Grand Weapon Expert (5e Feat)

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Grand Weapon Expert

Prerequisites: 10th level, Great Weapon Master fighting style
You are a master of using a large weapon, and gain multiple benefits while wielding them.

  • While weilding a weapon with the heavy property, you can use your bonus action to gain advantage on attack rolls until the end of your turn, as you leverage the momentum of your swings to break through defenses. This leaves you vulnerable, however, and all enemies gain advantage against you until the start of your next turn. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and regain all expended uses after taking a long rest.
  • If your heavy weapon deals slashing damage, you gain a +2 to attack rolls with your weapon.
  • If your heavy weapon deals bludgeoning damage, all attacks against structures and obects are considered critical hits, if they hit.
  • If your heavy weapon deals piercing damage, you gain a +2 to all damage rolls with your weapon.

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