Eladradactyl (4e Race)

There are strange things in this world, like lizardmen who look like elves. Who fly.
Racial Traits |
Average Height: 5'0" - 6'2" |
Average Weight: 100lb. - 200lb. |
Ability Scores: +2 to Intelligence and +2 to Dexterity |
Size: Medium |
Speed: 6 squares |
Vision: Low-light vision |
Languages: Common, Elven |
Skill Bonuses: +2 to history, +2 to arcana |
Glider: If you fall willingly, you do not take falling damage. Additionally, as you fall, you can move up to 2 squares horizontally for every 1 square you descend. |
Fey Origin: Your ancestors were native to the Feywild, so you are considered a fey creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin. |
Trance: Rather than sleep, eladradactyl enter a meditative state known as trance like eladrin. You need to spend 4 hours in this state to gain the same benefits other races gain from taking a 6-hour extended rest. While in a trance, you are fully aware of your surroundings and notice approaching enemies and other events as normal. |
Unholy Shriek: You can use unholy shriek as an encounter power. |
Unholy Shriek | Eladradactyl Racial Power |
You unleash a horrific cry that strikes your enemies dumb. | |
Encounter | |
Standard Action | Close burst 1 |
Target: All creatures within burst | |
Attack: Intelligence + 2 Vs. Will | |
Hit: Targets are stunned until the end of their next turn | |
Level 11: Intelligence + 4
Level 21: Intelligence + 6 |
It is said that the eladradactyl were created as a result of some reptilian ritual. Supposedly enslaved by yuan-ti, a group of eladrin were presented as sacrifices to a god of proto-dragons. The sacrificial ritual twisted their bodies into something like that of the pteranodons. They were released due to a scuffle following the ritual, though to no detriment of their captors. They have since been mired as partial beasts in the steamy forests of Chult, fighting their newfound mutation and mental torture resulting from it. Over the passage of time, their numbers have burgeoned alongside the other dinosaurs in the area. The mental deterioration as a result of the ritual is believed to have waned, allowing their descendants to rejoin society to a degree.
Physical Qualities[edit]
The eladradactyl shares elven traits with the eladrin, which are considered a sort of foundation for this race's appearance. But while they have the sleek face and knife ears, an eladradactyl is obviously not an eladrin. They have long fingers like a bat, which elongate to frame webbing that covers their arms and expends down to their thighs. This makes them rather poor at normal prehensile tasks, but they can carry and get on with daily life well enough. While they appear like wings, they are actually insufficient for the eladradactyl to actually fly. In addition to these odd arms, eladradactyl have a somewhat beastly appearance. They have horns, sharp teeth, and a short tail. These, along with their webbed arms, will often have a scaly pattern on the skin. The eyes of an eladradactyl are startlingly reptilian in appearance.
Eladradactyl are known to have a shortened life span compared to elves, only reaching about a century or so on average. They age poorly, showing a good deal of deterioration in their body as they do so, and their body notably becomes scalier as they grow elderly. Old eladradactyl appear almost like lizardfolk if not for some hair. No matter what age they are though, eladradactyl usually adhere to ascetic fashion to best accommodate their appendages.
Attitudes and Beliefs[edit]
Eladradactyl, due to the ritual's effects, have an inherited disposition characterized by animalistic instinct. While they retain a high level of intelligence, they lack things like patience and some common sense. They can react very angrily when things don't go their way or when people don't listen to them, as they see their own opinions superior usually. Their head strong nature has turned them away from beliefs of religion. This is also possibly because their plight is due to such beliefs in deities from the first place.
Eladradactyls Communities[edit]
They have largely remained in the steamy jungles that are stones throw away from the fallen ziggurats of the yuan-ti civilizations. They live alongside creatures like pteranodons and tortles in such jungles, in nests built just under the canopy level of trees. These homes are usually built in clusters that form their neighborhood, with up to 20 members at a time. Mothers commune to watch over their clutch of eggs, which are born from slimy filmed ova. Males make precarious trips to the nearby rivers and fruit trees to hunt for food. Over the course of time, they have modernized a little to have larger abodes in trees, built like a tree house. Eladradactyl are reluctant to ever leave their home usually, but some eventually desire a life outside of self-pity.
Eladradactyl Adventurers[edit]
The community of eladradactyl is by no means outgoing. They usually are reticent to be involved in affairs which do not concern or benefit them. However, grand scale promises, like a cure for their condition, or a chance at return, is ample reason to motivate a hopeful eladradactyl to move out into the world.
Wizard: A thirst for knowledge to cure their condition drives eladradactyl into arcane studies often.
Rogue: Utilizing their stealth and ability to glide, some eladradactyl make decent sneaks.
Warlord: Few eledradactyl reach this level of influence. But their natural drive and zeal can make them viable leaders.
Three sample Eladradactyl adventurers are described below.
Kanzo was an eladradactyl wizard who has left his nest in search of leads on a magical formula from old Mhairshaulk.
Ey'lee is a an eladradactyl rogue that found the life in the jungle too meager. She is happier doing dirty work around the city for coin.
Cer'Ran is an eladradactyl warlord who unexpectedly got a promotion to lead the local mercenary group. Their latest mission is a raid on some cults, which he despises for their disgusting behavior.
Roleplaying an Eladridactyl[edit]
When creating a Eladridactyl adventurer, here are a few points to consider.
Social interactions Eladradactyl see others usually as undeserving in opinion and slower than themselves. Due to their appearance, it is not uncommon for eladradactyl to be seen as monsters like orcs and treated as such outsiders.
Motive Many eladradactyl search for a better life, some even to break their curse maybe, and turn their race back to normal.
Eladradactyl Characteristics: Headstrong, intelligent, self-righteous, egotistic, impatient, brash
Eladradactyl Male Names: Se'eegahl, Re'Art, Anartos, O'se
Eladradactyl Female Names: Le'andra, Ophilia, Ferius, Es'sse
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