Eldritch Spirit (5e Creature)

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Eldritch Spirit[edit]

Medium or Small celestial, fey or fiend, unaligned

Armor Class 10 + your Intelligence modifier + your Proficiency Bonus
Hit Points 2 + your Intelligence modifier + 5 times your artificer level (the spirit has a number of Hit Dice [d8s] equal to your artificer level)
Speed 0 ft., Fly 30 ft. (hover)

10 (+0) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 6 (-2) 13 (+1) 14 (+2)

Saving Throws Dex +3 plus PB, Cha +2 plus PB
Skills Stealth +3 plus PB
Damage Resistances Radiant (celestial), Necrotic (fiend), Psychic (fey)
Damage Immunities Poison
Condition Immunities Poisoned, Prone, Grappled, Charmed, Exhaustion
Senses passive Perception 11
Languages the languages of its master
Challenge 0 (0 XP)

Proficiency Bonus (PB): equals your bonus

Incorporeal Movement: The spirit can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object.

Fey Step (Fey Only): The Spirit magically teleports up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space it can see after it makes an attack.

Death Throes (Fiend Only):. When the Spirit drops to 0 hit points, the spirit explodes, and each creature within 10 feet of it must make a Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC. A creature takes a number of d6s equal to half your artificer level in fire damage

Healing Touch (3/Day) (Celestial Only) The Spirit touches another creature. The target magically regains hit points equal to 2d8 + half your artificer level.


Celestial Bow (Celestial Only) Ranged Weapon Attack: your spell attack modifier to hit , reach 60 ft., one target. Hit: 1d8 + 3 + PB Radiant damage.

Fey Blade. (Fey Only) Melee Weapon Attack: your spell attack modifier to hit , reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d8 + 3 + PB Psychic damage.

Fiend Claw. (Fiend Only) Melee Weapon Attack: your spell attack modifier to hit , reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d8 + 3 + PB Necrotic damage.

bonus actions

This Creature is made for this class ---> https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Eldritch_Forger_(5e_Subclass)#Eldritch_Forger

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