Fishmen (One-Piece Supplement)
Fishmen are one of the two major races to live within the depths of the see, alongside the beautiful Merfolk. Fishmen are often targets of slavery and prejudice, forcing them to limit contact with other races.
Physical Description[edit]
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A group of Fishmen Pirates together, [1] |
Fishmen appear as a hybrid between man and fish, being often bipedal while possessing a variety of fish-like features such as fins, gills, or even tentacles.
Fishmen can come in all shapes and sizes due to the wide variety of fishmen subraces based on existing fish and cephalopods both in and out of series.
Attitudes and Beliefs[edit]
Fishmen, seen as monsters by the government, are often targeted by slavers due to their high physical capabilities both on land and in water, thus leading them to be opposed to human presence and isolate themselves from the rest of the world.
Fishmen Traits[edit]
Humanoid fish that dwell within the seas.
Ability Score Increase. Your ability score increases are based upon your fish-like biology, choosing from the Fish Biology Features List.
Age. Due to their fish-like biology, Fishmen naturally live slightly longer than humans maturing at 18 and living a little longer than a century.
Alignment. Fishmen may often try to uphold neutral relations and alignments with other races, but if shown prejudice they may also show chaotic or even evil alignment.
Size. Fishmen can vary in size, but most tend to be the same size as humans, your size is medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet, you also have a swimming speed equal to your swimming speed.
Aquatic Nature. Due to your fish body, you have more advantages and are more comfortable underwater. You can breathe air and water, additionally whenever you’re in water you may add half your proficiency bonus an additional time to Acrobatics and Athletics checks while underwater. You gain proficiency in either Acrobatics or Athletics.
Fish-like Body. As a Fishmen, your body is bizarre to the sight of humans because of your fish-like bodily features. You have three points, you may spend it however you want on the parts listed at the Fish Biology Features List.
Underwater Fighter. Your slick skin and aquatic features allow you to fight underwater without penalties. While fighting or using melee weapons underwater you cannot face any penalties or disadvantage due to underwater combat rules.
Languages. You can read, write, and speak common.
Fish Biology Features List[edit]
Fishmen all come in different sizes and shapes, but they're always a sight to behold.
- Bite
1 body function point
You have sharp fangs on your mouth. On a hit, you deal 1d4 piercing damage and the enemy must make a Strength saving throw(DC=8 + your Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus). On a failure, he is grappled by you and you may not bite another creature but the grappled creature.
Additionally, your Strength score increases by 1.
- Vicious Bite
Prerequisite: Bite Biology Feature, 1 Body Function Point
The fangs within your mouth are more lethal than even some Meito blades. Your bite now inflicts a d8 instead of a d4 and any creatures grappled using your bite have disadvantage on breaking grapples with you.
Additionally, your Strength score increases by 1.
- Octopus-like Tentacles
2 body function points
Your arms naturally resemble those of an octopus, with you also having 2 to 6 more additional tentacle-like arms. These additional tentacles can be used to attack and hold weapons without the heavy or two handed property, additionally you gain an additional free object interaction on your turn.
Additionally, your Strength score increases by 2.
- Fins
1 body function point
You have long fins on your arms or back, your swimming speed increases by 5 feet.
Additionally, your Dexterity score increases by 1.
- Razor Fins
Prerequisite: Fins Biology Feature, 1 Body Function Point
Your fins are naturally durable and as sharp as a knife. Your swimming speed further increases by another 10 feet. Additionally, your fins can now be used as a natural weapon, on hit they deal 1d6 slashing damage.
Additionally, your Dexterity score increases by 1.
- Squid-like Tentacles
2 Body Function Points
Your legs appear more akin to tentacles, in addition to the other 2 to 6 tentacle-like legs you possess. Your movement speed increases by 10 feet, and you gain a climbing speed equal to half your walking speed. Your additional tentacles can be used to attack and hold weapons with the light property, if your tentacles are used in such a way, your movement speed is reduced by 10 feet.
Additionally, your Dexterity score increases by 2.
- Rock Tumbler
1 Body Function Point
Your stomach has adapted to eating rocks for the purposes of helping digestion and clearing debris from itself. Whenever you’re afflicted with the poisoned condition, you may use an action while on a rocky surface to consume rocks and cure yourself of the condition for a number of rounds equal to your Constitution modifier.
Additionally, your Constitution score increases by 1.
- Rock Muncher
Prerequisite: Rock Tumbler Biology Feature, 1 Body Function Point
Your mouth and teeth have allowed you to consume rock and stone. You gain a burrowing speed equal to your movement speed while underwater, while on land your burrowing speed is equal to half your movement speed.
Additionally, your Constitution score increases by 1.
- Puff up
2 body function points
You have the unique ability to flood your lungs with water temporarily in response to a threat. As a reaction to an attack hitting you, you may fill your lungs with water causing your body to rapidly expand, reducing the damage of the attack by xd6 (x = your Constitution modifier).
Additionally, your Constitution score increases by 2.
- Camouflage
1 Body Function Point
Your skin has the natural attribute of being able to camouflage with the environment around you. Whenever you make a stealth check while standing still, creatures that lack blindsight, truesight, or tremorsense have disadvantage on sight-based perception checks to spot you.
Additionally, your Intelligence score increases by 1.
- Near Invisibility
Prerequisite: Camouflage Biology Feature, 1 Body Function Point
Your camouflaging skin can conceal you to the point of you being seemingly invisible. Whenever you roll a stealth check, you may choose to activate your invisibility. You gain the invisible condition for 1 minute, this does not affect creatures within 5 feet of you who can see a faint distortion at your location.
Additionally, your Intelligence score increases by 1.
- Keen Memory
1 Body Function Point
Your memory and intuition is naturally better than most others. You gain the following advantages:
- You always know which way is north.
- You always know the number of hours left before the next sunrise or sunset.
- You can accurately recall anything you have seen or heard within the past month.
You may also work with your DM to come up with alternative benefits for yourself.
Additionally, your Intelligence score increases by 1.
- Clear Sight
1 Body Function Point
Your eyes are perfectly adapted to seeing underwater. While underwater you do not suffer any penalties to your sight. You gain proficiency in
Additionally, your Wisdom score increases by 1.
- Prey Senses
1 Body Function Point
Whenever a creature enters a x foot radius around you, you will know their presence if their Challenge Rating or Level is higher than your own (x = 20 minus your level x 10).
Additionally, your Wisdom score increases by 1.
- Deep Denizen
2 Body Function Point
Your eyes and body are naturally adapted to life in the deepest waters. You gain a darkvision range equal to your Perception modifier times 5 and you have resistance to damage caused by atmospheric pressure.
Additionally, your Wisdom and Constitution scores increase by 1.
- Colorful Patterning
1 Body Function Point
Your colorful skin and patterns cause people to get distracted easily, ignoring what you may say but paying through attention to your colors. You gain proficiency in Persuasion and Performance checks. Additionally, once per long rest you may give yourself advantage on a Persuasion or Performance as you flaunt your colorful scales.
Additionally, your Charisma score increases by 1.
- Countershading
Prerequisite: 1 Body Function Point
Your colour closely resembles that of the sea, whenever you’re underwater you may add half your Charisma modifier to your Stealth while underwater.
Additionally, your Charisma score increases by 1.
- Attractive Bulb
1 Body Function Point
Out of your forehead protrudes a large lantern-like bioluminescent bulb. As a bonus action you may roll a Performance check. All enemies within 20 feet of you must make a contested Intelligence saving throw against your performance check. If they lose the contest the next attack they make will be at disadvantage unless the attack targets you.
As an action you can turn on this bulb to provide bright light in a 10 foot radius, you may turn off this light as a free action.
Additionally, your Charisma score increases by 1.
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