Fog of the Mind (5e Disease)

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Fog of the Mind[edit]

Contracting Fog of the Mind[edit]

The "Fog of the Mind" as it's called by many who treat the afflicted, is typically contracted from a mushroom's spores, known as the Brainshroom. This mushroom is incredibly rare, often is said to increase intelligence capacity whenever consumed. This, however, is a myth. This disease can either be contracted via the spores of this mushroom, or from simply eating it. The DC for the Constitution save to not contract this disease from either listed source is 15, and must be made once per day.


Stage 1: Should the afflicted fail the first saving throw, their mind will begin to fog. Words may come out slower, thoughts may slow, but the main noticeable difference is a difficulty remembering anything. Afflicted creatures will have disadvantage on all history checks while afflicted by this disease in this stage.

Stage 2: Should the afflicted fail the second saving throw, they will continue to experience the effects listed above. However, their mind will now be noticeably foggier. They will begin to forget words, and even, some of their training. Afflicted creatures must make a history check every time they want to use a class feature or spell while afflicted by the disease in this stage, with a DC of 15. Should they fail, they will not remember how to use their class feature or how to cast the spell, and fail to cast these spells.

Stage 3: Should the afflicted fail the final saving throw, the fog will become absolutely horrid. The target will be unable to make full sentences, they are unable to perform many basic tasks, and are in the worst stage. All previous effects are also Afflicted creatures will have disadvantage on any attack rolls and skill checks, as well as requiring a history check to cast spells or use any class features.


Since the disease is contracted and perpetuated by mushroom spores, it can be easily cured during stage one via CPR, and will be successful on a medicine check with a DC of 15. In later stages, however, this disease must be cured via the spell lesser restoration, or through a Potion of Healing.

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