Epic Character Abilities (5e Variant Rule)

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Epic Character Abilities[edit]

Have you ever wonderd, how spellcasters go from "throw rock, but with magic" to "masters of reality" with higher levels and new spells, while barbarian's advancement in physical might, where such powerful magic exists in the world, goes from jumping 16 feet to jumping 20 feet, eventually to 24 feet. This is abyssmal. Echo knight is regarded as the strongest fighter subclass by many people because of huge wave of utility it brings, which still falls flat on its face before subclassless full caster. This ruleset tries to address that, by giving martials new abilities and buffs to use. Mostly utility, as this is what they so hopelessly lack, and tied to level progression, they hope to make playing fighter with big sword actually capable of saying to wizard "let ME do this, friend" seeing out-of-combat encounter to solve, instead waiting for some spells. This is intended to give PC's boons regarded as superhuman, so if in your world the best a barbarian can count on is just a really strong, but ultimately weaker-than-bear man, then this ruleset is not for you.

Additionally, but from the opposite side, I always found the idea of wizard, master spellcaster, a being that bends reality with his extensive and near-perfect knowledge and intelligence, to be so lackluster in mental capabilities, two skills, oh please. Other spellcasters are similar in this regard, maybe less with cleric, but still present. So, spellcasters will also gain similar entries in this ruleset, just oriented around different things.


Level 5[edit]

  • Your jump distance and jump height is doubled.
  • You can carry twice the weight you normally would be able to.
  • First level of exhaustion does not confer any drawbacks for you.

Level 7[edit]

  • Dragging or carrying a creature does not cost you extra movement.
  • You can throw an object or a willing creature of similar weight to you as far as you can jump.

Level 9[edit]

  • You can use your hands in place of pincers, your arms in place of crowbars and oars, your knuckles in place of hammer, your skin, hair and fat in place of thick clothing with the same efficiency as such metal tools and clothing.
  • You can brace your legs against the ground and increase your walking speed by 10 feet, pouncing forward. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you move 0 feet on one of your turns.

Level 11[edit]

  • You count as one size larger for the purposes of grappling.
  • Your sharp senses give you the ability to use your action to gain blindsight out to a range of 60 feet until the end of your turn.

Level 13[edit]

  • You can carry four times the weight you normally would be able to.
  • Your jump distance and jump height is tripled.
  • First and second level of exhaustion does not confer any drawbacks for you, and you cannot die of exhaustion.

Level 15[edit]

  • Any skill check made to destroy an object you make are made with advantage.
  • You can smell and discern scents from up to 120 feet away.

Level 17[edit]

  • You can carry ten times the weight you normally would be able to.
  • Your jump distance and jump height is quintupled.


Level 5[edit]

  • Your jump distance and jump height is doubled.
  • You can carry twice the weight you normally would be able to.

Level 7[edit]

(one vote)

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