Elemental Ki Body (5e Feat)

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Elemental Ki Body

Prerequisites: Strength, Wisdom and Dexterity score of 17 or higher or 10th level monk class.
you have trained your body hard, with a will as solid as a glacier, as sharp as lightning, and as voracious as fire. You have achieved enlightenment through your unremitting efforts and your own body has become a reflection of this.

If you don't have the monk class, your ki points are defined by your your Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus. Using an Action and 2 ki points you can imbue your body for 2 minutes with one of the following characteristics of your choice, extending the duration at the cost of 1 extra ki per minute:

  • Electric Glow: You enter a lightning-like state, being surrounded by lightning and lightning. Your speed increases by 15 feet. Its attacks deal an additional 1d6 electrical damage, and can stun enemies in case of a critical hit. When using the attack action, you can attack once more. And you can use movement skills as a reaction. In addition to gaining resistance to electrical damage. You can cast lightning at the cost of 1 ki per d6 damage in a 30-foot area.
  • Flaming Voracity: Your body is enveloped in ravenous flames with minimum temperatures of 572°F and maximum temperatures of 3632°F, which can vary according to your desire, emitting light and turning an area of ​​up to 20 feet into full light and up to 40 feet into dim light. Your attacks now deal 1d6 additional fire damage, and can cause a burning effect that deals 1d4 for 2 turns in case of a critical hit. You gain resistance to cold and poison damage, in addition to becoming immune to the poison condition. You can cast fire at the cost of 1 ki per d6 damage in a 30-foot area.
  • Icy Cruelty: A light layer of ice and snow covers random parts of your body, reducing its temperature between 0°F and -58°F, according your desire. You gain an increase to your AC equal to your Wisdom modifier. Your attacks now deal an additional 1d6 cold damage, and can reduce the enemy's movement speed by half in case of a critical hit. You gain resistance to fire, slashing, piercing, and bashing damage. You can cast ice structures at the cost of 1 ki per d6 damage our health in a 30-foot area.

You regain all of your ki points when you take a long rest, or half of them when you take a short rest.

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