- Sin Enhanced Body
You were born with a supremely powerful body for any number of reasons, such as being artificially created by a powerful Wing for a greater purpose, or you were born for this world’s undoing, this trait has been reinforced to withstand very powerful attacks from all sources. You'll gain 5 additional hit points towards your hit point maximum whenever you gain a level in your class.
Additionally, when you gain a level, your Strength, Dexterity and Constitution scores increase by 1 up to your maximums for those stats, although your Dexterity and Constitution scores can only benefit from this once. In addition, your Strength score limit is increased to 22.
In addition, you gain proficiency in Constitution saving throws and the Beyond Fast and Sin Affinity feats.
- Backstreet Dweller
You were born and raised in the backstreets, a place where crime is commonplace, and courtesy is a rare commodity. As it is, you know your way around backstreets and similar environments. You gain advantage on any and all checks meant to traverse the backstreets. Additionally, you gain advantage on perception checks to see if there are any known syndicates in the area by looking for markings or symbols.
- Connection to the Mephistopheles Engine
You have been connected to an Engine which chains and contains multiple possibilities. Of which you can link yourself to not only other versions of yourself, but also abnormalities. This way you can manipulate their energy to use for E.G.O. attacks. You gain the Sin Affinity Feat and the E.G.O Weapon Feat. Your first E.G.O. Weapon must be based on the user's past, however every one after will be based on an abnormality, this is at the cost of not gaining any tools of the trade. You will gain a new E.G.O. Weapon every time you would gain a tool of the trade. Work with your DM to make these E.G.O. Weapons in a way that works with your character’s backstory and personality.
Body Feats[edit]
The body is one of the most important things for a sorcerer, his strength, durability and speed can be improved here.
- Athlete History
Prerequisites: Must have at least 15 Strength or more.
Prerequisites: Must have at least 15 Strength or more.
You have been born unnaturally strong, capable of destroying walls with just sheer brute force.
You will gain the following benefits:
- Your Strength score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.
- Your unarmed strike damage die increases by 2 tiers (1->d4->d6->d8->Etc).
- You may use your Strength modifier instead of your Dexterity modifier when calculating your AC.
- Colossal Physique
Prerequisites: Must have a 17 Strength score or more, Athlete History
The strength you now possess is capable of matching upper rank fixers and abnormalities.
You gain the following benefits:
- You will count as two sizes larger for the purposes of grappling, shoving, disarming and the weight you can carry, push, drag, or lift. If you chose the Abnormally Strong Feature, instead reduce all knockback to half of its original value.
- Your unarmed strike damage die increases by 1 tier (d8->d10->d12->Etc).
- You become proficient in the Athletics skill if you were not already proficient. If you were proficient in Athletics, you gain expertise instead. Lastly, if you already possess expertise in Athletics then you can add your proficiency to all Strength checks you make.
- Any attack roll you make which uses Strength deals twice as much damage to objects and structures.
- You have learned to put your weight behind an attack and launch an opponent a considerable distance. Once per turn as part of a successful melee attack, you can force the creature hit to make a Strength saving throw (DC8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier). On a failure, they are knocked back a number of feet equal to your Strength modifier times 10 in a direction of your choice. If the creature collides with an unsecured object or structure, then the creature and the unsecured object or structure receive 1d6 bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet the creature had left to travel after colliding with the surface. If it was another creature, they instead both take damage equal to half of your damage roll (rounded down). If your attack was a critical hit, the creature automatically fails their saving throw and are knocked back twice the distance.
- Whenever you make a Strength check or saving throw, you can give yourself advantage on the roll. You can do this a number of times equal to your Strength modifier, regaining all uses after taking a long rest.
- Beyond Fast
Prerequisites: Must have at least 15 Dexterity or more
You have an innate speed advantage over others of your kind or have trained intensely on your agility.
You will gain the following benefits:
- Your Dexterity score increased by 1, to a maximum of 20.
- Your movement speed increases by 15 feet.
- You have two reactions instead of one in each round of combat.
- Untraceable Speed
Prerequisites: Must have a 17 Dexterity score or more, Beyond Fast
Even by the supernatural standards of the city and it's fixers, your agility is a trait that makes you just as fearsome as any other.
You will gain the following benefits:
- If an action or feature increases any of your speeds, it is further increased by a number of feet equal to 5 times your Dexterity modifier (A minimum of 5ft).
- You gain proficiency in one Dexterity skill of your choice or expertise if you were already proficient in the chosen skill. You can also add half of your proficiency bonus to all Dexterity checks you make that you weren't already proficient in.
- You may perform the Dash action or make a Skill Check you are proficient in as a bonus action.
- As a reaction to passing a saving throw or an attack roll being made against you, you may move up to half of your speed in a direction of your choice. This movement cannot be used to exit domains. If this movement would cause you to leave the area targeted by an attack roll you’re reacting to you may roll a Acrobatics check to attempt to fully dodge. You roll against the attack roll, causing the attack to miss regardless of your armor class if your Acrobatics check is higher than the attack roll. On a failure, the attack happens as normal, though you still move as normal. This roll automatically fails if the attack was a critical hit, unless you’re 10 or more levels above the attacker’s level, or CR if they don’t have a level. If you fail this roll by no more than 3 against an attack targeting one of your limbs with the Limb System then though you can’t fully dodge you may change which limb is targeted. In the case of a saving throw you are unaffected by the saving throw if you move out of the area of effect.
- You can make one melee attack as a reaction if you moved into range of a creature or a creature enters your range. You can only do this once per creature per round.
- Strong Body
Prerequisite: Must have 15 Constitution or more.
You have proven yourself to be very durable, making taking you down a very hard task. You will gain the following benefits:
- Your Constitution score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.
- You will now add your Constitution modifier twice when calculating hit points gained per level.
- You will reduce all damage but psychic or thunder by your Constitution modifier. If you already have the Abnormally Durable feature, then you may reduce all incoming damage by your Constitution modifier + 1
- Human Wall
Prerequisites: You must have 17 Constitution or more, Strong Body
Your endurance is from out of this world, no matter what you're not going down in the battlefield. You will gain the following benefits:
- You have advantage on Constitution saving throws.
- Your hit point maximum increases by your level times 3.
- As a reaction upon hitting 0 hit points, you can spend a hit die to fall to the amount rolled in hit points. This can be used as much as your Constitution modifier. All uses are restored on a long rest. This may use Charisma if you have Cursed Energy Reinforcement.
- Resilient
Prerequisites: You must have at least 15 on your Constitution score.
Your resilience is no joke, enabling you to survive much more than normal sorcerers during long periods of fighting. All of your Hit Dice increase in size by one step, and as a result, your hit points increase by an amount equal to your level + 1. Whenever you gain Hit Die and hit points after you have acquired this feat, your newly gained Hit Die is treated as though it was one size larger. You can take this feat any number of times, but you cannot increase a Hit Die above d12.
- Very Resistant
Prerequisites: At least 7th level.
You can choose one additional saving throw to gain the benefits of the Resistant feature.
You may take this feat multiple times.
Martial Arts Feats[edit]
Martial Arts is the art of melee combat, ranging from diverse techniques to make you a master of all kinds of combat.
- Slam Master
Prerequisite: Must have a Strength score of 16 or higher
You fight like a beast on the battlefield, focusing on throwing your opponents around. You gain the two following Slams:
Brute Slam. Once per turn as part of an unarmed strike, you may make a grapple attempt against a creature. If you succeed, you may pick up the creature and slam them against a solid surface within 10 ft. of you, such as the ground or a wall, dealing another roll of your martial arts die in damage. The surface takes twice as much damage as the creature, and if it breaks the creature takes another 2d6 damage of an appropriate type.
Heavy Slam. Whenever you take the Attack action against a creature you are currently grappling with, you may forgo an attack to violently slam the creature into the ground. You make a contested Strength (Athletics) check against the creature who contests via Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check (Their choice). On a successful check, your opponent is driven into the earth beneath you ending your grapple early, taking bludgeoning damage equal to two rolls of your martial arts damage dice and being knocked prone. On a failure, the creature escapes from your iron grasp, causing your grapple to end early and the creature may move an additional 5 ft. away from you as part of their successful check. If you score a 20 on the Strength (Athletics) check whilst using this feature and it was a success, the creature takes bludgeoning damage equal to four rolls of your martial arts damage dice and gains disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks and Strength or Dexterity saving throws until the start of your next turn.
- Acrobatic Fighter
Prerequisite: Must have a Dexterity score of 16 or higher
You've adopted a quick, swift and mobile fighting style, using your environment to your advantage.
- You may calculate your jump distance and height with your Dexterity score.
- Your jump distance and height is doubled.
- You learn to use the environment around you as a way to leverage your strikes. Whenever you make an unarmed strike while within 5 ft. of a solid surface or another object like a pole, you may use it to leverage a powerful attack against your opponent, dealing an additional damage die of your unarmed strike. If there are not any solid surfaces, you may use half your movement speed to drop to the ground on your hands, extending your legs up and making a powerful kick.
- Once per turn, whenever you fall onto a creature, make a DC 10 Acrobatics check. On a success, you may make one unarmed strike against that creature.
Affiliation Feats[edit]
Your affiliation gives you the opportunity to grow as a fighter and an individual. As much as your coworkers are willing to help you however, they’re competing for the same things that you are. Below are listed feats you can take that will help you get ahead assuming you meet the requirements.
- Hardblood Arts
Prerequisite: Must be a Blood Fiend
You’ve become adept in controlling blood enough to form your own techniques. Upon taking this feat may choose a Hardblood Art by either following the guidelines below or by working with your DM to create one from scratch.
- Scission: You attack with your weapon, increasing its size temporarily by enlarging it with hardened blood. As an action of 3 Hardblood, force all creatures within the weapon's reach+10ft cone to make a Dexterity saving throw. On Failure targets take 3x weapon damage + 3d4 Bleeding damage. On successful save, targets take half damage.
- Thorns: You harden blood around your body to prepare for a counter attack by protruding spikes of blood at your targets. You may use a reaction when a creature lands a melee attack against you. On use, deal 1d6+Constitution modifier piercing damage + 1d4 bleeding damage and reduce the damage by the piercing damage done from this attack.
- Drain: You may manipulate the wound of a creature to cause even more blood to spill. As an action, you may cause 1 creature within 30ft of you to make a Constitution saving throw. On failure the creature takes proficiency bonus x 1d6 bleeding damage + the total bleeding damage a target took last turn. On successful save the target takes half damage.
- Impale: You lunge forwards attempting to impale your target over your weapon. As an action you may spend up to 5 hardblood to target a creature within 15ft. You may immediately move towards them and make an attack roll. On hit you deal weapon damage + 1d4 bleeding damage to them per hardblood spent
You may use your Hardblood arts a number of times equal to your constitution modifier. When activating your bloodfeast feature, gain a number of hardblood equal to every 10 blood consumed rounded down. Finally, the name of your attack is structured as (character name Hardblood arts: name of attack).
Example: John Doe Hardblood Arts: Impale
Sin Feats[edit]
Sin Feats grant the ability to harness cardinal power through one's life, experiences, and wrongdoings. It is manifested from the person as a representation of oneself through power. Those who may harness sin are truly terrors on the battlefield.
- Sin Affinity
Prerequisite: None
You have gained an understanding of Sin and how it truly feels to invoke a sin for your benefit. When taking this feat, choose a sin from the list below, this decision cannot be changed later. As a bonus action you may resonate with the sin and gain its benefits by concentrating on it. While concentrating on a sin you must maintain concentration while using it, making a concentration Saving throw if necessary. When losing concentration of a sin, you suffer the opposite of its benefit on your next turn in the form of Sin Backlash (Ex: losing concentration on Wrath would give you a damage penalty instead of a bonus.
- Wrath: Upgrade all damage dice you deal by one tier.
- Lust: Any status you apply to a target is increased by one per instance (Ex: Kurokumo Clan Deep Cuts normally inflicts1 bleed stack per use, it will now inflict 2).
- Sloth: Creatures who start or end their turn within 15ft of you have their movement speed halved for the rest of their turn.
- Envy: All attack rolls are made at advantage.
- Gloom: All creatures who make an attack within 10ft of you have a -1d6 on all damage rolls. Negative damage is treated as 0.
- Gluttony: when landing an attack against a target, deal a stacking +1 damage for every successful attack landed consecutively. This does carry over between turns.
- Pride: Gain advantage on all Saving Throws.
Additionally, when an ally and you activate the same Sin Affinity, you will activate Sin Resonance. While Sin Resonance is active, you and all allies a part of the resonance will gain a +1 to attack rolls, damage rolls, and concentration saves per ally in resonance (Ex: 3 allies activate Gloom Affinity and 1 activates Wrath Affinity. The 3 allies with Gloom affinity will activate a +3 Gloom Resonance meaning that they all gain a +3 to attack, damage, and concentration rolls while they are a part of the resonance. The ally who activated Wrath Affinity will not gain these benefits).
- Advanced Sin Affinity
Prerequisite: Must have the Sin Affinity Feat
You have improved your understanding of Sin and allowed yourself to enhance what you already knew through tougher challenges and through an even tougher mentality. You gain an improved Sin Affinity based on the option you picked previously.
- Wrath II: Upgrade all damage dice you deal by two tiers from all instances of damage (Ex: Weapon attack deals 1d8 slashing, Wrath Weapon attack deals 2d12 Slashing). This damage also applies to damage over time that you inflict upon activation (Ex. Target has 2d4 worth of bleed damage applied to them in one action, then as a bonus action you activate Wrath Affinity, that bleed damage then jumps to 3d8).
- Lust II: Any status you apply to a target is increased by two per instance (Ex: Kurokumo Clan Deep Cuts normally inflicts1 bleed stack per use, it will now inflict 3).
- Sloth II: Hostile creatures who start or end their turn within 25ft of you have their movement speed halved for the rest of their turn.
- Envy II: All attack rolls are made at advantage and you may make an additional attack as part of your attack action.
- Gloom II: All creatures who make an attack within 15ft of you have a -2d6 on all damage rolls. Negative damage is treated as 0.
- Gluttony II: when landing an attack against a target, deal a stacking +2 damage for every successful attack landed consecutively. This does carry over between turns.
- Pride II: Gain advantage on all Saving Throws and impose disadvantage on all saves you cause.
The upgraded sins are now level 2 sins for the sake of other features. Additionally, you may pick an additional sin affinity as a level 1 sin. You may choose to activate specific levels of sin so long as you have access to it (Ex: You have Wrath II, you may choose to activate Wrath I or II when activating it).