Fear's True Form (5e Feat)

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Fear's True Form

Prerequisites: Fallen Human (Fear), Constitution 12 or higher
You feel fear consume you, suppression does not help to hide its presence. You gain the True form of Fear. This feat lasts 12 x Constitution modifier seconds. One may use this feat once every long rest. You gain the following effects when in Fear Form

  • Enhanced Speed. Your movement speed increased by +5 feet.
  • Regenerative Healing. A number of times up Half your constitution modifier rounded up, you may choose to 1d8 + Constitution modifier as an action; you are also able to add your hit die to the healing if you wish.
  • Pyrokinesis. You have the ability to manipulate fire, you can not however make fire yourself.
  • Shapeshifting. You gain the ability to manipulate your limbs into weapons, this weapon can be of any form; be it a sword, scythe, dagger, spike club, or anything you can think of within the bounds of it not being a weapon that is normally unobtainable. You may also use this to extend the reach of your attacks up to 5 feet longer than usual.
  • Enhanced Magical Energy Manipulation. You gain the ability to summon "magical" weapons at will, as well as the ability to use the weapons as a spellcasting focus. Among other things you are also able to fire bullets as an attack action that deal 1d6.
  • Energy Shield. You react to the attack thrown at you, using a shockwave to deflect. You may use your reaction to increase your AC by as much as the shield spell would give you.
  • Explosive Generation. ; You are also able to use a bonus action to make a thrown weapon explode on impact making each creature within a 10ft radius make a Dexterity saving throw. Creatures take 2d8 damage on a failed save or half as much on a success. The explosions damage increases to 4d8 at level 5, 6d8 at level 11, and 8d8 at level 17.
  • Reaper's Fear. When you become frightened, you gain advantage on your attack rolls instead of disadvantage
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