Empathy (3.5e Variant Rule)

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Empathy (Wis)[edit]

You can sense the emotional states of other creatures.

Requirements: Telepathy feat, can be used untrained

Check: An Empathy check allows you to determine the emotional state of the subject. The target gets to make a Will save to resist your attempt. Whether you succeed or fail, the subject does not know that you are reading his emotions. If the target’s save fails, you get a general idea of his emotions and mood. This grants you a psychic bonus on the next skill check you make against the subject within the next 10 rounds (1 minute) using any of the following interaction skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Perform, or Sense Motive.

Result Bonus on Interaction Skills
Up to 4 +1
5–14 +2
15–24 +3
25–34 +4
35+ +5

Retry: You can only use Empathy on a subject once during the same encounter or scene.

Special: You can take 10 when making an Empathy check, but you can’t take 20.

Time: Empathy is a free action. The bonus lasts 10 rounds (1 minute) or until you make an interaction skill check against the target.

Strain: 1.

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