Enchanting (The Elder Scrolls Supplement)
Illusion magic is the ability to influence the minds of others in various ways. It is very powerful in social situations, stealth missions as well as control the minds of enemies in battle. It is a passive skill.
Enchanting uses the Intelligence ability score.
When you reach certain thresholds in this Skill Tree you gain a passive related to the tree.
Level 25 Enchanting: When restoring charge to an enchanted item you restore an additional 1 charge
Level 50 Enchanting: When restoring charge to an enchanted item you restore an additional 2 charge
Level 75 Enchanting: When restoring charge to an enchanted item you restore an additional 3 charge
Level 100 Enchanting: When restoring charge to an enchanted item you restore an additional 4 charge
Central Branch[edit]
Novice Enchanter[edit]
Prerequisites None: You can apply Novice level enchantments to unenchanted items.
Apprentice Enchanter[edit]
Prerequisites Enchanting lv 20, Novice Enchanter: You can apply Apprentice level enchantments to unenchanted items.
Adept Enchanter[edit]
Prerequisites Enchanting lv 40, Apprentice Enchanter: You can apply Adept level enchantments to unenchanted items.
Expert Enchanter[edit]
Prerequisites Enchanting lv 60, Adept Enchanter: You can apply Expert level enchantments to unenchanted items.
Master Enchanter[edit]
Prerequisites Enchanting lv 80, Expert Enchanter: You can apply Master level enchantments to unenchanted items.
Extra Effect[edit]
Prerequisites Enchanting lv 100, Master Enchanter: You can apply up to two enchantments to a single items.
Elemental Branch[edit]
Fire Enchanter[edit]
Prerequisites Enchanting lv 30, Novice Enchanter: Fire based enchantments are applied one rank higher.
Frost Enchanter[edit]
Prerequisites Enchanting lv 40, Fire Enchanter: Frost based enchantments are applied one rank higher.
Storm Enchanter[edit]
Prerequisites Enchanting lv 50, Frost Enchanter: Storm based enchantments are applied one rank higher.
Elemental Enchanter[edit]
Prerequisites Enchanting lv 75, Storm Enchanter: Fire, Frost and Storm based enchantments are all applied another one rank higher.
Augment Branch[edit]
Insightful Enchanter[edit]
Prerequisites Enchanting lv 50, Novice Enchanter: Skill enhancing enchantments are applied one rank higher.
Corpus Enchanter[edit]
Prerequisites Enchanting lv 70, Insightful Enchanter: Health, Magicka and Stamina based enchantments are applied one rank higher.
Soul Branch[edit]
Soul Squeezer[edit]
Prerequisites Enchanting lv 20, Novice Enchanter: When you use a soul restore charge to an enchanted item it provides an additional 1 charge per the soul's rank.
Soul Siphon[edit]
Prerequisites Enchanting lv 40, Soul Squeezer: When you kill a creature which isn't a Humanoid or Giant with an Enchanted Weapon that weapon regains charge equal to the slain creature's CR rounded up to the nearest whole number (CR 0 provides no charge)
Dark Draining[edit]
Prerequisites Enchanting lv 60, Soul Siphon: The Soul Siphon perk now works on Humanoids and Giants
Once you have reached 100 Enchanting you may choose to legendary the skill reducing it back to 20 and refunding all spent perk points (You cannot get new perk points for leveling up this tree again) doing this also unlocks one legendary perk [You can do this process more than once each time unlocking a new Legendary perk, however. Also, you must still meet all prerequisites for the legendary perk and spend a perk point to unlock it]
Prerequisites Enchanting lv 100, Extra Effect: You can apply up to three enchantments to a single items.
Prerequisites Enchanting lv 100, , Legendary perk:
Prerequisites Enchanting lv 100, , Legendary perk:
Ideal Pact[edit]
Prerequisites Enchanting lv 100, , Legendary perk:
- "Enchanting". Elder Scrolls Fandom.
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