Fixer (Project Moon Supplement)

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Fixers are immoral handymen that will do almost any job. Large corporations and Offices hire fixers to do their dirty work for them and help them climb the ranks.

Class Features

As a Fixer you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per Fixer level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Fixer level after 1st


Armor: Light armor, Shields
Weapons: martial and simple weapons, firearms
Tools: one type of musical instrument and one artisan's tools or game set
Saving Throws: Strength or Dexterity and Constitution
Skills: Choose three from Athletics, Acrobatics, Investigation, Survival, Stealth, Persuasion, Perception, and Medicine


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • Leather armor and a shield
  • (a) 1 martial weapon or (b) 2 simple weapons
  • (a) 1 pistol (dmg version) with 10 rounds or (b) a longbow with 20 arrows
  • 1 musical instrument and your selected artisan's tools or gaming set

Table: The Fixer

Level Proficiency
Tools of the Trade Features
1st +2 1 Fixer Grade,Tools of the Trade,Affiliation Feature
2nd +2 1 Abnormal Ability, Fighting Style
3rd +2 1 Affiliation Feature
4th +2 1 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 1 Extra Attack
6th +3 1 Affiliation Feature
7th +3 2 Abnormal Ability Improvement
8th +3 2 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 2 Immoral Mind
10th +4 2 Affiliation Feature
11th +4 2 Extra Attack
12th +4 2 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 3 Affiliation Feature
14th +5 3 Abnormal Ability Improvement
15th +5 3 Never Surrounded
16th +5 3 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 3 Affiliation Feature
18th +6 3 Recognition
19th +6 3 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 4 Being of Light,Top Notch Fixer

Fixer Grade[edit]

At 1st level, all the paperwork is done, you are officially a fixer. With this title comes organizations, companies, and other businesses that are willing to give you contracts in exchange for a job well done. These jobs can vary from saving a cat from a tree, fixing a leaky sink, or killing a king. By doing these jobs and fulfilling contracts, your Fixer grade may change. The Hannah association is in charge of rankings and determining your talent based off of jobs, and as such you will need to not only repeatedly perform jobs, but also do well with them in order to progress the ranks. You are currently a Grade 9 fixer, the lowest rank. Requirements to raise through the ranks is shown below

  • Grade 9: –
  • Grade 8: Complete a job
  • Grade 7: Complete 3 jobs, must complete 1 Combat job
  • Grade 6: Complete 6 jobs, must complete 3 Combat jobs
  • Grade 5: Complete 10 jobs, must complete 6 Combat jobs
  • Grade 4: Complete 12 jobs, must complete 10 Combat jobs
  • Grade 3: Complete 15 jobs, Must complete 13 Combat jobs, must have killed a creature with a CR or level higher than your own.
  • Grade 2: Complete 20 jobs, Must complete 20 Combat jobs, must have killed 1 creature with a CR or level higher than your own.
  • Grade 1: Complete 25 jobs, Must complete 25 Combat jobs, must have killed 3 creatures with a CR or level higher than your own.
  • Color Rank: Destroy 1 office with a minimum of 5 grade 1 fixers, Successfully raid one corporation, or kill a god, colored fixer, or distortion with a WAW or ALEPH rank or higher with the help of at most one person who matches your rank or is below.

These Criteria are at the DM’s Discretion meaning that an “Exception” can be made due to a different triumph that is equal to or greater than the requirements to move up a rank. Additionally, it is possible to move up multiple ranks at once if the requirements are met or if the Hannah Association deems you worthy.

Tools of the Trade[edit]

Now that you're a fixer, you have access to all of the workshops that cater to your line of work and as such, at first level, they will be willing to give you specialized tools or artifacts to help you more effectively do your job. These items are listed here, Fixer Tools. You must meet all prerequisites of an item before you can acquire it. You cannot change the tools you take at later levels unless it is one of an equal or lesser value than what you would have been permitted to have at that time. (Ex: You cannot exchange your tool that requires you to be level 5 or higher for one that requires you to be a 17th level character)

If you “borrow” a tool of the trade from another Fixer, you must meet the prerequisites to use it or have disadvantage on all attack rolls, checks, with it, and be unable to use any special features it may have. You may only use up to the amount of tools of the trade at one time equal to the amount listed at your level on the class table.

Fixer Affiliation[edit]

It is often wise to join a larger group in order to more effectively expand your skills as a Fixer. At 1st level, you may pick one of the many Affiliations listed at the bottom of this class. You gain features from these at 1st, 3rd, 6th, 10th, 13th, and 17th levels.

Your Fixer DC is equal to 8 + proficiency + Strength or Dexterity modifier

Fighting Style[edit]

Starting at 2nd level, you adopt a particular style of fighting as your specialty. Choose one of the following options. You may choose an additional fighting style at 10th level. You can't take a Fighting Style option more than once, even if you later get to choose again.

  • Sharpshooter:

You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged attacks.

  • Blind Fighting:

Being unable to see a creature doesn’t impose disadvantage on your attack rolls against it, provided the creature isn’t hidden from you.

  • Close-Range:

You gain a +2 to damage dealt with ranged attacks. Additionally, you no longer attack at disadvantage when you use a ranged attack within 5ft of a creature.

  • Strongbow

You can use your Strength modifier, in place of Dexterity, for your attack and damage rolls with longbows and shortbows.

  • Dual Wielding

When you take the Attack action while two-weapon fighting, you can make a single additional attack with your off-hand weapon as part of your action instead of your bonus action, adding your ability modifier to the damage of this attack. You may still attack with the offhand weapon as a bonus action. However, you will not add your ability modifier or any additional modifiers, including your preferred weapon bonus, regardless if the weapon has the light property.

  • All Terrain Athlete:

You have a swimming speed and a climbing speed equal to your normal speed, and you gain a +1 bonus to armor class.

  • Dueling:

When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.

  • Great Weapon Fighting:

When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with two hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. The weapon must have the two-handed or versatile property for you to gain this benefit.

  • Interception:

When a creature you can see hits a target that is within 5 feet of you with an attack, you can use your reaction to reduce the damage the target takes by 1d10 + your proficiency bonus. You must be wielding a shield or a simple or melee martial weapon to use this reaction.

  • Protection:

When a creature you can see attacks a target other than you that is within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll. You must be wielding a shield or melee martial weapon.

  • Two Weapon Fighter:

When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.

  • Iaijutsu

You make the first attack of each combat with your sword still sheathed. This attack is made with advantage, and on a hit, you double the damage dice of that attack.

  • Tunnel Fighter:

As a bonus action, you can enter a defensive stance that lasts until the start of your next turn. While in your defensive stance, you can make opportunity attacks without using your reaction, and you can use your reaction to make a melee attack against a creature that moves more than 5ft while within your reach.

  • Thrown Weapon Fighting:

You can draw a weapon that has the thrown property as part of the attack you make with the weapon. Moreover, when you hit with a ranged weapon attack using a thrown weapon, you gain a +2 bonus to the damage roll of that attack.

  • Gun Brawler:

Your unarmed strikes can deal bludgeoning damage equal to 1d4 + your Dexterity modifier. When you make a weapon attack using a pistol you may make an unarmed strike as a bonus action. This effect also works vice versa when using an unarmed attack, allowing you to make one weapon attack with your pistol. Additionally, when using a pistol, you no longer attack at disadvantage when within 5ft of a creature.

  • Lancer

When wielding a lance you no longer suffer disadvantage on attack rolls against a creature within 5ft of you and lances may now be wielded in one hand. Additionally Lances you wield now deal 2d6 instead of 1d12.

  • Brawler:

While wielding an improvised weapon, you are considered proficient. Your unarmed attacks and improvised weapon damage rolls now add your proficiency bonus to the roll.

  • Superior Technique

You learn one maneuver of your choice from among those available to the Carry archetype. If a maneuver you use requires your target to make a saving throw to resist the maneuver's effects, the saving throw DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice.) You gain one superiority die, which is a d8 (this die is added to any superiority dice you have from another source). This die is used to fuel your maneuvers. A superiority die is expended when you use it. You regain your expended superiority dice when you finish a short or long rest.

  • Rider

You gain the benefits of the Mounted Combatant feat.

Abnormal Ability[edit]

Something is up with you, nobody can really place their finger on why though. At 2nd level you may pick one of the following abnormal abilities. You will gain features from them at 2nd, 7th, and 14th levels.

Abnormally Strong
Your Strength score maximum is increased by 2 and you gain the powerful build feature.
Abnormally Fast
Your Dexterity score maximum is increased by 2 and you gain +10 to all available movement speeds
Abnormally Durable
Your Constitution score maximum is increased by 2 and you may reduce all incoming damage by your Constitution modifier.
Abnormally Smart
Your Intelligence score maximum is increased by 2 and you gain a benefit to attack roles equal to half of your intelligence modifier.
Abnormally Wise
Your Wisdom score maximum is increased by 2 and you gain proficiency in Perception. You gain expertise if you were already proficient
Abnormally Awesome
Your Charisma score maximum is increased by 2 and you gain advantage on all checks to do with talking to people while outside of combat.

Ability Score Improvement[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature unless the cap has increased.

Extra Attack[edit]

At 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. The number of attacks increases to three when you reach 11th level in this class.

Abnormal Ability Improvements[edit]

At 7th level, you grow into yourself as a Fixer and hone in on what has made you special. Based on your previous choice, you gain one of the following benefits.

Abnormally Strong
Your powerful build feature improves, allowing for you to count as 2 sizes larger. Additionally, you deal double damage to structures, constructs, and objects.
Abnormally Fast
All available movement speeds increase by +10 and you may dash as a bonus action.
Abnormally Durable
You gain a damage threshold equal to your proficiency modifier and treat exhaustion as if it was one level less. (you can still die to exhaustion but it requires an additional level)
Abnormally Smart
It takes you half the time to learn any skill as it would any other person. Additionally you may add half your intelligence modifier rounded up to any check that you are not proficient in.
Abnormally Wise
You cannot be surprised by any means and you automatically know where traps are within 15ft of you
Abnormally Awesome
You may use the bardic inspiration feature from the bard class, having a number of uses equal to your proficiency bonus. The size of the dice is a 1d4

Immoral Mind[edit]

At 9th level, you’ve been on the job for long enough to where the everyday struggle doesn’t get to you as much. You are unbothered by seeing death and carnage and as such do not feel unsettled by it. Additionally, gain evasion for the corresponding stat associated with your Abnormal Ability.

Abnormal Ability Perfection[edit]

At 14th level, you have perfected what has made you stand out, now all that's left is to simply do your job. You gain the following feature based on your abnormal ability.

Abnormally Strong
Your unarmed strike die increases by 1 tier (Ex: 1d4 > 1d6, ect.) and you can no longer be restrained by any means as you are too strong to be held down.
Abnormally Fast
All available movement speeds increase by +10 and your movement speed can only be reduced to half.
Abnormally Durable
When you are reduced to 0 hit points, you may continue fighting while making saves. Getting hit will fail a death save. Upon failing 3 saves in this fashion, you then fall unconscious. Additionally you may add half of your Constitution modifier rounded down to death saves
Abnormally Smart
At the beginning of every new turn in initiative, you may make a DC=15 Intelligence check. On success you can find out a statistic of all creatures on the battlefield such as current HP, ability scores, movement speed or an explanation of one of its features but only if they have used that feature before.
Abnormally Wise
As a bonus action, choose a creature you can see and make a DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) to tell how the enemy will move next. You gain a +2 to attack rolls against the chosen creature until they leave your line of sight or drop to 0 hit points. You can't do this if you are stunned, paralyzed, charmed, or frightened.
Abnormally Awesome
Gain proficiency in all charisma based skills.

Never Surrounded[edit]

At 15th level, it takes two sources of advantage against you for hostile creatures to actually be able to utilize it.


At 18th level, more people know your name than you know theirs. When a creature meets you for the first time, they must make a history check to see if they recognize you (DC=10). On success they know you or at least know of you in a general sense. In combat if a creature recognizes you, they have disadvantage on saving throws you impose until you take any damage or fail a save. This condition only affects the creatures you wish it to.

Being of Light[edit]

At 20th level, you have been touched by the light and with that comes some benefits. Your Abnormal Ability score increases by 2 and so does its maximum. Additionally, you are an icon, your image has been etched into the fabric of being. Your form cannot be affected in any way unless you allow it as the light in your body bends to nobody else.

Top Notch Fixer[edit]

Your name is known in your community, work, and possibly across the world. With that comes the symbol of your stature and equipment you wear. You may take a singular Tools of the Trade, ignoring all prerequisites. This decision cannot be changed later.


Lobotomy Remnant[edit]

Face the Fear, Build the Future

At 1st level you gain the ability to utilize equipment called EGO gear sooner than most could ever dream of. You can bypass all requirements to acquire these items except for the level requirements. Additionally, you are given a pistol that does 1d6 piercing damage, holds a magazine of 12 bullets, and has a range of (30/90).

Cognition Filters

At 3rd level, you have been given a pair of contact lenses that automatically censor forces or imagery that may be harmful to your mental state. You gain advantage on all saving throws that may alter your mind in any way, this includes status conditions such as frightened, charmed, or any effect that affects the brain.

Team Leader

At 6th level you are promoted to team leader (mainly because the last one died). With this you are given an armband. Choose which department you are the team leader of. This decision cannot be changed later.

  • Control Team: You may grant yourself advantage on one check once per long rest.
  • Information Team: Gain advantage on all investigation and history checks and gain proficiency in those skills too. If you previously had.
  • Training Team: Gain an ability score improvement (this cannot be used for a feat)
  • Security Team: +1 hp every level
  • Central Command Team: +10 movement speed
  • Welfare Team: You can make a medicine check on an ally who is downed with a DC=10. On success, they recover 1d10+medicine modifier hit points and are no longer downed. You may use this once per long rest.
  • Disciplinary Team: +1 to all attack rolls
  • Extraction Team: Gain a +1 to all damage rolls
  • Record Team: The DC of all features you have is increased by +1
Specialized Bullets

At 10th level you gain access to special bullets that you can fire out of the pistol you were given upon your hiring. These special bullets can be shot at yourself, hostiles, or allies to gain their benefits. As an action you may fire off one of these bullets. You do not need to make an attack roll if you are within 5ft of your target. You may use any of them at a given time but may only use them a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus.

  • Green: Recover 4d10 hit points or regenerate a limb fully in an instant. If you recover a limb this way, gain a level of exhaustion.
  • Blue: Gain advantage on all mental saves (Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma) for the next 3 rounds
  • Red: Gain immunity to slashing, piercing, and bludgeoning damage for the next 3 rounds
  • White: Gain immunity against psychic, radiant, and necrotic damage for the next 3 rounds
  • Black: Gain immunity to fire, cold, thunder, and lightning damage for the next 3 rounds
  • Pale: Gain immunity to effects that would kill you outright (Ex: power word kill) for the next three rounds.
  • Slow: You may cast Slow, only making the target make the saving throw if the bullet hits.
  • Execution: If you hit a creature with remaining HP less than or equal to your current level + Proficiency bonus

You may only benefit from one bullet at a time.

Again, and again, and again…

At 13th level, your world has repeated an unknown amount of times from that god forsaken facility, only no gaining clarity. You gain advantage on death saving throws. Additionally, when being reduced to 0 hit points, you may return to 1hp once per long rest.

Overcoming Adversity

“There was this… thing… that woke up in the facility today. I handled it to the best of my ability but, I’ve been changed. I’ll never look at the world the same.”

At 17th level, the facility you work in had successfully suppressed an incredibly strong abnormality, so powerful in fact that in its death it gave everyone a gift.This gift adds something to the body that physically changes them such as a cluster of eyes on the cheek, a pair of black wings with glowing yellow eyes, or even a little pink heart on your chest, the appearance of this “gift” is up to you. Gain a +2 to all stats and their maximums, a +2 to attack and damage rolls, and a +2 to AC.

Library Remnant[edit]

Gone Angels

At 1st level, your experience in the Library of Ruina has gifted you with the experience to make it on your own and have a knack for looking out for yourself. You cannot be surprised while conscious and you can detect where traps are within 15ft of you. Additionally, your short rests are only 30 minutes, and your long rests are only 4 hours.

Ripping Pages

At 3rd level, remnants of your abilities from within the library have stayed with you. Everyone is a book filled with knowledge and experience that is worth reading. When you kill a hostile creature, you may take any 1 of its features, proficiencies, racial traits, etc. You must be the one that kills the creature to use this benefit. You can utilize a number of pages at once equal to your proficiency bonus but may hold a number of features (pages) equal to your level. Upon gaining a page above your maximum, you may replace one that you already know, losing the replaced page entirely.

Struggling Through the Dark

At 6th level, you know how to patch yourself up quickly and move onto the next fight. After leaving combat you may expend a number of hit dice up to your proficiency bonus and regain that many hit points.

That’s that and this is this

At 10th level you’ve adopted a mindset where not much gets to you, and even if it does, you can brush it off pretty quickly. You gain advantage on any saving throws that may affect your mind. Additionally, if you are affected by a condition that affects you mentally, on your turn you may use an action to automatically succeed the saving throw to remove it.

Power Struggle

At 13th level, you've experienced enough combat to say that you are becoming a force of nature, something to compare to the characters in fairy tales. Your attacks count as magical for the sake of overcoming resistances and treating immunity as if it were resistance.

Distorted E.G.O.

“I was at my lowest… rock bottom. I heard a voice, a voice that promised me power unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. I gave in. I gave into my carnal desire and finally had the power to write my story how I want.”

At 17th level, you have been granted power from a strange voice. This power takes your raw emotions and makes them reality. As a bonus action you may take on a form of your carnal desire, appearing as anything you wish to show your characters emotion. For the next 30 seconds, you gain AC+2, 30 temporary hit points, +15 to all your movement, and all your attacks and spells deal additional 2d8 damage of a damage type of your choosing.

Seven Association, South Section[edit]

Gathering Intel

At 1st level you are taught about what is expected of you as part of the Seven Association. Intel is the name of the game, and by god you better be able to deliver. You gain proficiency in Investigation checks. If you are already proficient you may gain expertise.

Analyzing Weakness

At 3rd level, you are taught that everything has a weakness, nothing is invincible. On your turn after landing an attack against a hostile creature, you may use your bonus action to analyze an opponent by making an investigation check contesting their intelligence score. On success you learn if they have any damage vulnerabilities.

Exploit the Gap

At 6th level you have been on enough missions to not only analyze a weakness, but to exploit it. When attacking a creature’s vulnerability, you may roll an additional dice when determining damage.

Policy Analysis

At 10th level you have done enough paperwork to supply three lifetimes, you fully understand how to look for the fine details not just in paperwork, but in life. You have advantage on all checks to determine if something is out of place such as but not limited to your food being undercooked, a law having a loophole, your coffee being poisoned, why does my bag of holding keep losing my items? You know, normal stuff.


At 13th level, a simple block and parry can go a long way. As a reaction you may make a contesting attack roll against an opponent's melee attack roll. On success you reduce the damage by half and may make a single counter attack. This counter only works for a single attack roll and not an entire attack action. You may use this feature on ranged attack rolls too. Make a contesting attack roll against an opponent's melee attack roll, on success the attack's damage is reduced to 0 but you may not make a counter attack unless the ranged attack was within your melee reach.

Make a Weakness

At 17th level, you’ve found that you may not always be able to take advantage of a weakness you find, so you may as well make one. Once per long rest when attacking a target with a damage type they are either normal or resistant, but not immune to, you may choose to lower by a single tier (Normal becomes vulnerable and Resistant becomes normal). The amount of uses of this feature increases to twice per long rest at 20th level.

Liu Association, South Section[edit]

Hand to Hand Combat

At 1st level you are taught how to more effectively use your body to subdue an aggressor. You gain proficiency in unarmed strikes dealing 1d6 bludgeoning damage + strength or dexterity. This damage dice increases to 1d8 at 5th level, 1d10 at 10th level, and finally 1d12 at 15th level. Additionally, as a bonus action you may make an additional unarmed strike.

Burning Red

At 3rd level, you are taught how to ignite your hands when fighting hand to hand. Your unarmed strikes deal an additional 1d4 fire damage.

Fire it up

At 6th level your fire burns brighter, leaving the opponent burning. Once per turn when dealing fire damage with your unarmed strikes, the target must make a Constitution save or begin burning, taking half of the full amount of fire damage you dealt on that turn at the end of their turn.

Intense Blaze

At 10th level your flames burn brighter, hotter, and longer. When inflicting burn on a target, the condition is applied until two turns pass and does not end unless the target takes an action to make a sleight of hand check contested by your Fixer DC to put out the fire, or until the allotted time passes. Additionally, when attacking a creature who is burning, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls.

Adding Fuel to the Fire

At 13th level, your flames build, and build, and build. When attacking a creature who is burning, you may force them to make another Constitution save to resist burning (In translation it stacks now). You may only have a max of two turns of fire damage applied to the target at one time.

Perfected Dragon Fist

At 17th level, your persistent studies and technique improvements have landed you amongst the strongest amongst the Liu. When taking the attack action, you may attack an additional time so long as the opponent is burning. When reducing a burning creature to 0 hit points, you gain a +2 to all attack rolls and saving throws for your next turn.

Dieci Association[edit]

Academic Weapon

At 1st level, with training and many extended study sessions, you truly see the meaning of Mind of Matter. You may use your intelligence modifier to determine attack and damage rolls. Additionally, you gain proficiency in unarmed strikes dealing 1d6 per strike. This damage increases to 1d8 at 10th level.


At 3rd level, your knowledge of combat has granted you a profound new understanding of effects that may not be as simple as hit or miss. Once per turn when landing an attack roll, make an intelligence check DC=10. On success gain 1 insight to a max up to your proficiency bonus. For every stack of insight, you gain +1 to saving throws.

Methodical Assault

At 6th level, your insight into the progression of a fight takes your combat to a different level. As a bonus action, you may spend an insight stack to make an additional unarmed strike. This unarmed strike does not grant you insight if it hits.

Study hard, fight harder

At 10th level, your study on historical combat has hardened your body, giving you a boost to your durability. When landing attack rolls with stacks of insight, you gain your insight stacks worth of temporary hit points.

The Book is Strange…

At 13th level, the more books you read, the stranger they seem to be, and with that comes new understanding, and thus, new power. When landing an attack roll, for one insight you may substitute the damage for a grapple check, using your Intelligence in place of your Strength. On success the rest of your attack rolls this turn automatically land but can no longer land criticals. At the end of your turn the target is left prone on the ground. You may use this a number of times equal to your intelligence modifier.


At 17th level, you are top of your class and with that comes a newfound physical strength. As a bonus action, you may expend any number of insight stacks to make that many unarmed strikes. You may not use this feature again until a long rest.

Cinq Association[edit]

Dueling Specialists

At 1st level, you are taught just how to fight in somebody else’s stead and how to carry yourself as a Cinq associate. You gain the Dueling Fighting style.

Compelled Duel

At 3rd level, when you throw your glove to challenge somebody, the town knows the outcome before it starts. As a bonus action you may remove your glove and throw it at a target, forcing them to duel you. When attacking a target inflicted with Compelled Duel, you deal additional damage depending how much faster you are than the target. For every 10ft of movement above the target, you deal an additional +1 damage. Only one person may be inflicted with compelled duel at a given time, and you may inflict it a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus.


At 6th level, your swift footwork speeds you up even further as you get into a groove. Once per turn if you land an attack, you may increase your movement speed by 10ft until the end of your next turn.

Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee

At 10th level, you may take the dash action as a bonus action. Additionally, you may move in between your attacks and no longer provoke attacks of opportunity after successfully landing an attack against somebody.


At 13th level, once per turn, when landing an attack, you may decrease your target’s movement speed by half. You may do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus.

Duelist for the Ages

At 17th level, you have dueled so many people that your renown seems to force people to concede as you show up. But for those who stay and dare challenge you, you’ve got a grand finale waiting for them. You may as an action make a number of attacks equal to 1/10 of your movement speed, on the following turn however you cannot move.

Blade Lineage[edit]

Draw of the Sword

At 1st level, you begin your training in Katana combat, the most honorable way to fight. You gain the Iaijutsu fighting style.


At 3rd level, while persisting in combat, you find small openings that you may exploit. Every attack that you land, you gain 1 poise potency. For every poise potency, your crit range increases by 1. When landing a critical, all poise potency is reduced to 0. You may have a potency equal to your proficiency bonus.


At 6th level, while wielding a katana, your critical range increases to 19-20. Additionally, your critical range increases again when attacking a bleeding target to 18-20.

Decisive Strike

At 10th level, your poise persists even after hitting your mark. After landing a critical, roll a d20. On a roll of 17-20, you maintain your poise potency.

Yield My Flesh

At 13th level, you know how to create an opening, even if it costs your body to do so. As a reaction to the opponent attacking you with a melee attack, you may make a single weapon attack contesting their roll but without adding your ability modifier to the roll. On a successful block, you take no damage from that attack. If you fail the check and are hit, on your next turn you gain an increase to your next damage roll equal to the damage taken. You may use this feature a number of times equal to half your dexterity modifier rounded up times per long rest. At 17th level the additional damage increases to double the damage taken.

To Claim Their Bones

At 17th level, as an action and only after failing the check for Yield My Flesh, you can make a single weapon attack with advantage against a target within your movement speed, appearing within 5ft of them. On hit this attack deals 2x weapon damage + 2x yield my flesh additional damage. On critical, the target is paralyzed until the end of your next turn.

Kurokumo Clan[edit]

Augmentation Tattoos

At 1st level, by joining the Kurokumo Clan, you were given a set of augmentation tattoos. You gain +10 speed to all available movements and may disengage as a bonus action.

Deep Cuts

At 3rd level, with precise swings, you can make the opponent bleed. For every attack you land, the opponent gains a stack of bleed. Bleed deals 1d4 necrotic damage when a creature makes an attack roll, ability check, or imposes a saving throw. You can apply a number of bleed stacks to a target equal to your proficiency bonus. Targets may use their action to stop the bleeding by making a Medicine check contesting your Fixer DC. On success they stop the bleeding, on failure, they take bleed damage. Additionally, if a hostile creature with bleed stacks recovers any amount of hit points, it loses half of its bleed stacks. Lesser restoration and greater restoration will remove all bleed stacks.


At 6th level, while wielding a katana, your critical range increases to 19-20. Additionally, your critical range increases again when attacking a bleeding target to 18-20.

Artful Ecstacy

At 10th level, the blood they bleed is the paint your brush needs to create the beauty of death, and to do that, you need more. When inflicting bleed on an already bleeding target, you increase the bleed dice by one size (1d4 > 1d6, 1d6 >1d8, ect.) to a maximum of 1d12.


At 13th level, you feel a sense of superiority over those who are bleeding and they know that. While a target is bleeding, once per turn you may impose a -1d4 to an attack roll, saving throw, or ability check as a free action. You must impose this feature before the roll is made.

Sky Clearing Cut

At 17th level, your painting needs one last stroke to be perfect. As an action force a creature of your choosing within your movement range to make an attack roll. On hit deal 5x weapon damage. If the attack is a critical and the target is bleeding, deal bleed dice equal to the count. You may use this feature once per short rest.

Shi Association[edit]

Stealth Soldier

At 1st level, you’ve been trained in the art of a quick kill to do your job. You gain proficiency in stealth if you weren’t already proficient while gaining expertise if you were proficient prior. Additionally, your walking speed increases by 10ft.

Endless Battle

At 3rd level, you feel most alive when you're closest to death. When at 25% of your maximum hit points, you gain a +1 to all attack and damage rolls. This benefit increases to +2 at 7th level, +3 at 13th level, and +4 at 17th.

Flying Sword

At 6th level, with a swift kill comes swift speed. So long as you land an attack on your turn, your speed increases by 10ft.

To Overcome Crisis

At 10th level, you understand that in death, everyone is equal, and so is the burden that death brings. When reaching 25% of your maximum hit points, you gain an additional bonus action that may only be used for the disengage and hide actions. Additionally, when falling to 0 hit points, you instead fall to 1 once per long rest.

Flashing Strike

At 13th level, the quicker you do the job the less of a mess it leaves. After taking the dash action on your turn, you may make a single attack roll as a free action.

Boundary of Death

At 17th level, perfection is something that is earned on a gamble, leading to a quick and clean kill. As an action, make an attack roll. On hit roll a 1d4. On a 4, add 45 damage to the attack, also making the damage unblockable, meaning that it bypasses all resistances and immunities. In the event of a critical, the damage bonus becomes 90. After the d4 rolls a 4, you must make a recharge roll, rolling a 1d6 at the beginning of each of your turns. On a result of a 6, you may use Boundary of Death again.

Zwei Association[edit]

Law and Order

At 1st level, you’ve joined the Zwei association, a police force of sorts meant to protect the people and bodyguard them. As such you training reflects that. You gain the protection fighting style from the fighting style list.


At 3rd level, your protectiveness can only help somebody so long as the aggressor stands down or lies down. When using your reaction to protect an ally, you may make a single attack against them as part of the reaction. This attack counts as an opportunity attack for the sake of any other features.

Protect and Serve

At 6th level, your mere presence puts others at ease. You gain an aura of protection to all Allie’s within 10ft of you. All allies in range gain a bonus to saving throws equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1).

Focused Defense

At 10th level, your constant defense of others allows for a more resilient self. You gain +2 AC and may now, when using your reaction to defend somebody, jump in front of the ally to take the damage for them. Any effects that would be applied from your reaction still apply such as the disadvantage on attack rolls from the protection fighting style, however the attack rolls will be targeted at you. Additionally, after protecting an ally in this way, they have advantage on all attack rolls against the hostile target until the end of their next turn.

Flexible Suppression

At 13th level, the best defense is a good offense. For every attack you land during your turn, gain a +1 to AC until the start of your next turn.


At 17th level, you’re at the pinnacle of your class and a top-notch defender. Your aura now grants any AC benefits you gain while using Flexible Suppression to all allies within your aura’s range. Additionally, your aura’s range increases to 15ft. Finally, any AC benefits you gain from Flexible Suppression grant a benefit to your attack and damage rolls on your next turn (Example: if your AC benefit from the last turn was +3, all attack and damage rolls this turn have a +3).


Mutated Soldier

At 1st level, you're a new member of G-Corp and as such they have altered your body to be more… bug like. Apparently it’s to give you the best traits to survive but it just kinda grosses you out at first. One or both of your arms get altered granting you a natural weapon in the form of a claw, blade arm, or whatever your little imagination can come up with. Regardless of what it looks like it deals 1d8 slashing damage. You are considered proficient with this weapon and as it is part of your body, you cannot be disarmed.

Emergency Rations

At 3rd level, your survivability is second nature to you and as such maintaining your wellbeing is of upmost importance. When at ¼ your max hp, you recover 1d10 hit points at the beginning of every turn.

Furthered Mutation

At 6th level, your mutation has furthered, granting you more bug-like features. You gain tremorsense up to 10ft and dark vision up to 60ft.


At 10th level, your body recovers by absorbing the nutrients of others. When dealing damage to a hostile creature, you recover your constitution modifier as temporary hit points.


At 13th level, your claws have serrated, making removing flesh all the easier. As an action you may make a single attack roll. On hit deal 5x weapon damage, knock them prone, and recover health equal to half the damage delt.


At 17th level, your mutated desire to destroy your opponents by ripping them apart has taken over, you know how to take advantage of a golden opportunity. As a reaction to an opponent being prone, you may make 3 weapon attacks against them. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your constitution modifier.


Medical Technology

At 1st level, you’ve landed a job from a big corporation. You’ll be doing security work, but you hope that your skill will raise you through the ranks. You’ve been granted access to K-Corp Ampules. You have a number of ampules equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest. These ampules may be injected manually through an injection gun you’ve been supplied on any target within 5ft. These ampules have one of two effects. The first is to recover any limbs in an instant that may have been removed, blown up, disintegrated, it honestly doesn’t matter how. The other is to recover an amount of hit points equal to your proficiency bonus d8. You may administer the ampules as a bonus action; however, you may only administer one ampule per person for healing hit points and once for recovering limbs per long rest.

Impede the Intruder

At 3rd level, your training has had a very heavy emphasis on stopping hostile targets at all costs. You gain the sentinel feat.

Decay Blade

At 6th level, your weapons gain a coating similar to that of the Ampules but with a twist. All weapon attacks deal an additional 1d4 necrotic damage.

Experimental Ampules

At 10th level, you’ve been given experimental ampules, ones more potent than the standard issue, but with some drastic side effects. You may choose to use an experimental dose or a normal dose when using your bonus action. Upon using an experimental dose, you may revive a creature who has died in the last minute. Upon their revival, they take an additional dice of damage from all sources until a long rest. Alternatively, you may inject it into yourself to give yourself a boost. For three turns, you deal an additional dice of damage.

Excise Target

At 13th level, you’ve been promoted to the Excision Team of K-Corp and as such comes training that allows for more effective use of your ampules. For every ampule you’ve injected yourself with per combat, deal an additional dice of damage from all weapon attacks. Additionally, you may swing your weapon violently in a circular motion and as an action make a dashing attack attacking all creatures in a 30ft long line, causing all creatures within 5ft of the line to make a Dexterity saving throw. On failure they take 8d6+Strength modifier slashing damage + additional necrotic damage equal to the amount of ampules you've used. On successful save, they take half damage. You may use this feature a number of times equal to the number of ampules you’ve used per combat.

Excision Team Captain

At 17th level, you’ve risen the ranks just as you thought you would you’re now top of you class and as such your body is superhuman. You gain the following benefits. You gain the powerful build feature and your Strength or Dexterity, and constitution scores increase by +2 and so do their maximums. You may now choose to combine your Ampules effects into one usage when using them on yourself as your body has grown accustomed to the repeated usage. You no longer suffer drawbacks from your ampules when they are used on yourself. Finally, your necrotic damage per attack now deals 1d6 instead of 1d4.


Aggressive Infantry

At 1st level, you are trained to not hold anything back in your assault. When attacking a target, you gain Charge. You gain a number of charge equal to attacks landed, however, charge disappears over time. Decrease your charge count by 1 every round only being able to hold 10 charge at a given time. Additionally, you may choose to gain advantage on all attack rolls for your turn, but all creatures have advantage against you during that time.

4th Pack Path

At 3rd level, your skills have been proven enough to join one of the three branches within the 4th pack, and upon your joining, they give you a special suit. You gain proficiency with R-Corp suits where creatures otherwise would not be able to use it. Choose one of the paths below, this choice cannot be changed later on. You gain additional features depending on your path at 10th and 17th levels.

  • Rabbit: You are given a suit that grants you an adrenal boost for properly doing your job and subdue as many hostiles as possible. While wearing the suit you have an AC=15+dexterity, and at 5 charge, your movement speed increases by 20ft and gain a damage bonus of +2. Once per short rest, you may take an additional action on your turn.
  • Reindeer: You are given a suit that grants you the ability to dampen the abilities of others around you. While wearing the suit you have an AC=13+dexterity and you have a 15ft aura where all hostiles suffer a -1 to all attack rolls and saving throws. This feature increases to a -2 at 7th level and -3 at 13th. Additionally, you gain proficiency in wisdom saving throws.
  • Rhino: You are given a suit that grants you increased durability and overall strength. While wearing the suit you have an AC=17+dexterity, and while at 5 charge, you gain your constitution modifier temporary hit points every turn (these do not stack but are treated as a maximum. Additionally, your hit dice becomes a 1d12 and your size increases to large while wearing the suit.
Hatchery’s Resilience

At 6th level, death is no rarity in your life and as such you bounce back quite easily. Once per long rest when reduced to 0 hit points you instead return to 1.

Pack Path Improvement

At 10th level, your continued support grants you an additional skill of your respective branch. Gain the following ability depending on your 4th Pack Path.

  • Rabbit; Graze the Grass: While wielding a firearm and melee weapon, you may use your action to cause all creatures in a 15ft cone to make a Dexterity save. On failure they take 3x your ranged weapon damage dice. For 2 charge you may then move anywhere in a 15ft line, making a melee weapon attack against all creatures you pass through. Creatures who succeed the saving throw take half damage.
  • Reindeer; Mind Whip: If you have the Reindeer's mace you may, for 5 charge, make 5 attack rolls against a creature within 30ft of you. These attacks deal 2d10 radiant damage + damage modifier per hit. You may use additional charge to power up this attack. By spending 2 additional charge, you may deal 1d10 additional damage per hit. You may then, at 17th level, use another 2 charge in order to deal another 1d10 additional damage.
  • Rhino; Bulky Impact: You can throw yourself, shoulder first into a group of enemies with no issue at all. You move anywhere in a 10ft line. All creatures you come into contact with must make a Dexterity saving throw, on failure take 5d8 Bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. You may then spend 3 charge to then slam the ground causing all creatures in range to make a Constitution save or be stunned until next turn. You may choose to do the second attack independently if you so choose, however it will cost an action to do so.
Power in Pain

At 13th level, low health just means you aren’t trying hard enough. When reduced to half your max hit points, gain a +2 to attack, damage rolls, AC, and saving throws.

4th Pack Superiority

At 17th level, you are at the top of your pack, gaining you a final increase in power.

  • Rabbit; Quick Suppression: As an action you may use Quick suppression. Make 2 ranged weapon attacks against a creature within range. After making the attack rolls, instantly move within melee range of that target and make 3 melee weapon attacks dealing weapon damage for each attack landed. If you are at 5 or more charge at the beginning of your turn, each attack deals an additional damage dice per damage roll. You may use quick suppression once per short rest.
  • Reindeer; Mind Crush: If you have the Reindeer's mace you may, for 5 charge, make 5 attack rolls against a creature within 30ft of you. These attacks deal 3d10 radiant damage + damage modifier per hit. You may use additional charge to power up this attack. You may spend 2 additional charge, you may deal 1d10 additional damage per hit, or 4 charge to deal an additional 2d10 damage per hit. You may use mind whip once per short rest.
  • Rhino; Fortress: Nothing gets in your suit unless you allow it. You may as an action cause all creatures that can see or hear you to make a Charisma save or become taunted to you for the next minute. After which, you gain immunity to all non-magical physical damage and resistance to all magical damage (except psychic). You may use this feature once per short rest.


Nagel und Hammer

At 1st level, you have become part of the ranks of N-Corp’s Nagel und Hammer division. With this comes the teachings of right and wrong, good and bad, and you will not be questioned. You can tell at a glance if a creature is a construct or bears any prosthetic. This includes but is not limited to robotic arms. Additionally, when attacking a creature that matches the previous description, they have disadvantage on any wisdom based saves you may impose and take an additional dice of damage when using a piercing or bludgeoning damage.

Drive the Nail

At 3rd level, you are equipped with large nails that you were trained to stab into your targets and hit with a bludgeoning weapon. You have a number of nails equal to your proficiency bonus and may make more during a short or long rest (half your total rounded down on short rest, all on long rest). These nails are melee weapons that deal 1d4 piercing damage and have the light and finesse property. So long as you have a free hand you can choose any attacks to make with a nail. On hit deal weapon damage and you may choose to embed the nail. While doing this the nail sticks out of the target. When landing any subsequent attacks against the target with a bludgeoning weapon, you drive the nail further into the target dealing additional 1d4 piercing damage per hit. The target may take an action to remove the nail, making a Strength check contesting your Fixer DC. On success the nail is removed while on failure it remains.


At 6th level your mind has been molded and warped… you are a fanatical machine while your drive holds strong. When hit by an attack you may as a reaction gain the fanatic status until the end of your next turn. While fanatic you deal an extra dice of damage on all attacks. You may use this feature a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus rounded down. Fanatic cannot stack.


At 10th level you’ve taught yourself a little tune that seems to have caught on, becoming recognizable and striking fear into those deserving of your judgment. As a bonus action only upon entering combat, you may cause all creatures of your choice who can hear you to make a Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of you for the next minute. Affected creatures may remake the save at the end of each of its turns.

Twisted Crusader

At 13th level you’ve become accustomed to life as an N-Corp associate, and you have quickly climbed the ranks. Your nails now deal 1d6 damage and you may apply two nails into a single target (Example: two nails would deal an additional 2d6 piercing damage per hit with a bludgeoning weapon). Additionally, while fanatic your crit range increases by one. Finally, you are immune to the frightened condition.

The One Who Grips

At 17th level, you’ve risen to the highest ranks of your unjust crusade. You gain proficiency in Wisdom saving throws and may use your whistles feature twice per combat (once in the beginning, a second time at any other part in the fight). On top of this additional usage all allies who can hear you gain fanatic until the end of their next turn. Additionally, when you apply fanatic to yourself, you may also apply it to one other ally of your choosing. When doing this the ally gains immunity to the frightened condition.


Warp Technology

At 1st level, you are trained to use electrically charged weaponry. When attacking a target, you gain Charge. You gain a number of charge equal to attacks landed, however, charge disappears over time. Decrease your charge count by 1 every round only being able to hold 10 charge at a given time. Additionally while you have charge your weapon attacks deal an additional 1d4 lightning damage


At 3rd level, your weapons charge allows you to power your weapon’s secondary function, ripping through space to destroy your targets. While at 5 or more charge as an action you may make a weapon attack. On hit the target takes weapon damage and must make a Constitution saving throw. On failure they are knocked prone and take 5d4 lightning. On success the target takes half lightning damage and does not fall prone.


At 6th level, your WARP equipment allows you to amp your physical ability for the duration. For 2 charge you may increase your movement speed by 15ft until the end of the next turn. Additionally while under the effects of Leap, you are considered to have taken the disengage action.


At 10th level, your quick reflexes allow you to quickly follow up after missing. After missing an attack, on your next turn all of your attacks deal an additional +2 damage. This benefit stacks in the event you miss multiple times in one turn.

Energy Current

At 13th level, your energy can be consistently carried through multiple attacks. Before making the attack action on your turn, you may spend 5 charge to enhance your weapon. For every attack you land this turn, decrease the target's AC by 2 until the end of your next turn.

Rip Space

At 17th level, you know that some issues need to end in a single moment. As an action spending all available charge, you may make 5 attack rolls. Adding 2d6 magical slashing damage to the first 4 attacks. The last attack roll deals additional magical slashing damage equal to 1d8 for every 2 charge spent.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Fixer class, you must meet these prerequisites: 13 Strength or Dexterity and 13 Constitution.

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Fixer, you gain the following proficiencies: light armor, medium armor, simple weapons, and martial weapons.

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