Gloves of Cantrip Battle (3.5e Equipment)

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Gloves of Cantrip Battle: These brown leather gloves each have a rune inscribed upon the palm.

These gloves allow you to launch items from the palm of your hand. At will as a standard action you can with the right glove launch a crossbow bolt as the Launch Bolt spell (Attacks like a Lt. Crossbow; Bolt does 1d8 Damage, 19-20/x2 Crit). At will as a standard action you can launch a fine sized item as the Launch Item spell. And with both hands you can create one 5ft x 5ft square of caltrops as the Caltrops spell which lasts for 3 rounds at will.

Faint (DC 17) TransmutationCL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, Launch Item, Launch Bolt, Caltrops (All spells see the Spell Compendium); Cost 1,250gp, 100 XP, 3 Days; Activation: Standard; Weight: 1 lb.; Market Price: 2,500 gp

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