Dwelf (4e Race)

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So-called "abominations," dwelves are the union between elves and dwarves, simplest put

Racial Traits
Average Height: 5'0"
Average Weight: 170
Ability Scores: +2 Intelligence, +2 Dexterity or +2 Constitution
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares squares
Vision: Low-light
Languages: Common, Elven or Dwarven
Skill Bonuses: +2 Nature, +2 Endurance
Dual Heritage: You can take feats that have either elf or dwarf as a prerequisite (as well as those specifically for half-elves), as long as you meet any other requirements.
Weapon Proficiency: You gain proficiency with the shortbow and warhammer.
Dwarven Stomach: You have a +2 racial bonus to saving throws against poison.
Elven Step: You ignore difficult terrain when you shift (even if you have a power that allows you to shift multiple squares).

Dwelves are the so-called "accursed" offspring of elves and dwarves. This is based largely on old stigmas that the two races had about one another. Usually, their kingdoms kept diplomacy, but at arm's length. For an elf to lay with a dwarf, it was seen as degrading. And dwarves derided elves as flimsy. Surely nothing good could come of the other! But, these two populous races with their considerable numbers in various worlds inevitably have some members that go about curiously. The dwelves come about as minute occurrences in these instances and are seen as oddities. To begin with, there is only a quarter of a chance a dwelf is born when an elf and dwarf mate. 75% of the time, the offspring will turn out some boring human. But dwelves have carved out a small niche for themselves between two very different societies and cultures, often raised in bits of both and ultimately becoming dissatisfied with both.

Physical Qualities[edit]

<!-Description. Why does the race look like it does? Does the race look similar to another race, and why? How does the race dress in their day-to-day lives and in their adventuring? Is there a trait that people everywhere can relate to the race?->

Attitudes and Beliefs[edit]

<!-Description. What are the race's individual attitudes and beliefs? What are the race's social attitudes and beliefs?->

<!-Race Name-> Communities[edit]

<!-Description. What are the race's communities like? What are the race's community hierarchy and social divisions like? How is the race treated during adventuring?->

<!-Race Name-> Adventurers[edit]

<!-Description. Why does the race adventurer and what do they stand to gain from it?->

<!-Favored Class 1->: <!-Description. What are the race's adventurers of this class like? Why should a character choose this class?->

<!-Favored Class 2->: <!-Description. What are the race's adventurers of this class like? Why should a character choose this class?->

<!-Favored Class 3->: <!-Description. What are the race's adventurers of this class like? Why should a character choose this class?->

Three sample <!-race name-> adventurers are described below.

Roleplaying a <!-Race Name->[edit]

When creating a <!-race name-> adventurer, here are a few points to consider.

<!-Lead text.-> <!-Description. Why does this roleplaying point relate to the race? What does this roleplaying point mean for characters of the race? What does this roleplaying point mean for the party?->

<!-Lead text.-> <!-Description. Why does this roleplaying point relate to the race? What does this roleplaying point mean for characters of the race? What does this roleplaying point mean for the party?->

<!-Lead text.-> <!-Description. Why does this roleplaying point relate to the race? What does this roleplaying point mean for characters of the race? What does this roleplaying point mean for the party?->

<!-Race name-> Characteristics:

<!-Race name-> Male Names:

<!-Race name-> Female Names:

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