Great Weapon Offense (5e Feat)

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Great Weapon Offense

Prerequisites: Strength 13 or higher
You are well-versed in how to wield a two-handed weapon in an effective offensive style. You gain the following benefits:

  • You may add half your Strength modifier (rounded down) to all damage rolls made with a weapon with the two-handed property.
  • You may spin your body weight fully and focus the momentum into your weapon. As an action, you can make an attack with a weapon with the two-handed property against a creature with one size category larger than you or lower. On a hit, the creature take the damage of the attack and must succeed a Strength saving throw against a DC equal DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength Modifier, being knocked prone on a failed save.
  • As a bonus action, you can set your stance with a weapon with the two handed property in such a way that you are better prepared for mounted enemies. While in this stance, you gain advantage on attack rolls you make against mounted opponents.

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