Extended Character Sheet (3.5e Variant Rule)

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Extended Character Sheet[edit]

This character sheet features a new ability score called Luck, and included rules for how it would be incorporated.

It also changed some Skills and added various quality of life adjustments.


File:Updated Extended Character Sheet.pdf


Luck can be used to change rolls, create or remove convenient situations or objects, activate any of the Luck specific skills, change loot pools, and to curry the favor of the DM.

How Luck Works

Luck has two main aspects, active and passive:

  • Actively, Luck has many diverse functions that can be fairly unpredictable.
  • Passively, Luck effects certain skills such as Gamble and Loot.

Note: Any player may use a Luck point at any time on any roll or situation.

Luck points must be used for active Luck. Luck points are synonymous with stat points. Using a Luck point will permanently reduce your Luck score, however, the DM has the ability to award more Luck points at any given time. When using a Luck point, the user must roll a 1d20 to determine the Luck Type. Consult the Table:Luck Types below.

Table:Luck Types
1d20 Luck Type
1 Critical Luck
2-9 Bad Luck
10 No Luck
11-19 Good Luck
20 Critical Luck
Critical Luck (1) or Bad Luck

The DM will decide the outcome of the Luck point usage.

No Luck

No Luck acts as if a Luck point was not used, but the player still removes one Luck point from their score.

Good Luck

If a Luck point with good Luck is is applied to a roll, it can either directly effect the number on the roll by +2 or give the player the option to reroll the die.

Critical Luck (20)

If a Luck point with critical (20) Luck is applied to a roll, it can either directly effect the number on the roll by +5 or give the player the option to reroll with a 1d20 + 5.


A decent portion of the knowledge checks have been removed. This is in an effort to let players use their own knowledge so they can reflect the time that they have invested into learning the world. In this way, players do not have to draw lines between their character's knowledge and their own.

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