Guardian Angel Joan (5e Creature)

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Guardian Angel Joan[edit]

Medium celestial (human), lawful good

Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
Hit Points 161 (14d8 + 98)
Speed 30 ft., fly 70 ft.

16 (+3) 18 (+4) 24 (+7) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) 24 (+7)

Saving Throws Con +10, Wis +8, Cha +10
Proficiency Bonus +3
Damage Resistances necrotic; bludgeoning, piercing and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Damage Immunities radiant
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, frightened
Senses passive Perception 15
Languages Celestial, Common
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)

For Our Dreams. When a friendly creature within 30 feet of Joan takes damage, Joan can choose to take the damage instead.

Shining Rebirth. Whenever Joan deals radiant damage to a creature, she regains hit points equal to the radiant damage dealt.

Saint's Aura. Friendly creatures within 30 feet of Joan cannot be charmed or frightened, and get a +7 bonus to all saving throws.

Spellcasting. Joan is a 14th-level spellcaster. Her spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 18, +10 to hit with spell attacks). She has the following paladin spells prepared:

1st level (4 slots): bless, command, protection from evil and good, shield of faith, thunderous smite
2nd level (3 slots): aid, find steed, lesser restoration, prayer of healing
3rd level (3 slots): blinding smite, crusader's mantle, dispel magic
4th level (1 slot): aura of purity, guardian of faith


Multiattack. Joan makes two attacks.

Sword of St. Catherine. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) slashing damage, or 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage if used with two hands, plus 9 (2d8) radiant damage.

Solar Recharge (3/Day). Joan touches another creature with her hand. The target magically regains 11 (2d8 + 2) hit points. In addition, the touch removes all diseases and neutralizes all poisons afflicting the target.


Pennant of Revolution. Joan can expend a spell slot to cause her melee weapon attacks to magically deal an extra 10 (3d6) radiant damage to a target on a hit. This benefit lasts until the end of the turn. If Joan expends a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the extra damage increases by 1d6 for each level above 1st.

Born a simple peasant but helped lead her nation to liberty at the command of God, she met her end at the hands of a corrupt cardinal after a false trial and was burned at the stake. Now reborn and still acting on the commands of God, she is however a bit more cautious around fires.

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