Extra Action (5e Variant Rule)

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Extra Action[edit]

Rather than the Extra Attack feature allowing the player to make an additional attack when they take the Attack action, it allows the player to take an additional action on each of their turns.

Known Impact[edit]

The following are known side-effects of this variant rule and potential ways to counteract them:

  • Cantrips, particularly eldritch blast, become significantly more effective with limited multiclassing. This can be counteracted by limiting players to being able to cast 1 cantrip as an action on each of their turns. Optionally, actions granted by Action Surge are not affected by this restriction.
  • Fighters become significantly more mobile, more so than rogues at higher levels. This isn't a major issue, but can be counteracted by either decreasing the additional movement granted by the Dash action by 10 feet each time it is used on the same turn, or more simply and punishingly by limiting the number of times a single action can be taken on a single turn to two.
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