Fixer Tools (Project Moon Supplement)

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Fixer Tools[edit]

Fixer Tools are weapons and support items used by the Fixer Class


Seven Section’s Blade[edit]

Weapon (longsword), Rare (Level 1 Seven Section associate or 7th level Fixer)

You may choose to deal Slashing, piercing, or bludgeoning damage when dealing damage with this weapon. Additionally, if you are affiliated with seven association, you gain a +1 to attack and damage rolls with this weapon. This benefit increases to +2 at 7th level, and again to +3 at 14th level.

Cinq Association’s Rapier[edit]

Weapon (Rapier), Rare (Level 1 Cinq Association associate or 7th level Fixer)

For every 10ft moved in a straight line on your turn, add 1d4 piercing damage. This Benefit does not carry over between rounds (Ex: you cannot move 30ft one turn then another 30ft on the next turn for the next attack to deal 6d4 additional damage. All additional damage is a turn by turn basis). This additional damage has a max of xd4 where x is equal to your proficiency bonus. If you are not a Cinq Association affiliate, you must move 20ft for every additional 1d4. Additionally, if you are affiliated with Cinq association, you gain a +1 to attack and damage rolls with this weapon.

Kurokuno Clan’s Katana[edit]

Weapon (katana), Rare (Level 1 Kurokuno Clan’s associate or 7th level Fixer)

Cause an additional bleed stack per hit and impose disadvantage on medicine checks to stop the bleeding. Recovering any amount of hit points will still stop the effect.

R-Corp Rabbit Rifle and Knife[edit]

Weapon (Rifle and Knife), Rare (Level 1 R-Corp associate or 7th level Fixer)

This rifle has a range of 60/180, holds a magazine size of 20 bullets, and deals 1d10 damage per hit. If used by an R-Corp associate on the Rabbit team, damage increases to 2d6 and you do not attack with disadvantage while shooting within 5ft. The Knife deals 1d6 slashing. If used by a Rabbit team member, the knife deals 1d8 slashing and 1d4 lightning damage.

R-Corp Reindeer Mace[edit]

Weapon (Mace), Rare (Level 1 R-Corp associate or 7th level Fixer)

This mace deals 1d8 bludgeoning damage, but grants the ability to attack at a range of 15ft. When attacking at a range, you deal 1d10 radiant damage. If used by an R-Corp associate on the Reindeer team, damage increases to 1d12 radiant damage and range increases to 30ft. Additionally, you may use your wisdom modifier for attack and damage rolls.

R-Corp Rhino Hammer[edit]

Weapon (Maul), Rare (Level 1 R-Corp associate or 7th level Fixer)

This hammer deals 1d12 bludgeoning damage, has the two handed and heavy property. If used by an R-Corp associate on the Rhino team, the weapon’s damage increases to 2d8, loses the heavy property in exchange for the reach property, and gains access to the slam feature. As an action you may cause all hostile creatures in a 15ft cone to make a Dexterity save or be knocked back 10ft and knocked prone taking 2x weapon damage on failure. On success creatures take half damage and suffer no additional effects.

N-Corp Oversized Nail[edit]

Weapon (Lance), Rare (Level 1 N-Corp affiliate with 16 Strength or 7th level fixer with 18 strength)

This Nail deals 1d10 piercing damage and has the heavy and reach property. While being used by an N-Corp Affiliate, you gain the ability to taunt all creatures who can see or hear you. As an action, once per long rest, you may cause all creatures who can see or hear you to make a Charisma saving throw or be taunted to you until they make the save at the beginning of each of their turns. While taunted, affected creatures attack with disadvantage against other friendly creatures or allow advantage on saving throws they may impose.

N-Corp’s Vicious Nail[edit]

Weapon (Javelin), Rare (Must be a 13th level N-Corp)

This elongated nail deals 1d8 piercing damage and has the finesse property. Additionally, if you are an N-Corp associate, it gains the thrown property with a range 30/45ft and the returning property. When taking this Nail as a tool of the trade, This Nail is counted as a nail for the sake of your Drive the Nail feature. You may embed the nail in somebody as usual but retrieving it as a bonus action on a successful melee attack with a bludgeoning weapon dealing 1d8 piercing damage upon retrieval this way. Finally at 17th level as an N-Corp associate, you may make a special attack with this nail. After a successful ranged attack, you may choose to make the next attack you attempt to be a dash attack. Upon performing this attack, you may immediately move 45ft towards a target and make a melee attack with advantage. On hit you deal 2x weapon damage + 3x piercing damage. You may perform this special attack twice per long rest.

Shi Association’s Katana[edit]

Weapon (Katana), Rare (Must be a 7th level Shi Association associate or a 13th level fixer)

This Katana deals 1d8 slashing damage and has the finesse and versatile property (1d10 slashing). If used by a Shi Association associate, every 30ft of movement you have at any given moment, you gain a +1 to attack rolls.

E.G.O. Weapon: Penitence[edit]

Weapon (Club), Rare (Level 1 Lobotomy Remnant associate or 7th level Fixer, Strength or Dexterity of 14)

This weapon deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage and has the versatile feature (1d8). Additionally, you may target a non hostile creature and make an attack roll against them. On hit you may remove one negative status effect or condition from them except for exhaustion.

E.G.O. Weapon: Beak[edit]

Weapon (Pistol), Rare (Level 1 Lobotomy Remnant associate or 7th level Fixer, Dexterity of 16 or higher, Intelligence of 16 or higher, have previously punished somebody who has done harm to you.)

This item deals 2d4 damage against targets, but increases to 2d6 if the target attacked you after your previous turn.

E.G.O. Weapon: Regret[edit]

Weapon (Maul), Rare (Level 1 Lobotomy Remnant associate or 7th level Fixer, Strength of 17 or higher, and must believe you received a punishment greater than a transgression you committed.)

This hammer deals 2d6 damage per hit. You may as an action make an attack roll and on hit deal weapon damage and force the target to make a Constitution saving throw. On failure the opponent is stunned until the end of their next turn.

E.G.O. Weapon: Life for a Daredevil[edit]

Weapon (Katana), Rare (Level 1 Lobotomy Remnant associate or 13th level Fixer, Dexterity of 18 or higher, and must have a Charisma of no higher than 14.)

This katana deals 2d8 magical slashing damage. If it attacks a target who is immune, it instead acts as resistance.

E.G.O. Weapon: Solemn Lament[edit]

Weapon (Pistol), Rare (Lobotomy Remnant associate, Wisdom of 18 or higher, must have lost a loved one and has moved past their death.)

These pistols deal 1d8 necrotic and radiant damage respectively per hit and benefit from any feature that references two weapon fighting. You may make an attack with your offhand pistol as a bonus action, only if you are wielding both however. As an action once per long rest, you may make a number of attacks equal to your proficiency bonus and roll, dealing weapon damage on hit and rolling a 1d6 for every attack landed. On a roll of 6 you may make an additional attack. If you are using a Lobotomy Remnant affiliate, you may make an additional attack on a roll of 4-6.

E.G.O. Weapon: Crimson Scar[edit]

Weapon (Sickle and Pistol), Rare (Level 7 Lobotomy Remnant associate or 13th level Fixer, must have a Dexterity and Wisdom of 17 or higher, and must be a minimum of fixer grade 7 or higher.)

The sickle deals 2d8 piercing damage per hit while the gun deals 2d6 piercing damage. The gun does not require ammo to fire and has a range of 30/60 and has no disadvantage when firing within 5ft of a target. When taking the attack action with the sickle, you may use your bonus action to make a single attack with the pistol. These weapons cannot be wielded separately and must be used in conjunction with one another.

E.G.O. Weapon: The Sword Sharpened by Tears[edit]

Weapon (Rapier), Rare (Level 7 Lobotomy Remnant associate or 13th level Fixer, must have a Dexterity and Charisma of 17 or higher, and must be a minimum of fixer grade 7 or higher.)

This Rapier deals 2d10 piercing damage per hit and has a crit range of 19-20. Additionally, if you land a critical, you may use your bonus action to make an additional attack.

E.G.O. Weapon: Adoration[edit]

Weapon (Pitcher), Rare (Level 14 Lobotomy Remnant associate or 20th level Fixer, must have a Wisdom or Charisma of 20 or higher, and must be a minimum of fixer grade 3 or higher.)

The pitcher has a range of 15ft and deals 4d8 Acid damage per hit. Damage dealt by this weapon bypasses resistances but not immunities. When a target was hit by this weapon in the last three rounds, any further attacks deal an additional dice of damage and reduce the target’s movement speed by 10ft. Additionally, as an action you may cause all hostile creatures in a 30ft cone to make a Dexterity save. On failure, they take 6d12 acid damage and suffer a -1d4 to their next roll. You may use this feature twice per long rest.

E.G.O. Weapon: Mimicry[edit]

Adoration (Pitcher), Rare (Prerequisites: Level 14 Lobotomy Remnant associate or 20th level Fixer, must have a Strength of 20 and Constitution of minimum 17 or higher, and must be a minimum of fixer grade 3 or higher.)

This great sword deals 5d10 magical slashing damage. On hit, you recover 1/4 the damage dealt as hit points.


Bulletproof Vest[edit]

Armor (Chain Mail), Rare (Level 1 Fixer)

Your AC=14+Dexterity (up to +2) and you gain resistance to piercing damage.

Liu Association’s Coat[edit]

Armor (Coat), Rare (Level 1 Liu Association associate or 7th level Fixer)

While wearing this your AC=13+Dexterity. Additionally, gain resistance to slashing damage. Additionally, if you are a Liu Association associate, gain a +1 to AC. This benefit increases to +2 at 5th level, +3 at 15th level.

Kurokuno Clan Robes[edit]

Armor (Robes), Rare (level 1 level Kurokuno Clan associate or level 7 fixer)

While wearing your AC=12+Dexterity. Gain a +1 to AC for every bleeding hostile creature. Gain a +2 AC if you are bleeding. Additionally, as a bonus action, you may apply one bleed stack to yourself, ending it as a bonus action.

K-Corp Excision Team Suit[edit]

Armor (Plate), Rare (13th level K-Corp affiliate)

This armor grants the wearer an AC of 18. Additionally, the user recovers their Constitution modifier in hit points every turn so long as they are conscious. Finally, in the event you go down or die outright, the suit will automatically inject you with the revival ampule. This feature will activate once per long rest.

N-Corp Crusader’s Armor[edit]

Armor (Half Plate or Plate), Rare (7th level N-Corp associate or 13th level Fixer)

While wearing your AC=15+Dexterity up to +2 or 18 depending on if you choose either the Half Plate or Plate versions respectively. If you are an N-Corp Associate, you may use your Drive the Nail feature as a bonus action.

E.G.O. Suit: Crimson Scar[edit]

Armor (Coat), Rare (Level 7 Lobotomy Remnant associate or 13th level Fixer, must have a Dexterity and Wisdom of 17 or higher, and must be a minimum of fixer grade 7 or higher.)

While wearing this cloak, the wearer has an AC=13+Dexterity and grants the user a 15ft walking speed bonus only while in combat. Additionally, when the user drops to half of their max hit points, all weapon attacks will deal an additional dice of damage.


Dieci Academic Stole[edit]

Armor (Stole), Rare (Must be a Dieci Association associate to use this.)

You may add your intelligence modifier to damage rolls made with unarmed strikes.

Cinq’s Stylish Blue Hat[edit]

Hat (Hat), Rare (Must be a Cinq Association associate to use this.)

You gain proficiency in performance or expertise if you were already proficient. When fighting in the presence of others that are either allies or neutral parties of you, you may make a performance check upon landing an attack with a DC equal to your opponents Charisma score. On success you gain a 1d6 as an inspiration dice that you may apply to any attack or damage roll, skill check, or saving throw for the next minute. You may use this feature once per short or long rest.

Kurokuno Clan Seethe[edit]

Seeth (Seethe), Rare (Must be a Kurokuno Clan associate to use this.)

When attacking a target after drawing your blade, those attacks allow bleed stacks to exceed the maximum by the number of attacks landed.

R-Corp Enhanced Battery[edit]

Battery (Battery), Rare (Must be a R-corp associate to use this.)

Your charge maximum increases from 10 to 20.

Bamboo Hat[edit]

Hat (Hat), Rare (13th level Blade Lineage associate)

The roll required to maintain your poise goes from 17-20 to 15-20

Life Support Crusader Mask[edit]

Helmet (Helmet), Rare (13th level N-Corp affiliate possesses the plate version of N-Corp Crusader Armor and the Oversized Nail)

You recover your constitution modifier in hit points every turn. Additionally, when being reduced to 0 hit points, you instead return to 1/4th max hit points once per long rest.

Crude Nails[edit]

Nail (Nail), Rare (Must be a N-Corp associate to use this.)

Targets who have nails embedded in them take 1d4 necrotic damage at the end of their turn for every nail embedded in them. If N-Corp’s Vicious Nail is embedded in them, they instead take 1d6 necrotic damage. Additionally, if using N-Corp’s Vicious Nail, it gains a 1d4 necrotic damage per traditional hit.

Wound Cerid[edit]

Bug (bug), Rare (7th level Fixer)

Bleed damage deals an additional dice of damage.

Hellterfly’s Dream[edit]

Bug (Butterrfly), Rare (7th level Fixer)

You may cause the target to take fire damage equal to half of the fire damage you dealt each turn at the end of their turn.

Rusty Commemorative Coin[edit]

Seeth (Coin), Rare (7th level Fixer)

Upon using a feature that requires an action, you may repeat that singular action once per long rest.

Portable Battery Socket[edit]

Battery Socket (Battery Socket), Rare (7th level Fixer)

You gain 2 charge at the beginning of every turn.

Four Leaf Clover[edit]

Four Leaf Clover (Four Leaf Clover), Rare (7th level Fixer)

Your crit range increases an additional time.


Nebulizer (Nebulizer), Rare (7th level Fixer)

You and all allies gain an improved crit range by one until they land a critical, after which this gift no longer affects them.