Fleshift (5e Disease)

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Quantum Mutation[edit]

Contracting Fleshift[edit]

A creature contracts Fleshift when it fails a saving through on the Changewarden's Winds of Change feature, (I havent made it yet:P), by coming into contact with the blood of a shapechanger , or by coming into contact with the pollen of the quantum fluff plant that grows uncommonly in the Feywild, and is almost extinct in the material plane. the last way to contract fleshift is by being polymorphed more than 6 times in a day. There are four forms of fleshift. Types: There are four variants of fleshift, each contracted from a different source. the stages and effects are different depending on the type.


Stage 1: when a creature fails the DC 20 saving through of the Changewardens winds of change feature, the creature contracts Instant fleshift. The creature rolls a 100 sided die to determine the form of the desiease. pulsing Gradual Chrysalis


<Disease> can be cured with lesser restoration .

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