Freezing Goo (5e Trap)

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Freezing Goo[edit]

freezing goo is a low level, simple trap so it will not kill the person inside the trap. it is a very simple trap designed for characters level 1-2? when a player is walking they must make a dexterity saving throw or be engulfed by the large ooze. while inside the ooze the trapped player is immobilized and frozen in whatever position they were in before walking into the Goo a player must succeed a DC 14 perception check to notice the ooze

Trigger. stepping into the ooze

Effect. The ooze freezes and becomes like ice and the Creature in side takes 1d4 cold damage at the start of each turn. a Creature out the ooze can try to pull the creature out by making a DC 14 Strength saving throw, on a success the creature is pull out on a fail the creature that tried to put it out takes 1d4 cold damage.


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