Dwarf-Elf (5e Race Variant)

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Dwarf-Elf Variant[edit]

On rare occasions, a Dwarf and an Elf will mate. This generally results in their offspring taking characteristics from both parents. Most children take Elven traits early on until adolescence when their Dwarven heritage comes in.

As adults, they have Elven ears and Dwarven hair. Males develop thick beards while females have long, thick hair.

Darkvision. As inherited from both parents. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray..

Dwarven Lineage. You inherit from your dwarven parent Tool Proficiency and Dwarven Resilience, and one of the following based on their own lineage:

  • Hill Dwarf Instead of your normal ability score increase, increase your Constitution score by 1. You also get ½ time reduction on crafting 2-handed Martial Weapons with a +1 to attack rolls.
  • Mountain Dwarf Instead of your normal ability score increase, increase your Strength score by 1. You also get ½ time reduction on crafting 1-handed Martial Weapons with a +1 to attack rolls.

Elven Lineage. You inherit from your elven parent Fey Ancestry and Fey Step, and one of the following based on their own lineage:

Design Note: This subrace option allows the player to become more powerful than the elf and dwarf races as it is presented in the System Reference Document. This is considered acceptable because this race matches the versatility of Human hybrids.

Ability Score Increase. One ability score of your choice increases by 1. You can increase the same ability score that is increased by your base race.

Age. Elf/Dwarf hybrids have similar lifespans to full Elves.

Keen Senses. You have proficiency in the Perception skill. If you've chosen Wood Elf, you gain expertise.

Weapon Training. As an elf and dwarf, you gain proficiency with all the weapons from one of the following options:

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