Grand Slam! (5e Quest)

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Grand Slam! Adventure Background[edit]

Grand Slam! is a 5E wilderness encounter for a group of second or third level characters. A small band of mounted goblin scouts watches the bridge while their giant GOAT steeds forage in the grasses by the riverbank. The party of adventurers must cross the stream to reach their destination (whatever that might be), evading or defeating the goblins and giant GOATs.

[This encounter was written in honor of the three GOATs (Greatest Of All Time) of men's tennis players; Novak Djokovic, Rafael Nadal, and Roger Federer. The GOATs' hit points reflect the number of grand slam tournaments each has won. The GOATs' names are Nole (Djokovic), Rafa (Nadal), and NinjaFed (Federer). Should any of them win additional slams in real life, their giant GOAT hit points should be incremented to reflect the new total. The DM might throw out hints such as the GOATs' names or hit points, and if a player makes the connection, they might be awarded an inspiration.]


The giant GOATs’ names are Nole, Rafa, and NinjaFed. Nole has 24hp, Rafa has 22hp, and NinjaFed has 20. They are very competitive and battle-tested, and if given any encouragement by their goblin riders, they will charge the opposition in an attempt to outdo their GOAT brethren. If the giant GOATs are given the order to charge, the goblins will fire arrows and then leap off their mounts into the brush or behind trees in order to hide.


This encounter is a simple and brief wilderness travel conflict which can be inserted any time the party is traveling to/from a village, quest, etc. The party must cross this stream to eventually reach their destination, and the stone bridge is an attractive means to achieve the crossing (especially if the party has a wagon or mounts). However, the bridge is guarded... The party may elect to seek a different place to cross, in which case the DM may elect to allow them to bypass the encounter, or there may be other difficulties to face elsewhere. Or the DM might simply inform the party that there are no other viable crossings.

The goblins could be scouts for an evil boss, or opportunists hoping to take advantage of travelers or a weak party.


Map scale is 5' per square.

The stone bridge is ancient but solid. The stream is up to 5' deep and the current is moderate.

Swimming across the stream is equivalent to difficult terrain (normally half speed) unless the player has a swim speed. Swimming should not be allowed for one wearing heavy non-magic armor, but wading can be attempted. Wading across requires that the player make a successful Athletics ability check (DC 10) due to slimy/slipperly rocks. If wading is attempted, treat the terrain as difficult (normally half speed). Failure of the wading Athletics ability check indicates that the player has zero movement for that turn. There is no danger of drowning, however, as the player will either be tall enough, or can break the surface of the water for air.

Characters can attempt to cross the stream by jumping to/from the bank or the rocks in the stream. Treat the bank and the rocks in the stream as difficult terrain. So a character could get a running start from beyond the bank, but any subsequent leap would be a standing long jump (difficult terrain, normally half speed).


DM and Player maps are provided. If a larger map is needed, simply extend the stream, trail, and grassland wilderness. Add trees, bushes, and rocks if desired.

Grand Slam Player Map
Grand Slam DM Map

Difficulty Adjustments[edit]

Suggested modifications in case the encounter needs to be more challenging:

• Add one or more winged goblins, hiding in the treetops.

• Give each goblin the Mounted Combatant feat, and have them attempt at least one mounted charge before dismounting.

• Change the map scale from 5' to 10' per square, making the stream and bridge crossing more difficult.

• Change the goblins to scouts (human, or other race with additional abilities).

• Make the stream current treacherous, with a high DC Athletics check required for swimming or wading. A failure results in the character being swept downstream some random distance, possibly taking damage, and with potential loss of gear and/or weapon(s). DM would need to choose direction of current if it comes into play.


In addition to their armor, weapons, and a quiver with 15 arrows, each goblin has some rations, water, 20sp, and the following:

G1 - 15gp opal, tinderbox

G2 - 20gp amethyst, whetstone, cook's utensils

G3 - 15gp ring, fishing tackle

At the DM's discretion, this encounter can be used to guide the party to its next destination, by providing a map in one of the goblin's pockets, or using interrogation techniques on a goblin prisoner.

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