Feats (Bleach Supplement)

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The following is a list of feats unique to this setting.

Thick Reiatsu

Prerequisites: Strength 13, at least 2nd level in any Medium class
You focus your spiritual pressure with physical strength, causing its edges to be thicker while focused.

  • Your Strength score increases by 1.
  • Your Reiryoku maximum increases by your Strength score.
  • While your Reiatsu is released, you may add your Strength modifier to the damage creatures take from your Reiatsu.

Oval Reiatsu

Prerequisites: Dexterity 13, at least 2nd level in any Medium class
You focus your spiritual pressure with your mastery over your body, causing it to more-closely follow the shape of your body while focused.

  • Your Dexterity score increases by 1.
  • Your Reiryoku maximum increases by your Dexterity score.
  • While your Reiatsu is released, creatures within half your Reiatsu radius take twice as much damage from your Reiatsu.

Jagged Reiatsu

Prerequisites: Constitution 13, at least 2nd level in any Medium class
You focus your spiritual pressure sloppily, relying on your sheer vitality to keep your body from tearing itself apart, causing it to jut out at its fringe while focused.

  • Your Constitution score increases by 1.
  • Your Reiryoku maximum increases by your Constitution score.
  • While your Reiatsu is released, any creature that takes damage from it must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they are knocked prone and must make a Constitution saving throw each time they attempt to stand up while your Reiatsu is released, wasting the movement spent to do so on a failure. The DC for this saving throw is 8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Geometric Reiatsu

Prerequisites: Intelligence 13, at least 2nd level in any Medium class
You focus your spiritual pressure by intellectualizing the flow of Reiryoku, causing it to take on a flatter shape while focused.

  • Your Intelligence score increases by 1.
  • Your Reiryoku maximum increases by your Intelligence score.
  • While your Reiatsu is released, any creatures of your choice are not affected by it.

Perfect Reiatsu

Prerequisites: Wisdom 13, at least 2nd level in any Medium class
You focus your spiritual pressure the way it's supposed to be done, causing it to take on a perfect sphere while focused.

  • Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
  • Your Reiryoku maximum increases by your Wisdom score.
  • While your Reiatsu is released, any damage you take is reduced by your Wisdom score.

Overwhelming Reiatsu

Prerequisites: Charisma 13, at least 2nd level in any Medium class
You focus your spiritual pressure with your soul, in many ways achieving the exact opposite, causing it to glow brightly while focused.

  • Your Charisma score increases by 1.
  • Your Reiryoku maximum increases by your Charisma score.
  • While your Reiatsu is released, the maximum level a creature can be to be affected by your Reiatsu increases by your Charisma modifier.

Elemental Reiatsu

Prerequisites: At least 2nd level in any Medium class
Your Reiatsu takes on elemental properties independently from how you focus it.

  • One ability score of your choice increases by 1.
  • When you gain this feat, the damage type your Reiatsu deals while it is released changes to one of your choice other than bludgeoning, piercing, slashing, or force damage, and you gain resistance to the chosen damage type.

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