Greatsword of time (5e Equipment)

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Greatsword of time


Martial Melee Weapons
Weapon Cost Damage Weight Properties
(greatsword) 150,000 gp (legendary (magic greatsword)) 2d6 slashing and 1d6 psycic 15 lb. heavy,two handed(e.g. Light, Heavy, Versatile, Thrown, Finesse, etc.)

this sword has 50 charges, a list of actions you can do with the charges is shown here and the cost as well as the time it takes to make those actions.

TEMPORAL SMITE: (costs 10 charges) takes no time at all. your next attack does 3d8 psycic damage and the target must make a DC 8+2+prof+str wisdom saving throw or be sent 1 round forward in time, while this happens the target dissapears until 1 round.

WARP BARRAGE: (costs 15 charges) bonus action. shoots 5 orbs of time energy which have a range of 50 feet and automaticly hit, they do 2d4 force damage each.

TIME STOP: (costs 50 charges) reaction. you cast "time stop" but you CAN attack and the duration only is 5 rounds.

BLINK DASH: (costs 5 charges) bonus action. you move 50 feet or less and you don't trigger attacks of opportunity while dashing this way

(this sword flowes with magical energy. a hit from it makes opponents confused and sad.)

(2 votes)

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