Grade 4 Binding Vow Curse User (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)

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Grade 4 Binding Vow Curse User[edit]

Medium humanoid (human),

Armor Class 13 (Unarmored Defense)
Hit Points 33 (6d8 + 6)
Speed 40 ft.

8 (-1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3)

Saving Throws Dex +2, Cha +5
Skills Arcana +5, Insight +4, Investigation +5, Perception +6, Persuasion +7, Stealth +2
Senses passive Perception 12
Languages common
Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Cursed Energy. The Grade 4 Binding Vow Curse User has 9 cursed energy he can use to fuel his abilities. All of his cursed energy is replenished at the end of a long rest.

Cursed Armor. The Grade 4 Binding Vow Curse User can spend up to 3 cursed energy to give himself temporary hit points equal to the cursed energy spent times 5 for 1 minute. While Cursed Armor is active he regains 2 temporary hitpoints at the beginning of his turns, this cannot go above the maximum amount of armor he has. He can only benefit from this feature again after 1 minute or having his temporary hit points reduced to 0 (No action required).

Binding Vows. The Grade 4 Binding Vow Curse User can make a binding vow at will (No action required) once per round. He may have up to 4 solo and 4 multiple people vows active at a time. Additionally, he can make 1 binding vow that does not count towards either limit.

Cursed Energy Concealer. While both the Grade 4 Binding Vow Curse User and his Cursed Energy are hidden, the benefit of being an Unseen Attacker also extends to his saving throws, forcing any creatures affected to roll their saving throw with disadvantage.

Cursed Energy Batteries. The Grade 4 Binding Vow Curse User has two Cursed Energy Batteries, one charged with 18 Cursed Energy and another charged with 10 Cursed Energy.


Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage.

Final Cursed Energy Explosion. Through a binding vow sacrificing his life, the Grade 4 Binding Vow Curse User releases a destructive burst of Cursed Energy from his body. Every creature within a 30ft circle of him takes 44 ((3d12 + 3) doubled) in necrotic damage and is knocked back to the edge of the circle.

This may only be used by taking the first variation of the Final Sacrifice binding vow.


Martial Arts. Whenever the Grade 4 Binding Vow Curse User makes one unarmed strike on his turn, he can make one unarmed strike as a bonus action.

Cursed Energy Concealer. The Grade 4 Binding Vow Curse User takes the Hide action by making a Stealth check. For the next 10 minutes, he will not leave his Cursed Energy tracks behind carelessly, so any person that tries to track or sense his remains will need to be successful on a contested check against what he rolled + 3, if they have any ability or feature that would allow them to track his energy, and if not they can't track him at all.

Cursed Energy Withdrawal. The Grade 4 Binding Vow Curse User withdraws an amount of Cursed Energy of his choice from one of his Cursed Energy Batteries.

Cursed Blast of Blows (3 Cursed Energy). Immediately after taking the attack action, the Grade 4 Binding Vow Curse User can make two unarmed strikes.

Cursed Patient Defense (3 Cursed Energy). The Grade 4 Binding Vow Curse User can take the Dodge action.

Cursed Wind Step (3 Cursed Energy). The Grade 4 Binding Vow Curse User can take the dash or disengage action as a bonus action on his turn and his jump distance is doubled until the end of his turn.

A weak curse user learning the basics binding vows.

Jujutsu Sorcerer.

The Grade 4 Binding Vow Curse User has 3 levels in the Jujutsu Sorcerer class.

Binding Vows. The Grade 4 Binding Vow Curse User's Binding Vows are:

Cursed Energy Battery (X2.) The Grade 4 Binding Vow Curse User can accumulate a part of his cursed energy in an object that will become his battery. This battery can handle up to 18 Cursed Energy, but it can only be charged once per day at the beginning of the day, when he can send up to 5 Cursed Energy into it. Any Cursed Energy that he sends into the battery cannot be replenished until the next day. After the battery has reached it's Cursed Energy limit or at least half of it, he can use it as he wishes, from fuel to a machine or to replenish his Cursed Energy. He can draw the Cursed Energy from inside the battery as a Bonus Action, taking any number of Cursed Energy as he wishes. This cannot exceed his maximum with this extraction.

Final Sacrifice. The Grade 4 Binding Vow Curse User can sacrifice his own life in exchange for a massive boost in power of either his own or another creature that he has made a meaningful connection with, next Cursed Energy fuelled feature. This vow can also be imposed on a creature he directly controls. Whatever feature he uses that uses any sort of action (Action, Bonus Action, Reaction, etc.) will be fuelled by his life force and the feature will gain all relevant benefits that it can have:

  • Damage is doubled.
  • A Cursed Energy attack roll will be considered a hit and a critical, regardless of rolls and AC.
  • Any saving throw needed from this feature is automatically failed.
  • The feature doesn’t require any cursed energy to use (does not apply to features that involve Reverse Cursed Energy.)

These benefits have already been applied to Final Cursed Energy Explosion.

He only remains alive until the next feature is used and afterwards his body completely disintegrates, he cannot be revived in any way. If a minute passes after this binding vow was put in place and a feature is never used, he must reinstate the vow to keep it going. Another way he can use this vow is to shorten his lifespan to 1 minute left and gain 2 of the following benefits:

  • His attack and damage bonuses are increased by 4.
  • He gains 16 temporary hitpoints.
  • He gains 4 temporary Cursed Energy.
  • His AC is increased 2.
  • He gains a +5 to his DC.
  • He can spend 3 Additional Cursed Energy on his features.
  • Conditions or effect durations he inflicts are doubled.
  • He gains 1 Damage reduction.

After the minute passes, he dies and cannot be revived by any means. Once the minute begins it cannot end, if he dies early all effects end. These can still be applied to another creature he has made a connection with.

Feats. The Grade 4 Binding Vow Curse User's feats are:

Cursed Energy Concealer

Improved Durability.

This creature uses the Improved Durability rule.

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