Expert Linguist (5e Feat)

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Expert linguist

Prerequisites: Wisdom or Intelligence score of 13 or higher

You have honed your linguistic skills to a level of mastery, allowing you to easily decipher and communicate in various languages. You gain the following benefits:

  • Language Proficiency: You learn three additional languages of your choice.
  • Language Deciphering: You can attempt to decode written or spoken languages you are not familiar with. When you encounter a language you do not know, you can make an Intelligence check with a DC of 15 to understand the general meaning of the message.
  • Fluent Speaker: You can mimic accents and dialects after listening to a conversation for 1 minute. Creatures that hear you speak in this way must succeed on a Wisdom (Insight) check (DC 10 + your Intelligence modifier) to detect your mimicry.
  • Speed Reader: You can read and comprehend written languages at double the normal speed.
(3 votes)

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