Graatel (3.5e Sourcebook)/Rounding out a Character
Chapter 3: Rounding out the Character[edit]
Even more changes are introduced in this section. I would review them carefully.
Base Attack Bonus[edit]
The base attack bonus system works well in 3.5 though I find that there is a slight issue; almost every melee class winds up with near identical equipment to stack hit bonuses in order to ensure their fourth attack connects. Since the fourth attack is borderline useless, the best way to correct this issue is to raise the final attack bonus to the same as the third attack bonus, i.e. at level 16 you receive another attack at +6 to hit. This does not allow the fighter to pick up a fourth attack until reaching a BAB of 16, so it is impossible to achieve before level 16.
The skill system as set forth by DnD does not meet the requirements for modification; all skills are useful (though the degree may be debateble) within the game settings. However, a major change to the way cross class skills work is being introduced. While the maximum number of ranks remains one half of class skills (rounded down) the skills are no longer .5 for 1 skill point. The skill points revert to a 1 point spent to 1 point gained ratio, giving individuals much more flexability and skill, and making cross class skills vastly more attractive.
Feats. A system put into 3.5 that had such potential and resulted in extreme disappointment. The feat system has changed to a tiered system, inspired by the Races of War sourcebook created by Frank and K. When a feat is less valuable then rolling slightly better on a stat line, there is a major issue with how they are presented and work. All of the fighter feats were lackluster, with massive amounts of feats required for even modest gains to physical combat while magic raced ahead at all times. With this came the realization that while Frank and K may have gone a bit too powerful (the feats they use border on the obscene, a warrior shouldn't be able to do on par damage with a mage since his damage per round is sustained vs. burst) with their feats they had the right idea. Hence the Feats Revamped book was born.
The feats from the Feats Revamped book are tiered to increase over time, and when first purchased feats do not instantly manifest lower levels. If a level 16 fighter picks up a feat he receives the first rank upon acquisition; at 17 he will receive the third rank, 18 the third, and at 19 the final rank. This institutes a more organic approach to creating your character as you will need to take in account the immediate gains vs gains over time.
Weapons remain largely unchanged. The new feats increase weapon ability significantly so it isn't necessary to increase weapons themselves. However another thing borrowed from Frank & K is how you learn the basic feat of using a weapon or armor intelligently.
For any fighting class learning to use a weapon you require one hour of practice and a simple DC 10 intelligence check.
For non fighters you will need to have the weapon on you and attempt to use it once between levels (i.e. you use a blow gun once and then achieve level three. You now know how to use blow guns.)
Armor is a little harder, fighters require 4 hours of practice and a DC 15 intelligence check in order to learn an armor.
Non fighters need to wear the armor for a level and then they gain the proficiency.
If a fighter fails his Intelligence check he will still gain the proficiency in the same way as a non fighter.
Armor specifically is underpowered as most evil creatures your level will have an even chance to strike you even in the best setup (not to mention touch attacks, flat footed or other conditions routinely used to lower your AC woefully.) The simple rule is this: All light armors are +1 AC, all medium armors are +2 AC and all heavy armors are +3 AC. Yes this means a plate mail suit is 11 AC but it does cost 1500 gold so by the time you can afford it you are level 3-4 anyways.
Remains unchanged from the basic 3.5e Players Handbook.
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