Gorilla Gripper (5e Feat)

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Gorilla Gripper

Prerequisites: Proficiency with at least one weapon with the two-handed property.
Your extensive training with two-handed weapons has allowed you to effectively wield them using only one hand. While wielding a melee weapon with the two-handed property you may choose to gain the following benefits and downsides.

  • You may make attacks with any melee weapon that has the two-handed property as if it was a one-handed melee weapon. Doing so imparts a -3 penalty to all attack rolls made in this way. The weapon is considered a one-handed weapon for determining class, racial, feat, spell, and magic item effects when using it in this way.
  • When you are wielding a single melee weapon with the two-handed property and are not wielding another weapon or shield, taking the attack action while only attacking with that melee weapon allows you to make a single additional unarmed strike melee attack as part of that same action. You must make all attacks during your attack action using a melee weapon with the two-handed property as if it was a one-handed melee weapon using the option given by this feat in order to gain this additional unarmed strike melee attack, resulting in the previously mentioned penalty. You may choose to replace this unarmed strike with a grapple or shove as normal.
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