Uaclai (Veatis Supplement)

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Country and kingdoms[edit]


The chains that bind us shall be forged into the blades that free us, they shall be heated in the fires of hope, shaped on the anvil of war and quenched in the blood of the tyrants that try to control us, and like the grand phoenix we shall rise from the ashes and forever be free.


On the north eastern area of Uaclai is the country of Ameran with a large mountain range in the north and a thick lush forest covering most of the western lands.



The vast majority of the Ameran's people are human and dwarves, but her people are diverse

Military Forces[edit]



The Ameran navy is responsible for all of the nations Battleships and other sea faring vessels.

Ameran mariner corps[edit]

The Ameran mariner Corps is the land combat force of the Ameran navy. Armed with muskets and sabers, the men and women do combat on islands and beaches, defend the country harbors and ships and even preform Reconnaissance. The Ameran are comparable to other nations Ranger corps, holding the record for as one of the best trained fighting force because of there toughness, resourcefulness, excellent marksmanship and survival skills

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