drop Shield Once activates the user Sprouts a Circular Force Field, This force field uses the user as its original radius, Meaning that where ever it was activated it stays, the shield has a 30Ft. radius and 25 health, beings are free to pass through it, though all attacks made against someone in it are absorbed unless the shield breaks, even if the attack breaks the shield it does not carry over. only 1 shield can be active at a time. 1/10R P
Evade Once activated the user can make a 15Ft. Move action as a free action, this movement does not provoke attacks pof opportunity unless the character has special attributes that say otherwise. 2/6R F
Hologram Once activated the user casts a perfect copy of their selves, this copy moves 50Ft in one direction and has 25% of the users health. It lasts for a number of rounds = to the users dex modifier. Only one hologram can be active at a time. This copy does not require attention and does not effect any part of your turn after activation. The copy cannot attack only move. M
Hologram V.2 Once activated the user casts a perfect copy of their selves, this copy moves any distance however the user chooses, Again it has 25% of the users health and lasts for a number of rounds = to the users dex mod. Only one hologram can be active at a time. The copy does not require any action to control and acts as if it were a player character. The copy cannot attack only move. M
Jetpack User has the ability to fly (Clumsy) 5/6R M
Jetpack V.2 User has the ability to fly (Clumsy) 10/9M M
Jetpack V.3 User has the ability to fly (Clumsy) M
Sprint User can move at 10X their base movement. This can be used as a Full Round Move, which still counts as 1 Round. 2/8R M


Table: Helmets
Helmet AC Special
Only one Helmet can be worn at a time.
Mark V
Mk.V +0 None
-Mk.V UA +1 U/A.
-Mk.V UA/HUL +1 U/A, HUL.
CQC (Close Quarters Combat)
CQC +0 None.
ODST (Orbital Drop Shock Troopers)
ODST +1 None.
HAZOP (Hazardous Operations)
EOD (Explosive Ordinance Disposal)
EOD +0 Medium Fortification.
-EOD CNM +0 Medium Fortification, CNM.
-EOD UA/HUL +1 Medium Fortification, U/A, HUL.
Operator +0 None.
-Operator UA/HUL +1 U/A, HUL.
-Operator CNM +0 CNM.
Grenadier +1 DR 5/Explosives
-Grenadier UA +2 U/A.
-Grenadier UA/FC +2 U/A, FC.
Air Assault
Air Assault +0 +2 Spot and Search, UHUD.
-Air Assault UA/CNM +1 U/A, CNM.
-Air Assault UFC +0 UFC.
Scout +0 +2 Hide, HUD.
-Scout HUL/RS +0 HUL, RS.
EVA (Extra Vehicular Activity)
EVA +0 +4 Search and Spot, XHUD, URS.
JFO (Joint Fires Observer)
JFO +1 U/A, HUL.
-JFO UA +2 U/A.
Commando +1 U/A, CNM, FC.
-Commando CBRN/UCNM +1 CBRN, UCNM.
-Commando UA/UFC +2 U/A, UFC.
Mark V (MJOLNIR) {Can only be worn with MJOLNIR armor}
Mk.V (M) +1 Increased Mjolnir Shielding (2/1)
-Mk.V (M) CNM +1 CNM.
-Mk.V (M) UA +2 U/A.
Gungnir (Heavy Tactical Assault)
Gungnir +2 U/A - II, CNM, FC, RS, CBRN, HUL.
-Gungnir UHUL/URS +2 UHUL, URS.
-Gungnir UCBRN +2 UCBRN.
Pilot -1 +6 Spot & Search.
Recon +0 +4 Hide, URS.
-Recon HUL +0 HUL.
Mk.VI (M) +1 Upgraded Mjolnir Shielding (4/3)
-Mk.VI (M) UA/UHUL +2 U/A, UHUL.
Security +0 Shielding Upgrade (1/0)
-Security UA/HUL +1 U/A, HUL.
-Security CBRN/CNM +0 CBRN, CNM.
Military police
Military Police +0 None.
-Military Police CBRN/HUL/RS +0 CBRN, HUL, RS.
-Military Police HUL/RS/CNM +0 HUL, RS, CNM.
CQB (Close Quarters Battle)
CQB +1 None.
Table: Chest
Chest AC Special
Only one Chest can be worn at a time.
Base Chest Upgrades.
HP/Halo +1 None.
HP/Parafoil +0 Base Plate for the G-25 PAS Airfoil Carapace.
Armored Chest Upgrades.
UA/Counter Assault +1 U/A, Storage Capacity.
UA/ODST +1 U/A, DR 5/Force.
UA/Base Security +1 U/A, DR 3/-.
Tactical Chest Upgrades.
Tactical/LRP +0 Upgraded Storage Capacity - V.
Tactical/Recon +0 +1 Hide, Upgraded Storage Capacity.
Tactical/Patrol +1 +2 Hide, Move Silently.
Collared Chest Upgrades
Collar/Grenadier +0 Improved [G] Shielding (2/0).
Collar/Breacher +4 U/A - II, -10 Movement Speed.
Collar/Grenadier UA +1 Improved [G] Shielding (3/1).
Assault Chest Upgrades.
Assault/Sapper +2 DR 10/Explosives, Upgraded Storage Capacity.
Assault/Commando +1 U/A, Upgraded Storage Capacity.
Table: Shoulders
Shoulders AC Special Joint Abilities
Two Shoulders can be worn at a time. Wearing the Same Shoulders Grants Double AC Bonus and Joint Abilities If Noted.
FJ/Parafoil +0 None. Shoulder Locks for the G-25 PAS Airfoil Carapace.
HAZOP +0 None. DR 1/-.
JFO +.5 Undermount for Extra Shoulder. Cannot Stack JFO Shoulders.
Recon +0 +.5 hide +1 Hide.
UA/Multi-Threat +1 -5 Movement Speed.
Jump Jet +0 None. Increase Jetpack Maneuverability to (Poor).
EVA +.5 None. DR 5/Non-Lethal.
Gungnir + .5 Mjolnir Shielding (1/0 Mjolnir Shielding (0/1)
ODST +1 None. None.
UA/Base Security +0 None. +5 Movement Speed.
CQC +1 None. None.
Operator +0 None. None.
Commando +.5 None. +1 AC while being Flanked, Mjolnir Shielding (1/0).
Grenadier +0 None. DR 1/Explosives & DR 1/Slashing.
Sniper +0 +5 Ammo Storage. Recoil Mount - Reduce Multiple Attack Penalty by 1.
Mjolnir +0 Mjolnir Shielding (1/0). Mjolnir Shielding (2/1).
Security-II +.5 Mjolnir Shielding (1/0) +1 AC while being Flanked.
Table: Wrist
Wrist AC Special
Two Wrist Upgrades can be worn at a time.
UA/Buckler +.5 None.
UA/Bracer +.5 Keeps AC while attacking.
Tactical/Tac-Pad +0 DSM.
Tactical/UTSM +0 TCM.
Assault/Breacher +0 Upgraded Ammo Capacity.
Table: Knees
Knees AC Special
Two Knee Upgrades can be worn at a time.
FJ/Parafoil +.5 Knee Locks for the G-25 PAS Airfoil Carapace.
Gungnir +.5 None.
Grenadier +.5 Mjolnir Shielding (1/0).
Table: Accessories
Accessory AC Special
Two Accessories can be worn at a time.
UA/Chobham +1 None.
Tactical/Hard Case +0 Extra Small Weapons Slot.
UA/NXRA +1 None.
Tactical/Trauma Kit +0 RIK.
Tactical/Soft Case +0 Increased Storage Capacity.

Elite Armor[edit]

Table: Elite Armor
Armor AC Max Dex Check Penalty Spell Failure Type Shielding Special Weight Modules
All Elite Armors are considered Power Armor and Require the Appropriate Feats.
Sangheili Minor Battle Harness +6 +4 -4 25% Power 11/2 None. 75 Lbs. 1
Sangheili Major Battle Harness +8 +4 -4 25% Power 22/6 None. 125 Lbs. 1
Sangheili Ultra Carapace +10 +6 -4 25% Power 22/8 None. 125 Lbs. 2
Sangheili Stealth Assault Harness +8 +6 -4 25% Power 22/6 +5 Hide & Move Silently. 90 Lbs. 2
Sangheili Ranger Battle Harness +10 +4 -4 20% Power 18/11 +5 Survival. 125 lbs. 2
Sangheili Spec Ops Carapace +12 +6 -2 20% Power 22/12 None. 175 Lbs. 3
Sangheili Honor Guard Vestiment +14 +6 -4 25% Power 35/14 +2 Str & Dex 325 Lbs. 3
Sangheili Generals Harness +16 +8 -6 25% Power 40/15 +4 Str & Dex 400 Lbs. 3
Sangheili Field Marshalls Vestiment +16 +8 -6 25% Power 50/25 +6 Str & Dex 625 Lbs. 3
Sangheili Supreme Commanders Vestiment +18 +10 -8 35% Power 60/25 +6 Str & Dex 750 Lbs. 4
Sangheili Imperial Admirals Vestiment +20 +10 -8 35% Power 60/30 +8 Str & Dex 1250 Lbs. 4

Brute Armor[edit]

Table: Brute Armor
Armor AC Max Dex Check Penalty Spell Failure Type Shielding Special Weight Modules
All Brute Armors are considered Power Armor and Require the Appropriate Feats.
Jiralhanae Minor Battle Harness +6 +2 -6 25% Power None. None. 175 Lbs. 1
Jiralhanae Major Battle Harness +8 +2 -6 25% Power None. None. 200 Lbs. 2
Jiralhanae Ultra Carapace +8 +4 -8 25% Power None. None. 225 Lbs. 2
Jiralhanae Jump Pack Harness +8 +6 -4 25% Power None. Jetpack V.2 190 Lbs. 3
Jiralhanae Stalkers Carapace +10 +4 -8 20% Power 12/4 +5 Survival, Hide, & Move Silently. 225 lbs. 3
Jiralhanae Bodyguards Harness +10 +4 -6 20% Power 16/4 None. 275 Lbs. 3
Jiralhanae Captain Majors Vestiment +14 +4 -10 25% Power 15/5 +2 Str & Dex 400 Lbs. 4
Jiralhanae Honor Guard Vestiment +14 +6 -10 25% Power 25/5 +4 Str & Dex 425 Lbs. 4
Jiralhanae Chieftain Vestiment +16 +6 -12 25% Power 21/7 +4 Str & Dex 675 Lbs. 4
Jiralhanae War Chieftain Vestiment +18 +6 -10 35% Power 30/6 +6 Str & Dex 850 Lbs. 4
Chieftain of the Jiralhanae Battle Plate +20 +10 -8 35% Power 60/30 +10 Str & Dex 1150 Lbs. 5

Jackal Armor[edit]

Table: Jackal Armor
Armor AC Max Dex Check Penalty Spell Failure Type Shielding Special Weight Modules
Kig-Yar Minor Harness +4 +5 -4 15% Medium None. +2 Move Silently & Jump. 35 Lbs. 1
Kig-Yar Major Harness +6 +3 -5 20% Medium None. +4 Jump & Tumble. 55 Lbs. 1
Kig-Yar Captains Harness +8 +1 -7 25% Heavy 11/2 +6 Move Silently & Jump. 75 Lbs. 2

Grunt Armor[edit]

Table: Grunt Armor
Armor AC Max Dex Check Penalty Spell Failure Type Shielding Special Weight Modules
Unggoy Combat Harness +2 +7 -2 5% Light None. +2 Move Silently & Jump. 15 Lbs. 0
Unggoy Battle Harness +4 +5 -4 20% Light None. +4 Move Silently & Jump. 25 Lbs. 1
Unggoy Assault Vestiment +6 +3 -5 25% Medium 6/1 +6 Move Silently & Jump. 45 Lbs. 2



Table: Visor Color


Table: Visor Types
Visor Special
Only one can be worn at a time.
Base Visors.
Assault Visors.
C-1 CSS, E/A.
C-1A CSS, E/A, AC.
CV-9X CSS, All Modules.
Recon Visors.
R.V2.2 RSS, I/VL, A/LS, CMS, LMS, A/E, O.A.V.W.L, RDB.
Medic Visors.


Table: Lenses
Lense Special
Nightvision 120ft. Darkvision.
Infared +5 Spot checks against warm blooded creatures.
X-Ray See through 10 hardness or less.
Lifevision +10 Spot Checks against sentient lifeforms.
Negative +2 Spot checks.
Telescoping See x5 and x10 your range of vision.


Armor Modules[edit]

(U/A) Upgraded Armor - +1 AC (Already Included in AC).
-(U/A-II) Upgraded Armor - II - +2 AC (Already Included in AC).
(HUL) Hardened Uplink - Increase Range of Transmission by 50%.
-(UHUL) Upgraded Hardened Uplink - Increase range of transmission by 75%.
-(UHUL-II) Upgraded Hardened Uplink - II - Increase range of Transmission by 100%.
-(UHUL-III) Upgraded Hardened Uplink - III - Increase range of Transmission by 125%.
(CBRN) Re-breather & Air Filtration - Resist all DC 15 or lower fort checks against airborn pathogens.
-(UCBRN) Upgraded Re-breather & Air Filtration - Resist all DC 20 or lower fort checks against airborn pathogens.
(CNM) Command Network Module - +4 Leadership Checks.
-(UCNM) Upgraded Command Network Module - +6 Leadership Checks.
(FC) Field Command Module - +4 Jump, Climb, and Tumble Checks.
-(UFC) Upgraded Field Command Module - +6 Jump, Climb, and Tumble Checks.
-(UFC-II) Upgraded Field Command Module - II - +8 Jump, Climb, and Tumble Checks.
(RS) Remote Sensors - +5 Spot Check.
-(URS) Upgraded Remote Sensors - +7 Spot Checks.
(DSM) Digital Signalling Module - +5 Knowledge (Geography) checks, Take 10 on Knowledge (Geography) checks.
(TCM) Tactical Command Module - Make Knowledge (Tactics) Checks, for every 5 points past 10, give all your party a +1 Attack and Damage.
(RIK) Rechargeable Injection Kit - Refillable single Injection Trauma Kit, Injects filled Substance as a Free Action.

Visor Modules[edit]

(HUD) Heads Up Display - +2 Attack Rolls, Search, & Spot Checks, 2 Module Slots.
(UHUD) Upgraded Heads Up Display - +4 Attack Rolls, Search, & Spot Checks, 3 Module Slots.
(XHUD) Programmable Heads Up Display - +6 Attack Rolls, Search, & Spot Checks, ∞ Module Slots.
(NSS) Non-combat Support System - .
(CSS) Combat Support System - +1 Attack Rolls.
(RSS) Reconnaissance Support System - +2 Search, Spot, & Listen Checks.
(MSS) Medical Support System - +2 Heal Checks, Take 10's on Heal Checks on minor issues.
(E/A) Enemy/Ally Recognition - No Chance of Hitting Ally when shooting into Melee.
(AC) Ammo Counter - Reduce Reload Time by one step.
(A/SIL) Armor/Shield Integrity Log - +2 AC while fighting Defensivly.
(WIL) Weapon Integrity Log - +1 Weapon Hardness for purposes of Sundering.
(CMS) Close Range Motion Sensors - 0-30 ft. Range. DC 25 to Beat.
(LMS) Long Range Motion Sensors - 30ft-300ft Range. DC 20 to Beat.
(LIS) Lifeform Integrity Sensors - +2 Heal Checks, Take 10's if rushed.
(I/VL) Information/Voice Log - +2 Intel Checks to Remember Info.
(A/LS) Area/Landscape Scanner - No Penalty for moving through rough Terrain.
(LFI) Life Form Identifier - +5 Knowledge(Xenology).
(LFM) Life Form Monitor - Heal checks made to stabalize dont incur damage if failed by less than 5.
(MDB) Medical Database - +5 Heal Checks.
(RDB) Refference Database - +5 Knowledge Checks.
(O.A.V.W.L.) - +10 Search Checks made to Identify anything in the Surroundings. (Not usedf to search specifics).

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