God of the Moon (5e Class)

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God of the Moon[edit]

The God of the Moon is a celestial entity embodied by those who manage to channel the mystical and ancient power of the moon. His influence spans from the comforting calm of a serene night to the relentless fury of a total eclipse. As an avatar of this deity, you channel lunar energy to manipulate light and darkness, influence emotions, and unleash cosmic powers that alter reality. Your connection with the moon is expressed through abilities that are perfected with each lunar phase, and you also gain the capacity to bestow divine blessings upon your allies. Your statistics and limits are expanded, reflecting the magnificence of your divine nature, and you accumulate Lunar Essence Points that you can spend to overcome saving throws, remove conditions, and enhance your abilities.

Class Features

As a God of the Moon you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per God of the Moon level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per God of the Moon level after 1st


Armor: Light Armor, Medium Armor
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Longswords, Longbows
Tools: Astronomer’s Tools
Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma
Skills: Arcana, Persuasion, Perception, Religion


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) Sacred Moon Symbol or (b) Ceremonial Robes or (c) Lunar Phases Journal
  • (a) Priest’s Pack or (b) Explorer’s Pack
  • (a) Arcane Focus in the shape of a Crescent Moon or (b) {{{item3b}}}
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have 5d4x10 gold pieces in funds.

Table: The God of the Moon

Level Proficiency
Features Cantrips Known extra essense moon Spells Known —Spell Slots per Spell Level—
1st +2 Lunar Blessing, Darkvision, Lunar Essence 2 1
2nd +2 Silver Radiance 2 1 2
3rd +2 Emotional Eclipse 2 1 3
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement, Crescent Phase 3 2 3
5th +3 Tide Invocation 3 2 4
6th +3 Lunar Reflection 3 2 4
7th +3 Deep Darkness 3 3 5
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement, Lunar Influence, Lunar Multiplier 3 3 5
9th +4 Nocturnal Portal 4 3 6
10th +4 Mastery of Light and Darkness 4 4 6
11th +4 Lunar Augury 4 4 7
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement, Celestial Transformation 4 4 7
13th +5 Astral Convergence 4 5 8
14th +5 Total Eclipse 5 5 8
15th +5 Night Guardians 5 5 9
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement, Lunar Ascension 5 6 9
17th +6 Moon’s Decree 5 6 10
18th +6 Nocturnal Splendor 5 6 10
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement, Moon’s Soul 6 7 11
20th +6 Lunar Apotheosis 6 8 11

Class Features[edit]


Coming from your inner power of being able to store and re-summon items, the god moon can learn any Conjuration or Abjuration spell. You are considered to have prepared all the spells you know. The god moon gains two 1st level spells upon reaching 2nd level.

You share your Spell casting Table with the mage class but not spells level one (if you choose sorcerer refer to the Dnd 5e table)


You know any two cantrips from the wizard spell list. You learn additional wizard cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown on the Cantrips Known column of the god moon table.

Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher

The Spells Known column of the god moon table shows when you learn more spells of your choice. Each of these spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots, as shown in the table. For instance, when you reach 5th level in this class, you can learn one new spell of 1st or 2nd level. Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the spells you know and replace it with another spell from any class spell list, which also must be of a level for which you have spell slots.

Spellcasting Ability

Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your spells. You use your Charisma modifier whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Charisma modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + you Charisma modifier

Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier

Ritual Casting

You can cast a god moon spell as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag and you have the spell prepared.

Spellcasting Focus

You can use a weapon as an arcane focus (found in chapter 5 of the P.H.B.) as a spellcasting focus for your wizard or god moon spells.

Lunar Essence (Level 1)[edit]

From 1st level, you gain a resource called Lunar Essence Points, calculated as your level plus your Charisma modifier plus your Wisdom modifier. These points are renewed after a long rest. Although you accumulate them from level 1.

lunar will and Concept

The God of the Moon embodies the duality of existence: light and shadow, calm and storm, omen and salvation. This class is designed for players who wish to portray a near-divine entity capable of transforming reality through the manipulation of lunar energies. Its abilities encompass battlefield control, ally protection, and devastating enemy damage, all while benefiting from a mystical connection that expands your own statistics and grants you unique resources in the form of Lunar Essence Points. Every ability and improvement is inspired by the phases and ancient power of the moon, chronicling the ascension of a mere mortal to a true god of the night, gain numbers lunar will equal your level.

(The lunar will list in the end class)

Lunar Blessing (Level 1)[edit]

Your connection with the moon allows you to invoke sacred light in the midst of darkness. You can cast the spell "Light" at will without material components, symbolizing the clarity of the full moon. Additionally, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks to detect details in dim light. Bonus: Allies within 10 feet of you receive a bonus on attack rolls and saving throws equal to the sum of your Wisdom and Charisma modifiers (minimum +1), you can no longer be killed on the material plane. Death only sends you back to the moon related for you. The only way to destroy you is by killing you on your home moon plane. You also are imune to poison and diseases, caused by any means but divine means.

Lunar Cycles

The moons have chosen you to be their bearer in your world, turning you into an immortal god. If you are destroyed in any way, the moon will select another bearer within 24 hours. If the moon or moons in your solar system are destroyed, you lose access to this class until you bond with another moon.

To bond with another moon, you must touch it and meditate on it for 24 hours. As a bearer of the moon, you gain the following benefits depending on the lunar cycle. To change from one cycle to another, you must meditate and remain under the effects of concentration for 1 minute, or 1 hour to shift to an eclipse. Normal lunar cycles activated in this way last for 6 hours, while eclipses last for 3 hours.

Abilities by Lunar Cycles and Eclipses for the Moon God;
Lunar Cycles;
New Moon (Absolute Darkness);

- Ability: Shadows Infinite. You can become invisible while in complete darkness for 1 minute. If you attack or cast a spell, the invisibility ends. - Bonus: You gain advantage on Stealth rolls and cannot be detected by magical means during this time.


Waxing Crescent (Lunar Rebirth);

- Ability: Growing Light. You can summon a beam of moonlight that restores hit points equal to 2d8 + your Wisdom modifier to an ally within 30 feet. - Bonus: Allies within 10 feet of you gain advantage on saving throws against fear.


First Quarter (Firm Resolution);

- Ability: Lunar Blade. You summon a weapon made of moonlight that deals 2d10 radiant damage and can bypass nonmagical resistances. Lasts 1 minute. - Bonus: You gain +2 to radiant damage and resistance to necrotic damage while this cycle is active.


Waxing Gibbous (Latent Splendor);

- Ability: Radiant Aura. You emit a 15-foot aura that blinds all enemies failing a Constitution save (DC 8 + your Wisdom modifier + your proficiency). - Bonus: Attacks against blinded enemies have advantage while they are within your aura.


Full Moon (Divine Fulfillment);

- Ability: Total Lunar Blessing. All allies within 30 feet of you gain 10 temporary hit points, and you can take one additional action per turn for 1 minute. - Bonus: Double the range of all your light-emitting spells.


Waning Gibbous (Dimming Glow);

- Ability: Twilight Veil. You create a mist barrier that reduces enemies' visual range by 10 feet, granting light cover to your allies. - Bonus: You gain advantage on Dexterity rolls and can cast Darkness once without expending a spell slot.


Last Quarter (Hidden Wisdom);

- Ability: Lunar Echo. You can double the effect of one concentration spell you’ve cast (range, duration, or damage). Can be used once per long rest. - Bonus: +1 to all Wisdom saving throws and resistance to psychic damage.


Waning Crescent (Final Light);

- Ability: Last Gleam. You emit a flash dealing 3d8 radiant damage to all enemies within 15 feet, forcing a Constitution save or blinding them. - Bonus: You gain +2 to your AC while below half your hit points.


Total Solar Eclipse (Divine Darkness);

- Ability: Solar Absorption. You can dispel any magical light spell within 60 feet and convert it into temporary hit points equal to the spell level x 5. - Bonus: You gain immunity to radiant damage and advantage against any effect dependent on light.


Partial Solar Eclipse (Celestial Duality);

- Ability: Cloak of Shadows and Light. You alternate between light and darkness. Use a bonus action to switch between dealing radiant (2d8) or necrotic (2d8) damage with your attacks. - Bonus: You can cast Moonbeam once per short rest.


Annular Solar Eclipse (Ring of Fire);

- Ability: Flaming Halo. You summon a ring of lunar fire around you for 1 minute. All enemies within 5 feet take 3d6 radiant damage at the start of their turn. - Bonus: You gain +2 to your AC and resistance to fire damage while the eclipse lasts.


Hybrid Solar Eclipse (Perfect Balance);

- Ability: Power Balance. During this eclipse, you can convert radiant damage into necrotic damage or vice versa when casting spells. You also gain one additional attack per turn. - Bonus: Your critical hits deal one additional die of the chosen damage type (radiant or necrotic).


Total Lunar Eclipse (Blood Moon);

- Ability: Lunar Blood. You gain the ability to deal necrotic damage with your melee attacks. This extra damage equals your Wisdom modifier. - Bonus: You can cast Inflict Wounds at the highest available level once per long rest.


Partial Lunar Eclipse (Partial Darkness);

- Ability: Shadow Phase. Create a 30-foot area of dim light where enemies have disadvantage on ranged attacks and Perception checks. - Bonus: You gain advantage on Stealth and Perception rolls while in the dim light.


Penumbral Eclipse (Subtle Shadows);

- Ability: Protective Shadow. Surround yourself with a veil of dim light, granting resistance to force damage and advantage on Dexterity saving throws for 10 minutes. - Bonus: Your darkness-related spells last twice as long.

Darkvision (Level 1)[edit]

The moon’s influence grants you darkvision out to 60 feet; if you already have darkvision, its range increases by an additional 30 feet, allowing you to see clearly even on the darkest nights.

Silver Radiance (Level 2)[edit]

As an action, you emit a silver radiance that extends in a 20-foot radius for 10 minutes. Allies within this radius gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls and saving throws against fear effects. Additionally, the radiance provides temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1) at the start of each of your turns while the ability is active.

Emotional Eclipse (Level 3)[edit]

You channel the energy of a partial eclipse to influence the emotions of nearby creatures. As an action, select a number of creatures equal to your Charisma modifier within 30 feet. Each target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC = 8 + your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus) or become charmed or frightened (your choice) for 1 minute. Additionally, affected allies gain a bonus on their next attack roll equal to your Charisma modifier.

Ability Score Improvement[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 14th, 16th, and 19th levels, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1.

Crescent Phase (Level 4)[edit]

Reflecting the waxing of the moon, you increase your potential. You may increase one ability score of your choice by 5, the maximum for each ability score increases by 20 while you maintain this lunar connection.

Tide Invocation (Level 5)[edit]

You manipulate the gravitational and mystical forces of the moon to unleash a wave of energy. As an action, create a 30-foot cone; creatures in the area must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be pushed 15 feet back and knocked prone. On a failed save, the target also takes an additional 2d6 damage from the force of the tides.

Lunar Reflection (Level 6)[edit]

When a creature attacks you, you can use your reaction to envelop your body in lunar light. Additionally, if the attack misses, the attacker takes 1d8 radiant damage. You may use this ability a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1) per long rest.

the Resistan of moon(level 7)[edit]

your magic of the moon, you learned how to avoid spells easily, though some still barely hit you. Also, at 8th level, you can resist certain area effects, such as a blue dragon’s lightning breath or a fireball spell. Choose one of the following ability scores:

  • Brawn - Strength
  • Evasion - Dexterity
  • Endurance - Constitution
  • Discernment - Intelligence
  • Intuition - Wisdom

When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a saving throw of the chosen ability to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail. At 10th level, you can choose one additional saving throw, as well as at 14th and 20th levels.

Deep Darkness (Level 7)[edit]

The dark essence of the moon protects you. You gain resistance to necrotic and radiance (Inmunity level 14) damage ands advantages on saving throw, representing the moon’s dual nature that, despite its beauty, conceals secrets and dangers in the darkness.

Lunar Influence (Level 8)[edit]

The lunar power strengthens your mind and body. Increase one ability score of your choice by 10, or two ability scores by 5, without exceeding 30.

And Additional action, you and all allies within a 15 foot radius gain a bonus on all ability checks equal to the sum of you Wisdom and Charisma modifiers for 1 minute, once per short rest.

Nocturnal Portal (Level 9)[edit]

You can open a portal through the dim lunar light. Once per long rest, cast the spell "Dimension Door" without expending a spell slot. When you do so, you leave a trail of lunar light at your starting point for 1 minute, granting dim light and a mod you sab and cha bonus to saving throws for those in that area.

Mastery of Light and Darkness (Level 10)[edit]

The inherent duality of the moon is reflected in your ability to control both light and darkness. You gain immunity to blindness effects and can see in magical darkness as if it were dim light. Additionally, your spells that deal radiant or necrotic damage deal extra damage equal to your Charisma modifier.

Lunar Fury (Level 10)[edit]

Starting at level 10, you gain the Lunar Fury ability. You may spend between 5 Lunar Essence Points to double the damage of an attack or spell that deals radiant or necrotic damage. This ability represents a burst of lunar power and cannot be used before level 10.

Lunar Augury (Level 11)[edit]

During a long rest, you meditate under the moonlight to receive visions of the future, functioning similarly to the "Augury" spell. These visions provide subtle hints about impending dangers or blessings, granting you advantage on one ability check or attack roll of your choice during the next encounter.

Celestial Transformation (Level 12)[edit]

Your body and mind transform in unison with celestial energy. Increase one ability score of your choice by 20, or two ability scores by 10 each, without exceeding 40, and gain a passive cha mod and sab mod bonus to AC while in darkness And the ligth moon reflecting, reflecting the divine resilience of the lunar deity.

Astral Convergence (Level 13)[edit]

You unleash a concentrated beam of lunar energy at a creature within 60 feet. This attack deals 6d8 radiant damage, and the target must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC = 8 + your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus) to take half damage. You may use this ability a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier per long rest. Additionally, if you spend 1 Lunar Essence Point when activating this ability, the damage is doubled.

Lunar Shield (Level 13)[edit]

Starting at level 13, you gain the Lunar Shield ability. You can spend between 3 Lunar Essence Points to grant yourself or an ally a temporary shield that absorbs damage. The shield has an absorption capacity of 5 points per Lunar Essence Point + you mod cha and sab spent and lasts for 1 minute. This ability is not available before level 13.

Total Eclipse (Level 14)[edit]

You invoke the ultimate power of the moon to plunge the battlefield into an eclipse. As an action, create an area with a 120-foot radius where light is reduced to twilight for 1 minute. During this time: - Hostile creatures have disadvantage on all attack rolls. - Allies gain advantage on all saving throws and receive temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier at the start of each of their turns. - You may move the eclipse area up to 30 feet per turn as a bonus action. This ability resets after a long rest.

Divine Form Lunar Avatar (level 15)[edit]

Duration: 1 minute

Uses: A number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1), regaining all uses upon finishing a long rest.

Activation: Bonus action


Lunar Protective Energy
At the start of each of your turns, you gain temporary hit points equal to your class level plus your Charisma modifier. These temporary hit points do not stack.
Celestial Flight
You gain a flying speed equal to twice your walking speed and the ability to hover effortlessly.
Aura of Nocturnal Serenity
As a bonus action, you can select a creature you can see within 60 feet. It must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC = 8 + your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus). On a failed save, it becomes charmed or frightened (your choice) for 1 minute. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns to end the effect.
Purifying Moonlight
Once per transformation, you can emit moonlight in a 30-foot radius for 1 minute. This light functions as the Daylight spell and, additionally, any hostile creature that starts its turn in the area must make a Constitution saving throw (DC as previously indicated) or take 4d10 radiant damage.
lunar soul
You no longer need to spend an additional action when performing a lunar will; you now do it at will.
Unwavering Concentration
During the transformation, you do not need to maintain concentration to cast spells that would normally require it.
Lunar Power
All damage you deal is doubled, including damage modifiers. Additionally, your attack bonuses are also doubled.
Manipulation of Lunar Cycles
You can alter the lunar cycles at will, causing instantaneous changes in the moon's phases. This can influence abilities, rituals, or effects dependent on the lunar phase.
Lunar Omniscience
You gain the ability to see in all directions simultaneously, granting you truesight within a 120-foot radius and perception of any hidden or invisible creature within that range.
Healing Moonlight
As a bonus action, you can channel the moon's healing energy to restore hit points to yourself or a creature you can see within 60 feet. The amount of hit points restored equals 3d10 + your Charisma modifier.
Tidal Control
Your connection with the moon allows you to influence nearby tides and bodies of water. As an action, you can control the water level in a 100-foot radius area, raising or lowering it up to 20 feet. This effect lasts as long as you maintain concentration, up to a maximum of 10 minutes.
Night Guardians

You summon two ethereal lunar guardians to fight alongside you. These guardians have statistics similar to the "Spiritual Guardians" spell and remain for 10 minutes or until destroyed. While they are present, and all allies within a 30-foot radius of the night guardians receive a + you cha mod and sab mod bonus to AC and saving throws for night guardian adyacent. This ability can be used once per long rest without expending a spell slot.

Enhanced Lunar Recovery (Level 15)[edit]

At level 15, you also gain Enhanced Lunar Recovery. You can spend 1 Lunar Essence Point to remove a negative condition (such as stunned, poisoned, or frightened etc) from an ally or yourself. If you spend 2 points in the same activation, the target also recovers an additional 1d8 hit points. This ability becomes available at level 15.

Lunar Ascension (Level 16)[edit]

Your connection to the moon reaches new heights, allowing you to transform your essence. Increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or two ability scores by 1 each, without exceeding 20, and for 1 minute gain resistance to all nonmagical damage. Additionally, you may spend 1 Lunar Essence Point to double the damage of any attack you make in that turn. This ability is not available before level 16.

Moon’s Decree (Level 17)[edit]

Your presence radiates the authority of the moon. As an action, issue a decree that forces all hostile creatures within 60 feet to make a Wisdom saving throw (DC = 8 + your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus). Creatures that fail become frightened for 1 minute and suffer a 50% reduction in their damage. Allies within the area receive 10 temporary hit points and gain advantage on their attacks until the end of your next turn. This ability may be used once per long rest.

Supreme Lunar Fury (Level 17)[edit]

In addition to Moon’s Decree at level 17, you gain Supreme Lunar Fury. You can spend 2 to 4 Lunar Essence Points to add extra damage to an attack or spell that deals radiant or necrotic damage, adding a bonus equal to twice the points spent. This ability activates in conjunction with critical hits or spells and is available only from level 17 onward.

Nocturnal Splendor (Level 18)[edit]

Celestial brilliance surrounds you, granting immunity to radiant and necrotic damage. Additionally, you can cast the spells "Daybreak" and "Darkness" at will without expending spell slots or material components. This ability also grants an additional bonus equal to your Wisdom modifier to your healing spells.

Moon’s Soul (Level 19)[edit]

Your essence becomes one with lunar energy, creating an aura of serenity and power. All allies within a 30-foot radius receive a bonus on saving throws against fear and charm equal to your Wisdom modifier, and you gain a passive +2 bonus to AC while in darkness or under moonlight.

Supreme Lunar Convergence (Level 19)[edit]

At level 19, you gain Supreme Lunar Convergence. Once per long rest, you may spend up to 5 Lunar Essence Points to activate a convergence of lunar energy that empowers all your abilities and spells for 1 minute. During this time, you have advantage on all rolls, and any radiant or necrotic damage you deal is doubled. This ability is not available until level 19.

Lunar Apotheosis (Level 19)[edit]

At level 19, you become the ultimate embodiment of the moon. With Lunar Apotheosis, you gain the following benefits: - Your maximum hit points are doubled, making your vitality nearly unbreakable. - You can fly at a speed of 60 feet, ignoring restrictions imposed by armor or encumbrance. - Once per long rest, you may invoke the full power of the full moon to fully restore hit points and remove all negative conditions (such as paralysis, petrification, or poisoning) from all allied creatures within 60 feet. - Spells of 1st and 2nd level that you cast do not require spell slots. - Additionally, you gain Lunar Essence Points equal to your level plus your Charisma modifier plus your Wisdom modifier (renewed after a long rest) and may spend them to:

 - Overcome failed saving throws.
 - Remove conditions such as stunned, poisoned, or frightened… etc
 - Add a bonus of +1 per Lunar Essence Point spent to any attack or ability check.

This apotheosis represents the culmination of your divine connection with the moon, transforming you into an unyielding force of the night.

Sovereign Divine Form of the moon[edit]

Finaly at 20th level, you can allways stay on Divine Form lunar apotheosis. Aditionaly, you become imune to any damage or effect caused by any means but divine means. Only a divine creature can harm another one.

lunar will list[edit]

You need to spend an additional action when performing a lunar will

Lunar Will: Waxing Radiance[edit]

Physical Enhancement
Required Essence
2 EP
For 1 minute, the user increases agility, strength, and precision. While the will is active, it adds a +2 bonus to attack and dexterity rolls, and a modest increase to defense (+1 to AC).
Special Condition
If activated during the waxing phase, it allows the recovery of 1 extra EP at the end of combat.
The waxing phase represents the emergence of inner power and the start of a renewing cycle.

Lunar Will: Eclipse of Shadows[edit]

Stealth and Additional Damage
Required Essence
3 EP
The user envelops themselves in lunar twilight, gaining advantage on stealth and evasion rolls. Their physical attacks deal extra magic damage from necrotic 2d4.
Special Condition
During the new moon, the extra damage increases by 50%.
The eclipse symbolizes the duality between light and shadow, allowing the harnessing of both aspects in combat.

Lunar Will: Silver Blessing[edit]

Healing and Protection
Required Essence
1 EP
Channels lunar energy to heal or reinforce defenses. The user may choose between regaining hit points or gaining a temporary +2 bonus on saving throws.
Special Condition
If activated during the full moon, the healing effect is intensified, restoring 25% more hit points.
The silver light of the full moon acts as a restorative and protective balm.

Lunar Will: Lunar Flare[edit]

Ranged Attack 60 feet
Required Essence
4 EP
Concentrates Lunar Essence into a ray of pure energy that strikes a single target 2d6, dealing radiant damage and applying secondary effects (such as temporary blinding one turn and evade resistance CD 10 + your mod cha and mod sab).
Special Condition
If combined with other offensive wills, the ray can trigger chain effects on nearby enemies.
Represents the culmination of lunar power, breaking through darkness with penetrating light.

Will of the Moon: Lunar Strike[edit]

Offensive single target
Essence required
6 EP
The user summons concentrated lunar energy into their weapon or fist and strikes a single target. The attack deals an additional 6d8 radiant damage, and the target must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC = 8 + your Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus) or be knocked prone.
Special Condition
If used during a crescent moon, the attack gains an additional 2d8 radiant damage.

Will of the Moon: Shroud of Moonlight[edit]

Defensive buff
Essence required
5 EP
The user is enveloped in a shimmering aura of moonlight for 1 minute. While active, the user gains temporary hit points equal to 3d10 + their Wisdom modifier and attackers have disadvantage on attack rolls against them.
Special Condition
If used during a waxing moon, the temporary hit points increase to 4d10.

Will of the Moon: Guiding Radiance[edit]

Supportive area effect
Essence required
7 EP
The user creates a soft, glowing light that covers a 20-foot radius for 1 minute. Allies within the area gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks.
Special Condition
During a full moon, this will also grants advantage on saving throws against being frightened or charmed.

Will of the Moon: Lunar Chains[edit]

Essence required
6 EP
Lunar energy manifests as glowing chains that restrain a creature within 30 feet. The target must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC = 8 + your Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus) or be restrained for up to 3 rounds. The restrained creature can make another Strength saving throw at the end of each of its turns to escape.
Special Condition
If this will is used during a gibbous moon, the restrained creature also has disadvantage on saving throws to escape.

Will of the Moon: Radiant Pulse[edit]

Area of effect damage
Essence required
7 EP
The user releases a pulse of lunar energy that radiates out in a 20-foot sphere. All enemies within the area must make a Constitution saving throw (DC = 8 + your Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus). On a failed save, they take 6d8 radiant damage and are blinded until the end of their next turn. On a successful save, they take half damage and are not blinded.
Special Condition
If used during a lunar eclipse, the damage increases to 8d8.

Will of the Moon: Crescent Blade[edit]

Offensive enhancement
Essence required
5 EP
The user shapes a blade of pure moonlight that lasts for 1 minute or until dismissed. The blade counts as a magical weapon and deals 3d10 radiant damage on a hit. Additionally, attacks with the blade ignore resistance to radiant damage.
Special Condition
During a crescent moon, the blade's duration increases to 2 minutes.

Will of the Moon: Lunar Serenity[edit]

Healing and condition removal
Essence required
6 EP
The user channels soothing lunar energy into an ally with

in 30 feet. The target regains 4d8 hit points and is freed from one condition affecting them (such as blindness, deafness, or paralysis).

Special Condition
During a waxing crescent moon, the target also gains 2d8 temporary hit points.

Aquí tienes el código traducido al inglés:

Will of the Moon: Crimson Moon Invocation[edit]

Area of effect destructive
Essence required
10 EP
The user channels the power of the Crimson Moon, unleashing a massive energy explosion that affects all enemies within a 60-foot radius. Each target must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC = 8 + your Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus). On a failed save, they take 10d10 radiant damage and 5d10 force damage. On a successful save, they take half damage.
Special Condition
If the user activates this will during a lunar eclipse, enemies make their saving throws with disadvantage.

Will of the Moon: Celestial Barrier[edit]

Total protection
Essence required
8 EP
The user creates a barrier of lunar light that covers a 30-foot radius for 1 minute. All allied creatures within the area gain resistance to all damage types and a +4 bonus to their AC. Additionally, the barrier blocks any magical effect attempting to pass through it from outside.
Special Condition
During a full moon, the user can extend the barrier’s duration by an additional minute at no extra cost.

Will of the Moon: Lunar Void Call[edit]

Mental damage and weakening
Essence required
12 EP
The user connects with the darkness of the moon’s far side to send a psychic pulse affecting all enemies within a 40-foot radius. Each enemy must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC = 8 + your Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus). On a failed save, they are stunned for 2 rounds and take 8d8 psychic damage. On a successful save, they take half damage and are not stunned.
Special Condition
If this will is used during a new moon, affected enemies also suffer disadvantage on their attack rolls until the end of the encounter.

Will of the Moon: Lunar Apotheosis[edit]

Essence required
15 EP
The user temporarily transforms into an avatar of the moon god for 1 minute. In this form, they gain the following benefits:
 - +5 to all attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks.  
 - Immunity to radiant and force damage.  
 - Recover 10 hit points at the start of each turn.  
 - Their melee attacks deal an additional 3d10 radiant damage.  
Special Condition
If this will is activated under the direct light of a full moon, the transformation lasts 2 minutes instead of 1.

Will of the Moon: Eternal Light[edit]

Massive healing and purification
Essence required
9 EP
A brilliant light radiates from the user, healing all allied creatures within a 30-foot radius. Each ally regains 6d10 hit points and has all negative conditions affecting them removed (such as poisoning, paralysis, or blindness).
Special Condition
During a solar eclipse, this will also removes any curses affecting the creatures.

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Will of the Moon: Apocalyptic Lunar Eclipse[edit]

Mass destruction
Lunar eclipse.
Essence required
20 EP
The user channels for 1 minute, during which they are vulnerable to all damage and cannot move. Once completed, all the lunar energy accumulated from the moons the user is connected to is directed toward an area with a circumference within 30 feet multiplied by your Charisma modifier. All targets within the circumference take 4d8 necrotic damage. If the targets are celestials or divine entities, they take 8d16 necrotic damage, bypassing resistances and immunities. This damage cannot be avoided in any way, and they are inflicted with a condition that prevents them from using any power related to their divine nature. Additionally, chains in the shape of a lunar eclipse bind them within the circle. At the end of each round, enemies can make a Strength saving throw of 20 + your Charisma modifier and proficiency to attempt to break free from their bindings and try to escape the circle at the end of their next turn.

Will of the Moon: Dazzling Solar Eclipse[edit]

Mass destruction
Solar eclipse.
Essence required
20 EP
The user channels for 1 minute, during which they are vulnerable to all damage and cannot move. Once completed, you absorb all the solar energy transmitted by the sun through the moons the user is connected to. This energy is directed toward an area with a circumference within 30 feet multiplied by your Wisdom modifier. All targets within the circumference take 4d8 radiant damage. If the targets are demons or evil entities, they take 8d16 radiant damage, bypassing resistances and immunities. This damage cannot be avoided in any way, and they are inflicted with a condition that prevents them from using any power related to their evil nature. Additionally, chains in the shape of a solar eclipse bind them within the circle. At the end of each round, enemies can make a Strength saving throw of 20 + your Wisdom modifier and proficiency to attempt to break free from their bindings and try to escape the circle at the end of their next turn.