Graviton pistol (3.5e Equipment)

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Book of Tech (3.5e Sourcebook)wip
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Graviton pistol
Exotic One-Handed Projectile
Era 2060's
Type firearm
Critical: X2
Range Increment:
Type: "force"
Hardness: 10
Size Cost1 Damage Weight1 hp
Fine * * 1
Diminutive * * 2
Tiny * * 5
Small 10,000 gp 1d6 1 10
Medium 10,000 gp 1d8 2 20
Large 20,000 gp 1d12 4 40
Huge * * 80
Gargantuan * * 160
Colossal * * 320
  1. The SRD only gives a means to determine costs and weights of weapons for Large and Small versions based on the Medium weapons. Any other supplied values are the author's best determination.

range: 50'



usage: 1

max charge:10

A gravity pistol is one of the most advanced pieces of technology ever found. It uses a focused beam of gravitons to create a bolt of force. A gravity pistol has two settings—switching between settings is a swift action. On its pulse setting, it can be used as a typical beam weapon, but on it sustained setting, holding the pistol's trigger down creates a stable beam of gravitons rather than a short, destructive burst. In this mode, the gravity pistol can be used to move and manipulate objects at a distance, similar to a telekinesis spell in its sustained force or combat maneuver versions (a gravity pistol cannot duplicate the violent thrust option of a telekinesis spell). In this mode, a gravity pistol consumes 1 charge per round. The graviton beam can move objects weighing no more than 225 pounds up to 20 feet per round. A creature can negate this effect on an object in its possession with a successful DC 19 Reflex save. If used to perform a combat maneuver, the beam uses the wielder's CMB, but uses her Intelligence modifier in place of her Strength or Dexterity modifier.

Graviton Musket
Exotic Two-Handed Projectile
Era 2060's
Type firearm
Critical: X2
Range Increment:
Type: "force"
Hardness: 10
Size Cost1 Damage Weight1 hp
Fine * * 1
Diminutive * * 2
Tiny * * 5
Small 10,000 gp 1d10 3 10
Medium 10,000 gp 2d6 6 20
Large 20,000 gp 3d6 12 40
Huge * * 80
Gargantuan * * 160
Colossal * * 320
  1. The SRD only gives a means to determine costs and weights of weapons for Large and Small versions based on the Medium weapons. Any other supplied values are the author's best determination.

range: 150'


lab: particle

usage: 1

max charge:20

A Graviton Musket is a larger, more powerful version of a Graviton pistol and functions as such except for the differences listed here.

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