Duality Backgrounds (Duality&Dice 5e Homebrew)

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A special aspect of D&D encapsulating what a character was before they started their journey, the available one's for the Duality&Dice 5e Homebrew are listed below. All based around Highschooler Stereotypes.

Average Student[edit]

A normal Highschooler who gets average grades and seems like nothing special. A special knack for always being just decent at everything.

  • Skill Proficiencies: None
  • Tool Proficiencies: None
  • Languages: English, Spanish, and the language from the country you originate
  • Equipment: Backpack, a Notebook, a Pencil, Your Favorite Book, a Cellphone, and 25,000 Ratashi
Feature: Jack of All Trades[edit]

You can add half your proficiency bonus, rounded down, to any ability check you make that doesn't already include your proficiency bonus. Additionally you gain a +1 to all stats.


You've played sports, you know the whole stereotype. Whether you fall under it or not isn't important, you'll just keep doing what you love.

  • Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Acrobatics
  • Tool Proficiencies: None
  • Languages: English and the language from the country you originate
  • Equipment: Backpack, a piece of sports equipment relating to what you played, a Cellphone, and 50,000 Ratashi
Feature: Natural Athlete[edit]

You gain a +3 to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution, but a -2 to Intelligence and Wisdom.

Band Kid[edit]

You're a loose screw for sure, but you don't let that stop you. Being yourself is your goal, regardless of social norms.

  • Skill Proficiencies: Performance
  • Tool Proficiencies: Musical Instrument of your choice
  • Languages: English and the language from the country you originiate
  • Equipment: Backpack, a Musical Instrument, a Cellphone, and 2,500 Ratashi
Feature: Strange Afflictions[edit]

You have advantage on all Performance checks using a musical instrument and gain a +2 to Intelligence, but you make all Persuasion, Intimidation, and Deception checks with disadvantage.

Quiet Kid[edit]

Nobody really knows what you like, you aren't really friends with anyone. The mystery leads many to think you might be some villain, they might be right.

  • Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Sleight of Hand
  • Tool Proficiencies: Tinker's Tools
  • Languages: English, 1 of your choice, and the language from the country you originate
  • Equipment: Backpack, 20 rounds, a Notebook, and 35,000 Ratashi
Feature: Life Unknown[edit]

You gain a +3 to all ranged attack rolls, but you have disadvantage in Persuasion and Performance and have a -2 to Charisma.


You never truly experienced high school, nor all the experiences that come with it. Maybe you're a bit dumber but hey, you never had to wake up at 6am.

  • Skill Proficiencies: 1 of your choice
  • Tool Proficiencies: 1 of your choice
  • Languages: English, 1 of your choice, and the language from the country you originate
  • Equipment: a Cellphone, 20,000 Ratashi
Feature: Niche Talents[edit]

Once per long rest, you may grant yourself a +10 to a skill check, but you have a -1 to Intelligence and have disadvantage to Charisma saves.


Intelligence is all you care about, you don't care for your social status as long as you get good grades.

  • Skill Proficiencies: History, Arcana, Religion
  • Tool Proficiencies: 1 of your choice
  • Languages: English, Spanish, Japanese, 1 of your choice, and the language from the country you originate
  • Equipment: a Backpack, a Textbook, you favorite novel, a Laptop, a Cellphone, and 10,000 Ratashi
Feature: Brain over Brawn[edit]

You gain a +5 to Intelligence and Wisdom, but a -3 to Strength and Constitution

Rich Kid[edit]

You got money, who needs school? You got your dad's credit card and the highway to success.

  • Skill Proficiencies: None
  • Tool Proficiencies: None
  • Languages: English, and the language from the country you originate
  • Equipment: Car Keys, a Cellphone, and 500,000 Ratashi
Feature: Buy Me Prada[edit]

Once per long rest, you can call your dad who will send you 50,000 Ratashi. But you have a -1 to Intelligence and Wisdom.

Popular Kid[edit]

You get all the attention in school, because you can. All the gossip is around you.

  • Skill Proficiencies: Persuasion
  • Tool Proficiencies: None
  • Languages: English, and the language from the country you originate
  • Equipment: a Cellphone, a Backpack, a Makeup bag with lipstick, nail polish, and other makeup (girl), and 150,000 Ratashi
Feature: Pride or Passion?[edit]

You gain expertise in Persuasion and a +4 to Charisma, but you have a -2 to Intelligence

The Bully[edit]

You are a jerk, kinda just cuz. You have reasons but you prefer not to share.

  • Skill Proficiencies: Intimidation
  • Tool Proficiencies: None
  • Languages: English, and the language from the country you originate
  • Equipment: 10,000 Ratashi
Feature: Pain[edit]

When you succeed an Intimidation check, you can frighten the creature. Your damage tier increased by 3 against frightened creatures. However, you take double damage from emotional damage.

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