Dwarven Earthshaker (4e Equipment)

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"Thish... now thish ish da good shtuff"-Reported last words of Magnus Halfbeard.

Dwarves really know a lot about alcohol, it has to be said. This variety of dwarven spirits is well known for its ability to floor even the largest of alcoholics, and was nicknamed the "earthshaker" after the sound of overconfident adventurers passing out on the bar room floor. It is in short supply, but the demand is growing, making this drink relatively expensive, but despite this, it remains a favourite of drinking contests throughout the land.

Using the 3.5 edition rules for alcohol as according to "Tournaments, Fairs and Taverns", adapted for 4th edition, this drink contains 16 alcohol units per shot. Drinkers gain one temporary hitpoint per 2 shots imbibed, in addition to the hitpoints gained by drinking (approximately one hitpoint per level for 4th edition, as there are no hit dice), until they become Plastered. The temporary hitpoints last until the user sleeps off the alcohol.

Cost per shot: 1gp 25sp

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