Geography (Veatis)

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rugged mountains towering past the clouds as mass caverns stretch deep into the words crust, fortress islands dot the seas, acting as an ever present bulwark agents the beast of the sea as



The largest Continent with warm rain forest and tall snow toped mountains and rushing rivers home to the largest population of humans and dwarves as well as many other races


Frozen islands and floating city's of ice, home to many sea faring barbarian tribes


The lands of Uaclai are vary militaristic and vary diverse with the land ranging from Vast mountain ranges to Wide open grassy fields. the being connected to Southern Uaclai by a thick land-bridge

South Uaclai[edit]

The lands of South Uaclai are covered in a thick and ruthless Jungle with many abandoned temples. To its north is a scolding dessert land bridge connecting it to the rest of Uaclai


A large cluster of swampy jungle islands and volcanoes. Violent storms constantly surrounding the islands causing ships to crash on the rocky cliffs and reafs


The third largest content with a scalding deserts and a blistering heat, the people of the land being master craftsmen with the fine sands they walk on

The Oceans and Seas[edit]

the Eternal maelstrom[edit]

A everlasting storm located jest off the cost of Sleatanish, and travel through it in near impossible, but it is rummered among scholars that in the center is a portle to other pains of exsistance. the Maelstrom is the senter of the magic within Veatis, from its chaotic center flows the misticle winds that allow people to harnis the magicle planes of magic. if the maelstrom was to close magic would begin to faid from the world

The lost islands[edit]

Myth says that in the center of the Maelstrom there sits the lost islands

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