Gloves of the Funny Bone (3.5e Equipment)

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Gloves of the Funny Bone: These dark leather gloves have the comedy mask emblazoned on the backs in brilliant white and the knuckles are reinforced with bone. Striking an opponent with these gloves causes an unusual amount of pain, inflicting an additional 1d6 points of damage. 3/day the wearer may cause their opponent to fall under the effects of hideous laughter for three rounds (DC 18 Will save negates) if they succeed on an unarmed attack.

Faint (DC 17) enchantmentCL 3rd; Craft Wonderous Item, Hideous Laughter; Cost 1000 gp, 40 xp, 1 day; Activation: Standard; Weight: 1/2 lb.; Market Price: 2000 gp

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