Enthralling Presence (5e Feat)

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{{5e Feat |name=Master of Enthrallment |prereqs=Charisma 15 or higher, proficiency in Persuasion You achieved the ability to weave magic into your honeyed words, making others more accepting of what you say. When interacting with a non-hostile creature, you may double your proficiency bonus when making a Persuasion check. In addition, when interacting with a non-hostile creature, you may attempt to enthrall them. Make a Charisma (Persuasion or Deception) check contested by the target's Wisdom (Insight) check. If the target succeeds, they are aware that you attempted to influence them magically, and may become hostile towards you. If they fail, they become charmed by you for one minute per number by which they failed the check. During this time, they treat you as a close friend. When the effect ends, they do not know that they were charmed by you, and may still treat you as a friend depending on how you acted while they were charmed.

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