Elves (Corebound Awakening)

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The tree lovers.


  • Elves unlike popular thinking do not live for 750 years instead they reach adulthood in their late teens and live a little more than a century.


  • Elves vary height and build, from around 6 feet to well over 7 feet tall and tend to be slender. Regardless of your position in that range, your size is Medium.


  • Your base walking speed is 30 feet.


Ability score[edit]

  • You start with a 10 in Dex, Int, Wis, Char scores and 8 in the rest and increase 3 scores by 2.

Deep Hit Points[edit]

  • You get 1d10 DHP every stage.


  • All races can use different affinities Elves can use the Primary Affinities Water, Earth and Wind as well as the Unique Diviner.

Elf Diviner.jpg